JOpenChart Java Charting Library and Toolkit
Copyright (C) 2001 Sebastian M�ller
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Created on 4. April 2002, 22:28
package de.progra.charting;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.font.TextLayout;
import de.progra.charting.model.ChartDataModelConstraints;
import de.progra.charting.model.ChartDataModel;
* This class provides some utility functions for a CoordSystem. They were
* externalized to make the CoordSystem class clearer.
* @author mueller
* @version 1.0
public class CoordSystemUtilities {
/** used for the offset on the y axis for the size of a "tick"*/
protected final int marginOffset = 6;
protected CoordSystem c;
protected ChartDataModelConstraints constraints;
protected ChartDataModelConstraints constraints2;
protected ChartDataModel model;
/** Creates a new instance of CoordSystemUtilities */
public CoordSystemUtilities(CoordSystem coord,
ChartDataModelConstraints constraints,
ChartDataModelConstraints constraints2,
ChartDataModel model) {
c = coord;
this.constraints = constraints;
this.constraints2 = constraints2;
this.model = model;
/** Computes the left margin. */
public int computeLeftMargin() {
double xmin = constraints.getMinimumColumnValue();
double xmax = constraints.getMaximumColumnValue();
if (xmin <= 0 && xmax > 0) {
xmin = Math.abs(xmin);
xmax = Math.abs(xmax);
TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(c.getYAxisUnit(), c.getFont(),
// yaxis label width
int maxlmargin = computeYAxisLabelWidth() + marginOffset; // + yaxis title width
// unit width
maxlmargin = Math.max(maxlmargin, (int) layout.getBounds().getWidth() + marginOffset);
int margin = (int)(maxlmargin - (xmin / (xmin + xmax)) * (c.getBounds().getWidth() - c.getRightMargin()));
margin += 5; // just for good looking
if(margin < c.MINIMALMARGIN)
return margin;
} else {
/** Computes the right margin. */
public int computeRightMargin() {
TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(c.getXAxisUnit(), c.getFont(),
return Math.max((int)(layout.getBounds().getWidth() + (double)c.ARROWLENGTH / 3) , c.ARROWLENGTH);
/** Computes the top margin. */
public int computeTopMargin() {
TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(c.getYAxisUnit(), c.getFont(),
return Math.max((int)(layout.getBounds().getHeight() + (double)c.ARROWLENGTH / 3 + layout.getDescent()), c.ARROWLENGTH);
/** Computes the bottom margin. */
public int computeBottomMargin() {
double ymin = constraints.getMinimumValue().doubleValue();
double ymax = constraints.getMaximumValue().doubleValue();
if (ymin <= 0 && ymax > 0) {
ymin = Math.abs(ymin);
ymax = Math.abs(ymax);
TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(c.getXAxisUnit(), c.getFont(),
// xaxis label height
int maxbmargin = computeXAxisLabelHeight() + marginOffset; // + xaxis title height
// unit height
maxbmargin = Math.max(maxbmargin, (int) layout.getBounds().getHeight() + marginOffset);
int margin = (int)(maxbmargin - (ymin / (ymin + ymax)) * (c.getBounds().getHeight() - c.getTopMargin()));
margin += 10; // just for good looking
if(margin < c.MINIMALMARGIN)
return margin;
} else {
/** Computes the maximum height of all x-axis labels. */
public int computeXAxisLabelHeight() {
double min = constraints.getMinimumColumnValue();
double max = constraints.getMaximumColumnValue();
double tick = ChartUtilities.calculateTickSpacing(min, max);
double ypt = 0;
int height = 0;
if(constraints.getMinimumValue().doubleValue() > 0)
ypt = constraints.getMinimumValue().doubleValue();
else if(constraints.getMaximumValue().doubleValue() < 0)
ypt = constraints.getMaximumValue().doubleValue();
boolean paint = false;
DecimalFormat df = c.getXDecimalFormat();
FontRenderContext frc = c.getFontRenderContext();
Font f = c.getFont();
for(double d = min; d <= max; d += tick) {
if(paint) {
String sb = df.format(d);
Rectangle2D r = f.getStringBounds(sb, frc);
height = Math.max(height, (int)r.getHeight());
paint = !paint;
return height;
/** Computes the maximum width of all y-axis labels. */
public int computeYAxisLabelWidth() {
double min = constraints.getMinimumValue().doubleValue();
double max = constraints.getMaximumValue().doubleValue();
double tick = ChartUtilities.calculateTickSpacing(min, max);
double xpt = 0;
int width = 0;
// shift the y-axis according to the max and min x-values
if(constraints.getMinimumColumnValue() > 0)
xpt = constraints.getMinimumColumnValue();
else if(constraints.getMaximumColumnValue() < 0 && c.getSecondYAxis() != null)
xpt = constraints.getMaximumColumnValue();
boolean paint = false;
DecimalFormat df = c.getYDecimalFormat();
FontRenderContext frc = c.getFontRenderContext();
Font f = c.getFont();
for(double d = min; d <= max; d += tick) {
if(paint) {
String sb = df.format(d);
Rectangle2D r = f.getStringBounds(sb, frc);
width = Math.max((int)r.getWidth(), width);
paint = !paint;
return width;
/** This method is called by paintDefault to paint the ticks on the
* x-axis for numerical x-axis values.
* @param g the Graphics2D context to paint in
public void drawNumericalXAxisTicks(Graphics2D g) {
AffineTransform at = c.getTransform(CoordSystem.FIRST_YAXIS);
double min = constraints.getMinimumColumnValue();
double max = constraints.getMaximumColumnValue();
double tick = ChartUtilities.calculateTickSpacing(min, max);
double ypt = 0;
if(constraints.getMinimumValue().doubleValue() > 0)
ypt = constraints.getMinimumValue().doubleValue();
else if(constraints.getMaximumValue().doubleValue() < 0)
ypt = constraints.getMaximumValue().doubleValue();
Point2D p = new Point2D.Double(0.0, 0.0);
Point2D v;
Line2D ticks = new Line2D.Double(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
DecimalFormat df = c.getXDecimalFormat();
FontRenderContext frc = c.getFontRenderContext();
Font f = c.getFont();
boolean paint = false;
boolean paintLabels = c.isPaintLabels();
for(double d = min; d <= max; d += tick) {
p.setLocation(d, ypt);
v = at.transform(p, null);
ticks.setLine(v.getX(), v.getY() - marginOffset/2, v.getX(), v.getY() + marginOffset/2);
if(paint && paintLabels) {
String sb = df.format(d);
Rectangle2D r = f.getStringBounds(sb, frc);
g.drawString(sb, (float)(v.getX() - r.getWidth() / 2),
(float)(v.getY() + r.getHeight() + marginOffset));
paint = !paint;
/** This method is called by paintDefault to paint the ticks on the
* x-axis for non-numerical x-axis values..
* @param g the Graphics2D context to paint in
public void drawXAxisTicks(Graphics2D g) {
AffineTransform at = c.getTransform(CoordSystem.FIRST_YAXIS);
int min = (int)constraints.getMinimumColumnValue();
int max = (int)constraints.getMaximumColumnValue();
double tick = 1.0;
double ypt = 0;
if(constraints.getMinimumValue().doubleValue() > 0)
ypt = constraints.getMinimumValue().doubleValue();
else if(constraints.getMaximumValue().doubleValue() < 0)
ypt = constraints.getMaximumValue().doubleValue();
Point2D p = new Point2D.Double(0.0, 0.0);
Point2D v = null;
Point2D oldv = null;
Line2D ticks = new Line2D.Double(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
DecimalFormat df = c.getXDecimalFormat();
FontRenderContext frc = c.getFontRenderContext();
Font f = c.getFont();
boolean paint = false;
boolean paintLabels = c.isPaintLabels();
for(int i = min - 1; i < max; i++) {
p.setLocation(i + 1, ypt);
v = at.transform(p, null);
ticks.setLine(v.getX(), v.getY() - marginOffset/2, v.getX(), v.getY() + marginOffset/2);
if(i + 1 < max)
// Draw Strings between ticks
if(oldv != null && paintLabels) {
String sb = (String)model.getColumnValueAt(i);
Rectangle2D r = f.getStringBounds(sb, frc);
g.drawString(sb, (float)(oldv.getX()+(v.getX() - oldv.getX()) / 2 - r.getWidth() / 2),
(float)(v.getY() + r.getHeight() + marginOffset));
oldv = v;
/** This method is called by paintDefault to paint the ticks on the
* y-axis.
* @param g the Graphics2D context in which to draw
public void drawYAxisTicks(Graphics2D g) {
AffineTransform at = c.getTransform(CoordSystem.FIRST_YAXIS);
double min = constraints.getMinimumValue().doubleValue();
double max = constraints.getMaximumValue().doubleValue();
double tick = ChartUtilities.calculateTickSpacing(min, max);
double xpt = 0;
// shift the y-axis according to the max and min x-values
if(constraints.getMinimumColumnValue() > 0)
xpt = constraints.getMinimumColumnValue();
else if(constraints.getMaximumColumnValue() < 0 && c.getSecondYAxis() != null)
xpt = constraints.getMaximumColumnValue();
Point2D p = new Point2D.Double(0.0, 0.0);
Point2D v;
Line2D ticks = new Line2D.Double(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
boolean paint = false;
DecimalFormat df = c.getYDecimalFormat();
FontRenderContext frc = c.getFontRenderContext();
Font f = c.getFont();
Color backupColor = g.getColor();
boolean paintLabels = c.isPaintLabels();
for(double d = min; d <= max; d += tick) {
p.setLocation(xpt, d);
v = at.transform(p, null);
ticks.setLine(v.getX() - marginOffset/2, v.getY(), v.getX() + marginOffset/2, v.getY());
if (d != min && !c.isPaintOnlyTick()) {
Line2D xax = getXAxisLine2D();
ticks.setLine(v.getX() + marginOffset/2, v.getY(), xax.getX2(), v.getY());
if(paintLabels && (paint || !c.isPaintAltTick())) {
String sb = df.format(d);
Rectangle2D r = f.getStringBounds(sb, frc);
g.drawString(sb, (float)(v.getX() - r.getWidth() - marginOffset),
(float)(v.getY() + r.getHeight() / 2));
paint = !paint;
/** Computes the Line2D object of the x-axis using the DataConstraints.*/
public Line2D getXAxisLine2D() {
double ypt = 0.0;
// shift the x-axis according to the max and min y-values
if(constraints.getMinimumValue().doubleValue() > 0)
ypt = constraints.getMinimumValue().doubleValue();
else if(constraints.getMaximumValue().doubleValue() < 0)
ypt = constraints.getMaximumValue().doubleValue();
AffineTransform at = c.getTransform(CoordSystem.FIRST_YAXIS);
Point2D l = at.transform(new Point2D.Double(constraints.getMinimumColumnValue(), ypt), null);
Point2D r = at.transform(new Point2D.Double(constraints.getMaximumColumnValue(), ypt), null);
return new Line2D.Double(l, r);
/** Computes the Line2D object of the y-axis using the DataConstraints.*/
public Line2D getYAxisLine2D() {
double xpt = 0.0;
// shift the y-axis according to the max and min x-values
if(constraints.getMinimumColumnValue() > 0)
xpt = constraints.getMinimumColumnValue();
else if(constraints.getMaximumColumnValue() < 0 && c.getSecondYAxis() != null)
xpt = constraints.getMaximumColumnValue();
AffineTransform at = c.getTransform(CoordSystem.FIRST_YAXIS);
Point2D o = at.transform(new Point2D.Double(xpt, constraints.getMaximumValue().doubleValue()), null);
Point2D u = at.transform(new Point2D.Double(xpt, constraints.getMinimumValue().doubleValue()), null);
//System.out.println("** Y-Axis ("+o+", "+u+")");
return new Line2D.Double(o, u);
/** Computes the Line2D object of the second y-axis using the DataConstraints.*/
public Line2D getSecondYAxisLine2D() {
double xpt = constraints2.getMaximumColumnValue();
AffineTransform at = c.getTransform(CoordSystem.SECOND_YAXIS);
Point2D o = at.transform(new Point2D.Double(xpt, constraints2.getMaximumValue().doubleValue()), null);
Point2D u = at.transform(new Point2D.Double(xpt, constraints2.getMinimumValue().doubleValue()), null);
return new Line2D.Double(o, u);