Package org.earth3d.jearth.math

Examples of org.earth3d.jearth.math.Point2D

  public void testGetType() {
    assertEquals("sphere", sphere.getType());

  public void testInverse() {
    Point2D result = sphere.inverse(sphere.getPoint(new Point2D(0.1, 0.2)));
    assertEquals(0.1, result.x, 0.001);
    assertEquals(0.2, result.y, 0.001);
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    assertEquals(1.0, sphere.getSin(0.25), 0.001);
    assertEquals(-1.0, sphere.getSin(0.75), 0.001);
  public void testGetPoint() {
    Point3D result = sphere.getPoint(new Point2D(0,0));
    Point3D result2 = sphere.getPoint(new Point2D(0,0.5));
    Point3D result3 = sphere.getPoint(new Point2D(0,1));
    assertTrue(new Point3D(0,1,0).equals(result));
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    // ensure that there is a root node
    MapTile mt0 = null;
    if (file0.exists()) {
      mt0 = new MapTile(outputDir, filename0, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
      mt0.setCoordinates(new Rect2D(new Point2D(0,0), new Point2D(1,1)));
    else {
      mt0 = new MapTile(BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
      mt0.setCoordinates(new Rect2D(new Point2D(0,0), new Point2D(1,1)));
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    // ensure that there is a root node
    MapTile mt0 = null;
    if (file0.exists()) {
      mt0 = new MapTile(outputDir, filename0, BufferedImage.TYPE_USHORT_GRAY);
      mt0.setCoordinates(new Rect2D(new Point2D(0,0), new Point2D(1,1)));
    else {
      mt0 = new MapTile(BufferedImage.TYPE_USHORT_GRAY);
      mt0.setCoordinates(new Rect2D(new Point2D(0,0), new Point2D(1,1)));
      if (maps.size() == 0) {
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   * @param coordinates
   * @param submaptileConstant
   * @return
  protected Rect2D getSubRegion(Rect2D coordinates, SubmaptilePos childpos) {
    Point2D newsize = new Point2D(coordinates.size.x/2., coordinates.size.y/2.);

    switch(childpos) {
    case LEFT_UP:
      return new Rect2D(coordinates.p, newsize);
    case LEFT_DOWN:
      return new Rect2D(coordinates.p.add(new Point2D(0, newsize.y)), newsize);
    case RIGHT_UP:
      return new Rect2D(coordinates.p.add(new Point2D(newsize.x, 0)), newsize);
    case RIGHT_DOWN:
      return new Rect2D(coordinates.p.add(new Point2D(newsize.x, newsize.y)), newsize);

    return null;
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    int endy = (width[1] > getWidth() - 3) ? getHeight() - 1
        : getHeight() - 2;
    int beginx = (width[2] == getHeight()) ? 0 : 1;
    int endx = (width[0] > getHeight() - 3) ? getWidth() : getWidth() - 1;

    vertexarraydatarect = new Rect2D(new Point2D(beginx, beginy),
        new Point2D(endx - beginx, endy - beginy));

    stripsize = (endx - beginx) * 2;

    if (vertexarraysize < stripsize * (getHeight() - 1)) {
      vertexarraysize = getWidth() * 2 * (getHeight());
      texcoordarray = null;
      vertexarray = new Point3D[vertexarraysize];

      texcoordarray = new Point2D[vertexarraysize];
    } else {
      if (innerGenerated) {
        /* move old data to new positions */
        int oldstripsize = (oldEndx - oldBeginx) * 2;

        int offset = (oldBeginx - beginx) * 2;
        int destoffset = offset > 0 ? offset : 0;
        int sourceoffset = offset < 0 ? -offset : 0;
        if (oldstripsize > stripsize) {
          for (int row = 0; row < oldEndy - oldBeginy; row++) {
            memmove(vertexarray, row * stripsize + destoffset,
                vertexarray, row * oldstripsize + sourceoffset,
            memmove(texcoordarray, row * stripsize + destoffset,
                texcoordarray, row * oldstripsize
                    + sourceoffset, stripsize);
        } else {
          for (int row = oldEndy - oldBeginy - 1; row > 0; row--) {
            memmove(vertexarray, row * stripsize + destoffset,
                vertexarray, row * oldstripsize + sourceoffset,
            memmove(texcoordarray, row * stripsize + destoffset,
                texcoordarray, row * oldstripsize
                    + sourceoffset, stripsize);

        if (oldBeginy > beginy) {
          // insert one row
          memmove(vertexarray, stripsize, vertexarray, 0, stripsize
              * (getHeight() - 1));
          memmove(texcoordarray, stripsize, texcoordarray, 0,
              stripsize * (getHeight() - 1));
        if (oldBeginy < beginy) {
          // remove one row
          memmove(vertexarray, 0, vertexarray, stripsize, stripsize
              * (getHeight() - 1));
          memmove(texcoordarray, 0, texcoordarray, stripsize,
              stripsize * (getHeight() - 1));

    /* create vertexarray for the inner rectangle */
    int vertexnr = 0;
    BufferedImage image = getUncompressedImage();
    Raster raster = image.getData();

    double minfy = (double) (beginy) / (getHeight() - 1), maxfy = 0;
    for (int y = beginy; y < endy; y++) {
      vertexnr = (y - beginy) * stripsize;

      vertexarray[vertexnr] = geometry.getPoint(rect.p.add(new Point2D(
          (rect.size.x / (getWidth() - 1)) * beginx,
          (rect.size.y / (getHeight() - 1)) * y)), 1 + (raster
          .getSample(beginx, y, 0) / radius));
      // vertexarray[vertexnr] -= vertexorigin;
      // vertexarray[vertexnr] /= vertexscale;
      // #endif
      texcoordarray[vertexnr++] = new Point2D((double) (beginx)
          / (getWidth() - 1), (double) (y) / (getHeight() - 1));
      vertexarray[vertexnr] = geometry.getPoint(rect.p.add(new Point2D(
          (rect.size.x / (getWidth() - 1)) * beginx,
          (rect.size.y / (getHeight() - 1)) * (y + 1))), 1 + (raster
          .getSample(beginx, (y + 1), 0) / radius));
      // vertexarray[vertexnr] -= vertexorigin;
      // vertexarray[vertexnr] /= vertexscale;
      // #endif
      texcoordarray[vertexnr++] = new Point2D((double) (beginx)
          / (getWidth() - 1), (double) (y + 1) / (getHeight() - 1));
      // }
      // else {
      // vertexnr += 2;
      // }
      double rectxfactor = (rect.size.x / (getWidth() - 1));
      double rectyfactor = (rect.size.y / (getHeight() - 1));

      for (int x = beginx + 1; x < endx; x++) {
        if (x <= 1 || x >= oldEndx - 2 || y < 2 || y >= oldEndy - 2
            || !innerGenerated) {
          if (y > beginy) { // use the vertices of the last row
            vertexarray[vertexnr] = vertexarray[vertexnr
                - stripsize + 1];
          } else {
            vertexarray[vertexnr] = geometry.getPoint(rect.p
                .add(new Point2D(rectxfactor * x, rectyfactor
                    * y)),
                1 + (raster.getSample(x, y, 0) / radius));
            // #ifdef RELATIVETRANSFORM
            // vertexarray[vertexnr] -= vertexorigin;
            // vertexarray[vertexnr] /= vertexscale;
            // #endif
          double fx = (double) (x) / (getWidth() - 1);
          double fy = (double) (y) / (getHeight() - 1);
          texcoordarray[vertexnr++] = new Point2D(fx, fy);
          assert (fx >= 0 && fx <= 1);
          // assert(fy>=0 && fy<=1);
          minfy = Math.min(fy, minfy);
          maxfy = Math.max(fy, maxfy);
          vertexarray[vertexnr] = geometry.getPoint(rect.p
              .add(new Point2D(rectxfactor * x, rectyfactor
                  * (y + 1))), 1 + (raster.getSample(x,
              (y + 1), 0) / radius));
          // #ifdef RELATIVETRANSFORM
          // vertexarray[vertexnr] -= vertexorigin;
          // vertexarray[vertexnr] /= vertexscale;
          // #endif
          fy = (double) (y + 1) / (getHeight() - 1);
          minfy = Math.min(fy, minfy);
          maxfy = Math.max(fy, maxfy);
          texcoordarray[vertexnr++] = new Point2D(fx, fy);
          // assert(fy>=0 && fy<=1);
        } else {
          vertexnr += 2;

      // if (y>=30) {
      // printf("2 generate y(%i)=%f yb=%f\n", y+1,
      // image[endx-1+(y+1)*getWidth()], rect.p.y);
      // }

      assert (vertexnr == (y - beginy + 1) * stripsize);
    // #ifdef DEBUG
    // printf("minfy: %f maxfy: %f\n", minfy, maxfy);
    // #endif

    vertexcount = vertexnr;
    oldBeginx = beginx;
    oldEndx = endx;
    oldBeginy = beginy;
    oldEndy = endy;
    innerGenerated = true;

    /* create vertexarray for the border triangle fans */
    for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) {
      if (width[direction] == getWidth()) { // no fan
        fancount[direction] = 0;
      } else {
        int borderwidth = (direction & 1) != 0 ? getWidth()
            : getHeight();
        int arraysize = borderwidth * 2 + width[direction] * 2 + 20; // FIXME

        // for every point on the outer border one fan
        fancount[direction] = width[direction];

        /* create the necessary arrays */
        fansize[direction] = new int[fancount[direction]];

        int thisfancount = 0;
        fanvertexarray[direction] = new Point3D[arraysize];

        fantexcoordarray[direction] = new Point2D[arraysize];

        /* fill in the values */
        Point3D nextvertex[] = fanvertexarray[direction];
        int nextvertex_i = 0;
        Point2D nexttexcoord[] = fantexcoordarray[direction];
        int nexttexcoord_i = 0;
        int x = 0, y = 0, r = 0, nextx = 0, nexty = 0;

        int step;
        if (width[direction] - 1 > 1) {
          step = borderwidth / (width[direction] - 1);
        } else {
          step = borderwidth - 1;
        int trianglecount;
        // printf("width=%i, step=%i\n", width[direction], step);

        for (int outerborder = 0; outerborder < width[direction]; outerborder++) {

          trianglecount = 0;
          /* start with the middle of the fan */
          r = step * outerborder;
          switch (direction) {
          case 0:
            y = r;
            x = getWidth() - 1;
            nextx = x;
            nexty = y + step;
          case 1:
            x = r;
            y = getHeight() - 1;
            nextx = x + step;
            nexty = y;
          case 2:
            y = r;
            x = 0;
            nextx = x;
            nexty = y + step;
          case 3:
            x = r;
            y = 0;
            nextx = x + step;
            nexty = y;
          nextvertex[nextvertex_i] = geometry.getPoint(
              rect.p.add(new Point2D(
                  (rect.size.x / (getWidth() - 1)) * x,
                  (rect.size.y / (getHeight() - 1)) * y)),
              1 + (raster.getSample(x, y, 0) / radius));
          // #ifdef RELATIVETRANSFORM
          // *nextvertex -= vertexorigin;
          // *nextvertex /= vertexscale;
          // #endif
          nexttexcoord[nexttexcoord_i] = new Point2D((double) (x)
              / (getWidth() - 1), (double) (y)
              / (getHeight() - 1));

          // if (direction==0) {
          // printf("generate y(%i)=%f yb=%f\n", y,
          // image[x+y*getWidth()], rect.size.y);
          // }


           * and now the outer points of the fan, the inner points of
           * the tile, ordered clockwise
          int istart = outerborder * step - (step / 2), istop = outerborder
              * step + (step / 2), istep = 1;
          if (direction == 1 || direction == 2) {
            int itmp = istop;
            istop = istart;
            istart = itmp;
            istep = -1;
            /* add next outerborder point here */
            if (nextx < getWidth() && nexty < getHeight()) {
              nextvertex[nextvertex_i] = geometry.getPoint(rect.p
                  .add(new Point2D(
                      (rect.size.x / (getWidth() - 1))
                          * nextx,
                      (rect.size.y / (getHeight() - 1))
                          * nexty)), 1 + (raster
                  .getSample(nextx, nexty, 0) / radius));
              // #ifdef RELATIVETRANSFORM
              // *nextvertex -= vertexorigin;
              // *nextvertex /= vertexscale;
              // #endif
              nexttexcoord[nexttexcoord_i] = new Point2D(
                  (double) (nextx) / (getWidth() - 1),
                  (double) (nexty) / (getHeight() - 1));

          for (int innerborder = istart; (direction == 1 || direction == 2) ? innerborder >= istop
              : innerborder <= istop; innerborder += istep) {
            if (innerborder >= 0 && innerborder < borderwidth) {
              r = innerborder;

              switch (direction) {
              case 0:
                y = r;
                x = getWidth() - 2;
              case 1:
                x = r;
                y = getHeight() - 2;
              case 2:
                y = r;
                x = 1;
              case 3:
                x = r;
                y = 1;
              nextvertex[nextvertex_i] = geometry.getPoint(rect.p
                  .add(new Point2D(
                      (rect.size.x / (getWidth() - 1))
                          * x,
                      (rect.size.y / (getHeight() - 1))
                          * y)), 1 + (raster
                  .getSample(x, y, 0) / radius));
              // #ifdef RELATIVETRANSFORM
              // *nextvertex -= vertexorigin;
              // *nextvertex /= vertexscale;
              // #endif
              nexttexcoord[nexttexcoord_i] = new Point2D(
                  (double) (x) / (getWidth() - 1),
                  (double) (y) / (getHeight() - 1));


          if (direction == 3 || direction == 0) {
            /* add next outerborder point here */
            if (nextx < getWidth() && nexty < getHeight()) {
              nextvertex[nextvertex_i] = geometry.getPoint(rect.p
                  .add(new Point2D(
                      (rect.size.x / (getWidth() - 1))
                          * nextx,
                      (rect.size.y / (getHeight() - 1))
                          * nexty)), 1 + (raster
                  .getSample(nextx, nexty, 0) / radius));
              // #ifdef RELATIVETRANSFORM
              // *nextvertex -= vertexorigin;
              // *nextvertex /= vertexscale;
              // #endif
              nexttexcoord[nexttexcoord_i] = new Point2D(
                  (double) (nextx) / (getWidth() - 1),
                  (double) (nexty) / (getHeight() - 1));
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      Point3D newMark2D = sourceMark.multiply(1.-autoNavPos).add(targetMark.multiply(autoNavPos));
      double height = newMark2D.z;
      if (isParableFlight()) {
        height += autoNavDistance*(-Math.pow(Math.abs(0.5-autoNavPos),2)+0.25)*10;
        Point3D newMark3D = gSphere.getPoint(new Point2D(newMark2D.x, newMark2D.y), height);
      } else {
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   * @param dir
   * @param up
   * @param lowerquality
  public void moveToPositionPos(Point3D mark, Point3D dir, Point3D up, boolean lowerquality) {
    dir = (dir.minus(gSphere.getPoint(new Point2D(mark.x, mark.y), mark.z))).normalize();
    /* get intersection point with sphere */
    dir = getEarthIntersection(dir, gSphere.getPoint(new Point2D(mark.x, mark.y), mark.z));

    moveToPosition(mark, dir, up, lowerquality);
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    targetDir = dir;
    targetUp = up;

    sourceMark = new Point3D(getViewer());

    Point2D sourceMark2D = gSphere.inverse(sourceMark);
    sourceMark.x = sourceMark2D.x;
    sourceMark.y = sourceMark2D.y;
    sourceMark.z = getViewer().length();
    sourceDir = getDirection();
    sourceDir = getEarthIntersection(sourceDir, getViewer());
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    float depth1 = depthbuffer.get(dy*depthWidth+mx);
    double sd[] = new double[3];
    glu.gluUnProject(mx, size().height-my, depth1, modl, 0, proj, 0, viewport, 0, sd, 0);

    Point2D mappos = sphere.inverse(new Point3D(sd[0], sd[1], sd[2]));

    /* get texture at coordinates */

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Related Classes of org.earth3d.jearth.math.Point2D

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