Examples of Point2D

Examples of java.awt.geom.Point2D

        else if(constraints.getMaximumColumnValue() < 0 && c.getSecondYAxis() != null)
            xpt = constraints.getMaximumColumnValue();
        AffineTransform at = c.getTransform(CoordSystem.FIRST_YAXIS);
        Point2D o = at.transform(new Point2D.Double(xpt, constraints.getMaximumValue().doubleValue()), null);
        Point2D u = at.transform(new Point2D.Double(xpt, constraints.getMinimumValue().doubleValue()), null);
        //System.out.println("** Y-Axis ("+o+", "+u+")");
        return new Line2D.Double(o, u);
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Examples of java.awt.geom.Point2D

    public Line2D getSecondYAxisLine2D() {
        double xpt = constraints2.getMaximumColumnValue();
        AffineTransform at = c.getTransform(CoordSystem.SECOND_YAXIS);
        Point2D o = at.transform(new Point2D.Double(xpt, constraints2.getMaximumValue().doubleValue()), null);
        Point2D u = at.transform(new Point2D.Double(xpt, constraints2.getMinimumValue().doubleValue()), null);
        return new Line2D.Double(o, u);
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Examples of java.awt.geom.Point2D

                x0 = getBounds().getX()+getLeftMargin()+
                y0 = getBounds().getY()+getBounds().getHeight() - getBottomMargin() -
                Point2D p = new Point2D.Double(x0, y0);
                    return p;
                    return null;
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Examples of java.awt.geom.Point2D

        // Get the fitting text!
        String textChunk = textFitter.getFittedText();
        float textChunkWidth = textFitter.getFittedWidth();
        Point2D textChunkLocation = new Point2D.Double(

        // Render the fitting text:
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Examples of java.awt.geom.Point2D


    float radiusX = (float)location.getWidth() / 2;
    float radiusY = (float)location.getHeight() / 2;

    final Point2D center = new Point2D.Double(
      location.getX() + radiusX,
      location.getY() + radiusY

    double radians1 = Math.toRadians(startAngle);
    Point2D point1 = new Point2D.Double(
      center.getX() + Math.cos(radians1) * radiusX,
      center.getY() - Math.sin(radians1) * radiusY


    final double endRadians = Math.toRadians(endAngle);
    final double quadrantRadians = Math.PI / 2;
    double radians2 = Math.min(
      radians1 + quadrantRadians - radians1 % quadrantRadians,
    final double kappa = 0.5522847498;
      double segmentX = radiusX * kappa;
      double segmentY = radiusY * kappa;

      // Endpoint 2.
      Point2D point2 = new Point2D.Double(
        center.getX() + Math.cos(radians2) * radiusX,
        center.getY() - Math.sin(radians2) * radiusY

      // Control point 1.
      double tangentialRadians1 = Math.atan(
        -(Math.pow(radiusY,2) * (point1.getX()-center.getX()))
          / (Math.pow(radiusX,2) * (point1.getY()-center.getY()))
      double segment1 = (
        segmentY * (1 - Math.abs(Math.sin(radians1)))
          + segmentX * (1 - Math.abs(Math.cos(radians1)))
        ) * (radians2-radians1) / quadrantRadians; // TODO: control segment calculation is still not so accurate as it should -- verify how to improve it!!!
      Point2D control1 = new Point2D.Double(
        point1.getX() + Math.abs(Math.cos(tangentialRadians1) * segment1) * Math.signum(-Math.sin(radians1)),
        point1.getY() + Math.abs(Math.sin(tangentialRadians1) * segment1) * Math.signum(-Math.cos(radians1))

      // Control point 2.
      double tangentialRadians2 = Math.atan(
        -(Math.pow(radiusY,2) * (point2.getX()-center.getX()))
          / (Math.pow(radiusX,2) * (point2.getY()-center.getY()))
      double segment2 = (
        segmentY * (1 - Math.abs(Math.sin(radians2)))
          + segmentX * (1 - Math.abs(Math.cos(radians2)))
        ) * (radians2-radians1) / quadrantRadians; // TODO: control segment calculation is still not so accurate as it should -- verify how to improve it!!!
      Point2D control2 = new Point2D.Double(
        point2.getX() + Math.abs(Math.cos(tangentialRadians2) * segment2) * Math.signum(Math.sin(radians2)),
        point2.getY() + Math.abs(Math.sin(tangentialRadians2) * segment2) * Math.signum(Math.cos(radians2))

      // Draw the current quadrant curve!
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Examples of javafx.geometry.Point2D

      public void handle(ActionEvent ae) {
        Parent parent = SimpleCalendar.this.getParent();
        // Popup will be shown at upper left corner of calenderbutton
        Point2D point = calenderButton.localToScene(0, 0);
        final double layoutX = parent.getScene().getWindow().getX() + parent.getScene().getX() + point.getX();
        final double layoutY = parent.getScene().getWindow().getY() + parent.getScene().getY() + point.getY();
        popup.show(SimpleCalendar.this, layoutX, layoutY);

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Examples of javax.vecmath.Point2d

  private void drawLightSensor(Graphics g, LightSensor lightSensor) {
    if (this.hightLightRoboterModelElements.contains(lightSensor)) {
    Point2d leftLightSensorPoint = roboterConstruction.getRoboterElementPoint(lightSensor);
    SlickRenderUtils.fillCircle(g, leftLightSensorPoint.getX(), leftLightSensorPoint.getY(), 3);
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Examples of math.geom2d.Point2D

      if (DI_CIRCLES.contains(sourceRefStencilId)) {
        Circle2D eventCircle = new Circle2D(sourceInfo.getX() + sourceDockersX,
            sourceInfo.getY() + sourceDockersY, sourceDockersX);
        Collection<Point2D> intersections = eventCircle.intersections(firstLine);
        Point2D intersection = intersections.iterator().next();
        graphicInfoList.add(createGraphicInfo(intersection.getX(), intersection.getY()));
      } else if (DI_RECTANGLES.contains(sourceRefStencilId)) {
        Polyline2D rectangle = createRectangle(sourceInfo);
        Collection<Point2D> intersections = rectangle.intersections(firstLine);
        Point2D intersection = intersections.iterator().next();
        graphicInfoList.add(createGraphicInfo(intersection.getX(), intersection.getY()));
      } else if (DI_GATEWAY.contains(sourceRefStencilId)) {
        Polyline2D gatewayRectangle = createGateway(sourceInfo);
        Collection<Point2D> intersections = gatewayRectangle.intersections(firstLine);
        Point2D intersection = intersections.iterator().next();
        graphicInfoList.add(createGraphicInfo(intersection.getX(), intersection.getY()));
      Line2D lastLine = null;
      if (dockersNode.size() > 2) {
        for(int i = 1; i < dockersNode.size() - 1; i++) {
          double x = dockersNode.get(i).get(EDITOR_BOUNDS_X).getDoubleValue();
          double y = dockersNode.get(i).get(EDITOR_BOUNDS_Y).getDoubleValue();
          graphicInfoList.add(createGraphicInfo(x, y));
        double startLastLineX = dockersNode.get(dockersNode.size() - 2).get(EDITOR_BOUNDS_X).getDoubleValue();
        double startLastLineY = dockersNode.get(dockersNode.size() - 2).get(EDITOR_BOUNDS_Y).getDoubleValue();
        double endLastLineX = dockersNode.get(dockersNode.size() - 1).get(EDITOR_BOUNDS_X).getDoubleValue();
        double endLastLineY = dockersNode.get(dockersNode.size() - 1).get(EDITOR_BOUNDS_Y).getDoubleValue();
        endLastLineX += targetInfo.getX();
        endLastLineY += targetInfo.getY();
        lastLine = new Line2D(startLastLineX, startLastLineY, endLastLineX, endLastLineY);
      } else {
        lastLine = firstLine;
      if (DI_RECTANGLES.contains(targetRefStencilId)) {
        Polyline2D rectangle = createRectangle(targetInfo);
        Collection<Point2D> intersections = rectangle.intersections(lastLine);
        Point2D intersection = intersections.iterator().next();
        graphicInfoList.add(createGraphicInfo(intersection.getX(), intersection.getY()));
      } else if (DI_CIRCLES.contains(targetRefStencilId)) {
        double targetDockersX = dockersNode.get(dockersNode.size() - 1).get(EDITOR_BOUNDS_X).getDoubleValue();
        double targetDockersY = dockersNode.get(dockersNode.size() - 1).get(EDITOR_BOUNDS_Y).getDoubleValue();
        Circle2D eventCircle = new Circle2D(targetInfo.getX() + targetDockersX,
            targetInfo.getY() + targetDockersY, targetDockersX);
        Collection<Point2D> intersections = eventCircle.intersections(lastLine);
        Point2D intersection = intersections.iterator().next();
        graphicInfoList.add(createGraphicInfo(intersection.getX(), intersection.getY()));
      } else if (DI_GATEWAY.contains(targetRefStencilId)) {
        Polyline2D gatewayRectangle = createGateway(targetInfo);
        Collection<Point2D> intersections = gatewayRectangle.intersections(lastLine);
        Point2D intersection = intersections.iterator().next();
        graphicInfoList.add(createGraphicInfo(intersection.getX(), intersection.getY()));
      BPMNEdge eggeTemp=BpmnDiFactory.eINSTANCE.createBPMNEdge();
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Examples of org.codemap.util.geom.Point2D

        // 1. set the grandParent catmull-rom point. This is the parent of n1
        n2 = n1.getRoutingParent();
        if (n2 == null) {
            //System.out.println("n2 is null");
            Point2D n1Pt = n1.getLocation();
            // if the grandParent doesn't exist (this is the root),
            // then we want to construct a grandParent point that is suitable.
            // we do this by taking the average position of all the children
            // constructing the vector between the node and those children
            // flipping the vector, and moving it away from the parent point
            Iterator gpIter = n1.getOutEdges().iterator();
            //System.out.println("n1.outEdges: " + n1.getOutEdges().size());
            double avgX, avgY;
            int count = 0;
            avgX = avgY = 0;
            while (gpIter.hasNext()) {
                Edge e2 = (Edge) gpIter.next();
                Point2D e2Pt = e2.getSecondNode()
                //System.out.println("averaging points: " + e2Pt);
                avgX += e2Pt.getX();
                avgY += e2Pt.getY();

            avgX /= count;
            avgY /= count;
            Vector2D gpVec = new Vector2D(n1Pt, new Point2D.Double(avgX, avgY));
            Point2D gpVecNorm = gpVec.getNormalized();
            gpVecNorm.setLocation(-1 * gpVecNorm.getX(), -1 * gpVecNorm.getY());
            grandParent = new Point2D.Double(n1Pt.getX() + 10
                    * gpVecNorm.getX(), n1Pt.getY() + 10 * gpVecNorm.getY());

        } else {
            //System.out.println("n2 is not null");
            grandParent = n1.getPrevControlPoint();
            //System.out.println("Prev Control Point for " +
            // ((FlowNode)n1.getEntity()).toStringId() + " has prev control
            // point: " + grandParent);
        //System.out.println("grandparent: " + grandParent);

        // 2. the parent catmull-rom point is n1, since we want it to
        // go through this point
        parent = n1.getLocation();
        Point2D shiftPoint = null;
        // additive edge code
        // only shift edges if we are not at the root
        // relies on the fact that there only 2 edges per node
        if (m_additiveEdges && (n1.getRoutingParent() != null)) {

            n2 = n1.getRoutingParent(); //redundant, but who cares
            // get the other edge that starts from n1
            Edge otherEdgeItem = null;
            //System.out.println("n1.getOutEdges().size() " + n1.getOutEdges().size());
            for (Edge other: n1.getOutEdges()) {
                if ((otherEdgeItem = other) != edge) break;
            assert(otherEdgeItem != null);
//          find the parent edge from n2 to n1
            Edge parentEdgeItem = null;
            for (Edge parent: n2.getOutEdges()) {
                parentEdgeItem = parent;
                if (parentEdgeItem.isIncident(n1) && (parentEdgeItem.isIncident(n2))) {
            assert(parentEdgeItem != null);
            Node item1;
            Node item2;
            // get vectors for both edges
            item1 = edge.getFirstNode();
            item2 = edge.getSecondNode();
            Vector2D thisEdgeVec = new Vector2D(item1.getLocation(), item2.getLocation());
            item1 = otherEdgeItem.getFirstNode();
            item2 = otherEdgeItem.getSecondNode();
            Vector2D otherEdgeVec = new Vector2D(item1.getLocation(), item2.getLocation());
            // now do the cross product of thisEdgeVec
//            do not use Vector3d but own implementation that gets rid of this dependency
//            Vector3d thisEdgeVector = new Vector3d(thisEdgeVec.getNormalized().getX(), -1*thisEdgeVec.getNormalized().getY(), 0);
//            Vector3d otherEdgeVector = new Vector3d(otherEdgeVec.getNormalized().getX(), -1*otherEdgeVec.getNormalized().getY(), 0);
//            Vector3d result = new Vector3d();
//            result.cross(thisEdgeVector, otherEdgeVector);
            double[] cross = computeCrossProduct(thisEdgeVec.getNormalized().getX(), -1*thisEdgeVec.getNormalized().getY(),
                    otherEdgeVec.getNormalized().getX(), -1*otherEdgeVec.getNormalized().getY());
            //System.out.println("edges: " + parentEdgeItem + ", " + edgeItem + " , " + otherEdgeItem);
            // compute the perpendicular vector, the direction to shift
            // we will get a vector that points to the right
            Vector2D grandToParent = new Vector2D(grandParent, parent);
            Point2D shiftDir = new Point2D.Double(-grandToParent.getNormalized().getY(),
//            if (result.z < 0) {
            if (cross[2] < 0 ) {
            // if z > 0 then we know that thisEdge is to the right of otherEdge
            // so we push this in the direction of shiftDir

            // else we know that thisEdge is to the left of otherEdge
            // so we push this up, or in the negative direction of shiftDir
                shiftDir.setLocation(shiftDir.getX()*-1, shiftDir.getY()*-1);
            double parentWidth = scale.getDisplayWidth(parentEdgeItem.getWeight());
            double otherWidth = scale.getDisplayWidth(otherEdgeItem.getWeight());
            parentWidth = Math.round(parentWidth);
            otherWidth = Math.round(otherWidth);
            System.out.println("edges: par: " + parentEdgeItem + ", edge:" + edgeItem + " , other:" + otherEdgeItem);
            System.out.println("parentActual: " + parentEdgeItem.getWeight(currFlowType) + " dispActual: " + edgeItem.getWeight(currFlowType) + " otherActual: " + otherEdgeItem.getWeight(currFlowType));
            System.out.println("parentWidth: " + parentWidth + " dispWidth: " + displayWidth + " otherWidth: " + otherWidth);
            assert(parentWidth >= displayWidth);
            // compute the distance to shift this edge. It should be:
            // parentDisplayWidth/2 - displayWidth/2
            double shiftDist = (parentWidth/2) - (displayWidth/2);
            shiftPoint = new Point2D.Double(shiftDist*shiftDir.getX(),


        // 6. Set the child catmull-rom pont to be e1.to
        child = edge.getSecondNode().getLocation();

        // 7. Compute the grand child catmull-rom point.
        // It is either the position of the heavier child,
        // or if there are no more child nodes, it is in a straight
        // line with parent and child, just further out
        Collection<Edge> grandChildEdges = edge.getSecondNode().getOutEdges();
        if (grandChildEdges.size() != 0) {
            double gcWeight, gcX, gcY;
            gcX = gcY = gcWeight = -1;
            // find the heaviest child
            for(Edge gcEdge: grandChildEdges) {
                if (gcEdge.getWeight() > gcWeight) {
                    gcWeight = gcEdge.getWeight();
                    gcX = gcEdge.getSecondNode().getLocation().getX();
                    gcY = gcEdge.getSecondNode().getLocation().getY();
                    //System.out.println("x: " + gcX + " y:" + gcY);
            assert(gcWeight != -1);
            grandChild = new Point2D.Double(gcX, gcY);
        } else {
            Vector2D parentToChild = new Vector2D(parent, child);
            Point2D pToCDir = parentToChild.getNormalized();
        //  System.out.println(pToCDir);

            Vector2D grandParentToParent = new Vector2D(grandParent, parent);
            Point2D gpToPDir = grandParentToParent.getNormalized();

            double angleBetween = parentToChild
            //System.out.println(edgeItem + " angleBetween is " + (180*angleBetween/Math.PI));

            // now rotate the parentToChild normalized vector by -angleBetween
            // assuming rotations are CCW

            double x = pToCDir.getX() * Math.cos(-angleBetween)
                    - pToCDir.getY() * Math.sin(-angleBetween);
            double y = pToCDir.getX() * Math.sin(-angleBetween)
                    + pToCDir.getY() * Math.cos(-angleBetween);

            //System.out.println("grandChild case 2: " + x + "," + y);
            grandChild = new Point2D.Double(child.getX() + 100 * x, child
                    + 100 * y);



        // 8. Now that we know where all the catmull-rom objects are,
        // construct a BasicStroke object with e1's thickness
//      haha, it's not even read ...
//        BasicStroke bs = new BasicStroke((float) displayWidth,
//                BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND);

        // 9. construct a CubicCurve object with the given control points
        // by passing the four points object to the BezierSpline.computeSplines
        // function
        fourPoints[0] = grandParent;
        fourPoints[1] = parent;
        fourPoints[2] = child;
        fourPoints[3] = grandChild;

        Shape shape = edge.getShape();
        CubicCurve2D myCurve;
        if (shape == null) {
            myCurve = new CubicCurve2D.Double();
        } else {
            myCurve = (CubicCurve2D)shape;
        BezierSpline.computeOneSpline(grandParent, parent, child, grandChild, myCurve);

        // 11. Now do some tweaking of the control points to ensure continuity.
        // need to tweak the first control point to be collinear with the parent
        // and the grandparent and have the same distance as the
        // parent-grandparent
        double parentGrandDist = grandParent.distance(parent);

        Vector2D grandToParent = new Vector2D(grandParent, parent);
        //now take the grandToParent vector, scale by parentGrandDistance, add
        // it to the parent vector
          Point2D collinShift = new Point2D.Double(parentGrandDist
                * grandToParent.getNormalized().getX() + parent.getX(),
                parentGrandDist * grandToParent.getNormalized().getY()
                        + parent.getY());
        //System.out.println("before: " + myCurve.getP1() + ", "
        // +myCurve.getCtrlP1() + ", " + myCurve.getCtrlP2() + ", " +
        // myCurve.getP2() );
        myCurve.setCurve(myCurve.getP1(), collinShift, myCurve.getCtrlP2(),
        //System.out.println("after: " + myCurve.getP1() + ", "
        // +myCurve.getCtrlP1() + ", " + myCurve.getCtrlP2() + ", " +
        // myCurve.getP2() );

        //System.out.println("CollinShift dist: " +
        // collinShift.distance(parent) + " and p-GP dist: " + parentGrandDist);

        // 10. Need to set the previous control point for the child node
        Node otherItem = edge.getSecondNode();

        //System.out.println("Prev Control Point for " +
        // ((FlowNode)otherItem.getEntity()).toStringId() + " was set to prev
        // control point: " + grandParent);
        if ((m_additiveEdges) && (shiftPoint != null)) {
            // 12. Now shift the bezier points to line up properly with the horizontal translation
            // that takes into account the thickness of the curve. We do this by shifting
            // the first two points of every bezier to get it to line up in the appropriate place
            Point2D grandParentShift = new Point2D.Double(myCurve.getP1().getX()+shiftPoint.getX(),
            Point2D parentShift = new Point2D.Double(myCurve.getCtrlP1().getX()+shiftPoint.getX(),
            myCurve.setCurve(grandParentShift, parentShift, myCurve.getCtrlP2(), myCurve.getP2());
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Examples of org.earth3d.jearth.math.Point2D

  public void testGetType() {
    assertEquals("sphere", sphere.getType());

  public void testInverse() {
    Point2D result = sphere.inverse(sphere.getPoint(new Point2D(0.1, 0.2)));
    assertEquals(0.1, result.x, 0.001);
    assertEquals(0.2, result.y, 0.001);
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