* @param forceChange
* @param game
* @return
private Target chooseNewTarget(Player player, SpellAbility spellAbility, Mode mode, Target target, boolean forceChange, Game game) {
Target newTarget = target.copy();
for (UUID targetId : target.getTargets()) {
String targetNames = getNamesOftargets(targetId, game);
// change the target?
if (targetNames != null
&& (forceChange || player.chooseUse(mode.getEffects().get(0).getOutcome(), "Change this target: " + targetNames + "?", game))) {
// choose exactly one other target
if (forceChange && target.possibleTargets(this.getSourceId(), getControllerId(), game).size() > 1) { // controller of spell must be used (e.g. TargetOpponent)
int iteration = 0;
do {
if (iteration > 0) {
game.informPlayer(player, "You may only select exactly one target that must be different from the origin target!");
// TODO: Distinction between "spell controller" and "player that can change the target" - here player is used for both
newTarget.chooseTarget(mode.getEffects().get(0).getOutcome(), player.getId(), spellAbility, game);
} while (player.isInGame() && (targetId.equals(newTarget.getFirstTarget()) || newTarget.getTargets().size() != 1));
// choose a new target
} else {
// build a target definition with exactly one possible target to select that replaces old target
Target tempTarget = target.copy();
if (target instanceof TargetAmount) {
((TargetAmount)tempTarget).setAmountDefinition(new StaticValue(target.getTargetAmount(targetId)));
boolean again;
do {
again = false;
if (!tempTarget.chooseTarget(mode.getEffects().get(0).getOutcome(), player.getId(), spellAbility, game)) {
if (player.chooseUse(Outcome.Benefit, "No target object selected. Reset to original target?", game)) {
// use previous target no target was selected
newTarget.addTarget(targetId, target.getTargetAmount(targetId), spellAbility, game, false);
} else {
again = true;
} else {
// if possible add the alternate Target - it may not be included in the old definition nor in the already selected targets of the new definition
if (newTarget.getTargets().contains(tempTarget.getFirstTarget()) || target.getTargets().contains(tempTarget.getFirstTarget())) {
if(player.isHuman()) {
game.informPlayer(player, "This target was already selected from origin spell. You can only keep this target!");
again = true;
} else {
newTarget.addTarget(targetId, target.getTargetAmount(targetId), spellAbility, game, false);
} else {
// valid target was selected, add it to the new target definition
newTarget.addTarget(tempTarget.getFirstTarget(), target.getTargetAmount(targetId), spellAbility, game, false);
} while (again && player.isInGame());