Class implementing an Apriori-type algorithm. Iteratively reduces the minimum support until it finds the required number of rules with the given minimum confidence.
The algorithm has an option to mine class association rules. It is adapted as explained in the second reference.
For more information see:
R. Agrawal, R. Srikant: Fast Algorithms for Mining Association Rules in Large Databases. In: 20th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 478-499, 1994.
Bing Liu, Wynne Hsu, Yiming Ma: Integrating Classification and Association Rule Mining. In: Fourth International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 80-86, 1998.
@inproceedings{Agrawal1994, author = {R. Agrawal and R. Srikant}, booktitle = {20th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases}, pages = {478-499}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann, Los Altos, CA}, title = {Fast Algorithms for Mining Association Rules in Large Databases}, year = {1994} } @inproceedings{Liu1998, author = {Bing Liu and Wynne Hsu and Yiming Ma}, booktitle = {Fourth International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining}, pages = {80-86}, publisher = {AAAI Press}, title = {Integrating Classification and Association Rule Mining}, year = {1998} }
Valid options are:
-N <required number of rules output> The required number of rules. (default = 10)
-T <0=confidence | 1=lift | 2=leverage | 3=Conviction> The metric type by which to rank rules. (default = confidence)
-C <minimum metric score of a rule> The minimum confidence of a rule. (default = 0.9)
-D <delta for minimum support> The delta by which the minimum support is decreased in each iteration. (default = 0.05)
-U <upper bound for minimum support> Upper bound for minimum support. (default = 1.0)
-M <lower bound for minimum support> The lower bound for the minimum support. (default = 0.1)
-S <significance level> If used, rules are tested for significance at the given level. Slower. (default = no significance testing)
-I If set the itemsets found are also output. (default = no)
-R Remove columns that contain all missing values (default = no)
-V Report progress iteratively. (default = no)
-A If set class association rules are mined. (default = no)
-c <the class index> The class index. (default = last)
@author Eibe Frank (
@author Mark Hall (
@author Stefan Mutter (
@version $Revision: 7067 $