* @return an enumeration of all the available options.
public Enumeration<Option> listOptions() {
Vector<Option> newVector = new Vector<Option>();
newVector.add(new Option("\tSet the fields to forecast.", "F", 1,
"-F <comma separated list of names>"));
newVector.add(new Option("\tSet the fields to be considered "
+ "as overlay data.", "overlay", 1,
"-overlay <comma separated list of names>"));
newVector.add(new Option("\tSet the minimum lag length to generate."
+ "\n\t(default = 1)", "L", 1, "-L <num>"));
newVector.add(new Option("\tSet the maximum lag length to generate."
+ "\n\t(default = 12)", "M", 1, "-M <num>"));
newVector.add(new Option("\tFine tune selection of lags within min and "
+ "max by specifying" + " ranges", "R", 1, "-R <ranges>"));
newVector.add(new Option("\tAverage consecutive long lags.", "A", 0, "-A"));
newVector.add(new Option("\tAverage those lags longer than this number of"
+ "time steps.\n\tUse in conjuction with -A.\n\t" + "(default = 2)",
"B", 1, "-B <num>"));
newVector.add(new Option("\tAverage this many consecutive long lags.\n\t"
+ "Use in conjuction with -B (default = 2)", "C", 1, "-C <num>"));
newVector.add(new Option("\tDon't adjust for trends.", "Z", 0, "-Z"));
newVector.add(new Option("\tSpecify the name of the timestamp field", "G",
1, "-G <timestamp name>"));
newVector.add(new Option("\tAdjust for variance.", "V", 0, "-V"));
newVector.add(new Option("\tSpecify the primary periodic field, "
+ "\n\tif one exists already in the data "
+ "(e.g. day, month, quarter etc.\n\tIf there is more than"
+ "one such field, choose the one with the finest granularity.\n\t"
+ "This field must be" + "cyclic and declared as nominal.", "periodic",
1, "-periodic <field name>"));
newVector.add(new Option(
"\tCalculate confidence limits for predictions\n\t"
+ "(based on errors) for up to, and including, "
+ "the specified\n\tnumber of time steps"
+ "into the future\n\t(default = 0 (don't compute conf. levels)).",
"conf", 1, "-conf <num steps>"));
newVector.add(new Option(
"\tConfidence level for computing confidence limits.\n\t"
+ "Use in conjunction with -conf.\n\t(default = 0.95).", "P", 1,
"-P <confidence level>"));
newVector.add(new Option("\tSpecify the base regression scheme to use.\n\t"
+ "Supply a fully qualified name, along with options, enclosed in\n\t"
+ "quotes (e.g. \"weka.classifiers.functions.SMOreg -R 0.5\")."
+ "\n\t(default = weka.classifiers.functions.SMOreg)", "W", 1, "-W"));
newVector.add(new Option(
"\tAdd an AM/PM indicator (requires a date timestamp)", "am-pm", 0,
newVector.add(new Option("\tAdd a day of the week field (requres a date"
+ " timestamp)", "day", 0, "-dayofweek"));
newVector.add(new Option("\tAdd a day of the month field (requres a date"
+ " timestamp)", "dayofmonth", 0, "-dayofmonth"));
newVector.add(new Option(
"\tAdd a number of days in the month field (requres a date"
+ " timestamp)", "numdaysinmonth", 0, "-numdaysinmonth"));
newVector.add(new Option(
"\tAdd a weekend indicator (requires a date timestamp)", "weekend", 0,
newVector.add(new Option("\tAdd a month field (requires a date timestamp)",
"month", 0, "-month"));
newVector.add(new Option("\tAdd a quarter of the year field ("
+ "requires a date timestamp)", "quarter", 0, "-quarter"));
newVector.add(new Option("\tAdd a custom date-derived boolean field ("
+ "requires a date timestamp).\n\tFormat: \"fieldName="
+ "Test Test|Test Test| ...\n\twhere "
+ "Test = OPERATORyear:month:week-of-yr:week-of-month:"
+ "day-of-yr:day-of-month:day-of-week:hour:min:second\n\te.g."
+ "XmasHoliday=>:dec::::24::: <:jan::::3:::\n\t"
+ "Legal OPERATORs are =,>,<,>=,<=. For = operator only\n\t"
+ "one Test is needed rather than a pair.\n\tThis option may"
+ " be specified more than once on the command line\n\t"
+ "in order to define multiple variables.", "custom", 1, "-custom"));
.add(new Option(
"\tAdd a comma-separated 'skip' list of dates that should not\n\t"
+ "be considered as a time step. Days of the week,\n\t"
+ "months of the year, 'weekend', integers (indicating day of year\n\t"
+ ", hour of day etc.) or specific dates are all valid entries.\n\t"
+ "E.g sat,sun,27-08-2011,28-08-2011", "skip", 1, "-skip"));