JOpenChart Java Charting Library and Toolkit
Copyright (C) 2001 Sebastian M�ller
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Created on 26. Juni 2001, 22:49
package de.progra.charting;
import de.progra.charting.render.AbstractRenderer;
import de.progra.charting.render.ChartRenderingHints;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.font.TextLayout;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import de.progra.charting.model.ChartDataModel;
import de.progra.charting.model.ChartDataModelConstraints;
/** This class defines a coordinate system. The CoordSystem class computes
* an AffineTransform for each y-axis, which translates the user space
* coordinates (ie. the data value coordinates) into pixel space coordinates.
* These AffineTransform classes make the PixelToPointTranslator obsolete,
* since it provides more flexibility. <code>getDefaultTransform</code> always
* computes the default transformation, whereas you can set another
* transformation via <code>setTransform</code>. This will be used to implement
* zooming and panning in the Swing classes.<p>
* All classes incl. this one, which render data will use the transformations
* to translate the coordinates. The transformations are not set up on
* instantiation of a CoordSystem, instead they're computed when setBounds
* is called, because they need this information of course. Afterwards you
* can set your own transformation or even better you can manipulate the
* existing ones by pre- or postconcatenating another AffineTransform.
public class CoordSystem extends AbstractRenderer {
/** The x-axis caption string. */
protected String xaxis_unit = "x";
/** The y-axis caption string. */
protected String yaxis_unit = "y";
/** The Font used in the CoordSystem. */
protected Font font = new Font("sans", Font.PLAIN, 9);
/** FontRenderContext used througout the CoordSystem*/
protected final FontRenderContext frc = new FontRenderContext(null, false, false);
/** DecimalFormat used throught on the Yaxis of the CoordSystem*/
protected DecimalFormat dfY;
/** DecimalFormat used throught on the Xaxis of the CoordSystem*/
protected DecimalFormat dfX;
/** if true, the arrows will be drawn at the end of the axi*/
protected boolean shouldDrawArrows = true;
/** if true, the increment will be painted at each tick mark*/
protected boolean shouldPaintAltTick = true;
/** if true only the tick will be painted on the yaxis. Alternately, if false, a
* light grey line will paint across the background of the chart.*/
protected boolean shouldPaintOnlyTick = true;
/** If true, the labels will be painted. If false, only the ticks will display. */
protected boolean shouldPaintLabels = true;
/** The left margin */
protected int leftmargin = 50;
/** The top margin. */
protected int topmargin = 20;
/** The right margin. */
protected int rightmargin = 30;
/** The bottom margin. */
protected int bottommargin = 30;
/** The minimal margin constant. */
public final int MINIMALMARGIN = 20;
/** The arrow length constant. */
public final int ARROWLENGTH = 15;
/** The ChartDataModel constraints of the first y-axis and the x-axis. */
protected ChartDataModelConstraints constraints;
/** The ChartDataModel constraints of the second y-axis and the x-axis. */
protected ChartDataModelConstraints constraints2;
/** The DataModel class. */
protected ChartDataModel model;
/** The utilities class, which contains all the rendering methods etc. */
protected CoordSystemUtilities c;
/** The xaxis.*/
protected Axis xaxis;
/** The first y-axis. */
protected Axis yaxis;
/** The second y-axis. */
protected Axis yaxis2;
/** The multiplication matrix for the first y-axis and the x-axis. */
protected AffineTransform y1transform;
/** The multiplication matrix for the second y-axis and the x-axis. */
protected AffineTransform y2transform;
/** the axis binding constant for the first y-axis
public static final int FIRST_YAXIS = 0;
/** the axis binding constant for the second y-axis
public static final int SECOND_YAXIS = 1;
/** Creates a new CoordSystem using the given model constraints.
* Also creates default linear x and y-axis. Note that the length
* of the axis are set on the first call to
* setBounds().
* @param c the ChartDataModel needed to compute the DataConstraints.
public CoordSystem(ChartDataModel cdm) {
this.constraints = cdm.getChartDataModelConstraints(FIRST_YAXIS);
this.constraints2 = cdm.getChartDataModelConstraints(SECOND_YAXIS);
this.model = cdm;
xaxis = new Axis(Axis.HORIZONTAL, constraints);
yaxis = new Axis(Axis.VERTICAL, constraints);
c = new CoordSystemUtilities(this, constraints, constraints2, model);
dfY = new DecimalFormat();
dfX = new DecimalFormat();
/** Creates a new CoordSystem using the given model constraints.
* Also creates default linear x and y-axis. Note that the length
* of the axis are set on the first call to
* setBounds().
* @param c the ChartDataModel needed to compute the DataConstraints.
* @param xtext the x-axis unit
* @param ytext the y-axis unit
public CoordSystem(ChartDataModel c, String xunit, String yunit) {
* Create a new CoordSystem with alternate painting parameters.
* @param c the ChartDataModel needed to compute the DataConstraints.
* @param drawArrows if true the arrows will be drawn at the end of the axis
* @param paintAltYTick if true the caption will paint on alternate ticks of the
* yaxis instead of on every one.
* @param paintOnlyYTick if true the horizontal lightgray line will <i>not</i>
* appear behind the chart at each yaxis tick mark.
public CoordSystem(ChartDataModel c, DecimalFormat yAxisFormat,
boolean drawArrows, boolean paintAltYTick, boolean paintOnlyYTick) {
dfY = yAxisFormat;
shouldDrawArrows = drawArrows;
shouldPaintAltTick = paintAltYTick;
shouldPaintOnlyTick = paintOnlyYTick;
/** Sets the coordinate transformation for any y-coordinate.
* @param at the AffineTransform that transforms the coordinates into pixel
* space
* @axis defines for which y-axis the transform is computed
public void setTransform(AffineTransform at, int axis) {
switch(axis) {
case(FIRST_YAXIS): y1transform = at; break;
case(SECOND_YAXIS): y2transform = at; break;
/** Returns the currently defined AffineTransform for any y-axis.
* @param axis the y-axis to be used.
public AffineTransform getTransform(int axis) {
switch(axis) {
case(FIRST_YAXIS): return y1transform;
case(SECOND_YAXIS): return y2transform;
return null;
/** This method computes the default transform which transforms the
* user space coordinates of this coordinate system to the pixel
* space coordinates used in the Graphics object.
* All rendering in the CoordinateSystem and the ChartRenderers
* will rely on this transform.
* @param axis defines which y-axis to use.
public AffineTransform getDefaultTransform(int axis) {
double x_pt2px = 0;
double y_pt2px = 0;
double xcoord0 = 0;
double ycoord0 = 0;
x_pt2px = 1 / getXAxis().getPointToPixelRatio();
//System.out.println("** x_pt2px = "+getXAxis().getPointToPixelRatio());
xcoord0 = getBounds().getX() + getLeftMargin() + getXAxis().getPixelForValue(0.0);
switch(axis) {
y_pt2px = 1 / getFirstYAxis().getPointToPixelRatio();
ycoord0 = getBounds().getY() + getBounds().getHeight() - getBottomMargin() -
y_pt2px = 1 / getSecondYAxis().getPointToPixelRatio();
ycoord0 = getBounds().getY() + getBounds().getHeight() - getBottomMargin() -
return new AffineTransform(x_pt2px, 0f, 0f,
-y_pt2px, xcoord0, ycoord0);
/** Sets the x-axis.
* @param a the x-axis
public void setXAxis(Axis a) {
xaxis = a;
/** Returns the x axis.
* @return the x-axis
public Axis getXAxis() {
return xaxis;
/** Sets the x-axis unit string.
* @param xtext the unit string
public void setXAxisUnit(String xunit) {
this.xaxis_unit = xunit;
/** Gets the x-axis unit string.
* @return the label String
public String getXAxisUnit() {
return xaxis_unit;
/** Sets the y-axis unit string.
* @param ytext the unit string
public void setYAxisUnit(String yunit) {
this.yaxis_unit = yunit;
/** Gets the y-axis label.
* @return the label String
public String getYAxisUnit() {
return yaxis_unit;
/** Sets the font for the axis labels.
* @param f the Font to be used
public void setFont(Font f) {
font = f;
/** Returns the font used for the axis labels.
* @return the Font object
public Font getFont() {
return font;
/** Sets the left y-axis and computes the matrix transformation.
* @param a the left y-axis
public void setFirstYAxis(Axis a) {
yaxis = a;
/** Returns the first y-axis.
* @return the left y-axis
public Axis getFirstYAxis() {
return yaxis;
/** Sets the second y-axis and computes the matrix transformation.
* @param a the right y-axis
public void setSecondYAxis(Axis a) {
yaxis2 = a;
/** Returns the second y-axis.
* @return the right y-axis
public Axis getSecondYAxis() {
return yaxis2;
/** Returns the inner margin, ie the bounds minus the margins.
* @return a Rectangle object defining the inner bounds.
public Rectangle getInnerBounds() {
Rectangle b = getBounds();
Rectangle i = new Rectangle((int)b.getX() + getLeftMargin() - 1,
(int)b.getY() + getTopMargin() - 1,
(int)b.getWidth() - (getLeftMargin() + getRightMargin()) + 2,
(int)b.getHeight() - (getTopMargin() + getBottomMargin()) + 2);
return i;
/** Computes all margins, initializes the length of the Axis and
* calls <code>super.setBounds</code>. Additionally, it sets the
* default AffineTransforms for every y-axis.
* @param bounds <CODE>Rectangle</CODE> object defining the bounds
public void setBounds(Rectangle bounds) {
xaxis.setLength((int)(bounds.getWidth()) - getLeftMargin() - getRightMargin());
//System.out.println("** xaxis.length = "+xaxis.getLength());
yaxis.setLength((int)(bounds.getHeight()) - getTopMargin() - getBottomMargin());
//System.out.println("** yaxis.length = "+yaxis.getLength());
setTransform(getDefaultTransform(FIRST_YAXIS), FIRST_YAXIS);
if(yaxis2 != null) {
yaxis2.setLength((int)(bounds.getHeight()) - getTopMargin() - getBottomMargin());
setTransform(getDefaultTransform(SECOND_YAXIS), SECOND_YAXIS);
/** Returns the preferred size needed for the renderer.
* @return a Dimension with the minimum Integer values.
public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
return new Dimension(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
/** Overrides the method to just call <code>paintDefault</code>.
* @param g the <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> object to paint in
public void render(Graphics2D g) {
/** This method is called by the paint method to do the actual painting.
* The painting is supposed to start at point (0,0) and the size is
* always the same as the preferred size. The paint method performs
* the possible scaling.
* @param g the <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> object to paint in
public void paintDefault(Graphics2D g) {
Line2D x = c.getXAxisLine2D();
Line2D y = c.getYAxisLine2D();
// draw X-Axis Arrow
if(shouldDrawArrows) {
g.drawLine((int)x.getX2(), (int)x.getY2(), (int)x.getX2() + ARROWLENGTH, (int)x.getY2());
g.fillPolygon(new int[] {(int)(x.getX2() + ARROWLENGTH / 3.0),
(int)(x.getX2() + ARROWLENGTH / 3.0),
(int)(x.getX2() + ARROWLENGTH)},
new int[] {(int)x.getY2() - 3, (int)x.getY2() + 3, (int)x.getY2()},
// draw X-Axis label right below the Arrow ?!
TextLayout layoutX = new TextLayout(getXAxisUnit(), getFont(),
new FontRenderContext(null, true, false));
layoutX.draw(g, (float)x.getX2() + (float)ARROWLENGTH / 3, (float)x.getY2() + (float)layoutX.getBounds().getHeight() + 5);
// draw Y-Axis Arrow
if(shouldDrawArrows) {
g.drawLine((int)y.getX1(), (int)y.getY1(), (int)y.getX1(), (int)y.getY1() - ARROWLENGTH);
g.fillPolygon(new int[] {(int)(y.getX1() - 3),
(int)(y.getX1() + 3),
new int[] {(int)(y.getY1() - ARROWLENGTH / 3.0),
(int)(y.getY1() - ARROWLENGTH / 3.0),
(int)y.getY1() - ARROWLENGTH},
// draw Y-Axis label right below the Arrow ?!
TextLayout layoutY = new TextLayout(getYAxisUnit(), getFont(),
new FontRenderContext(null, true, false));
layoutY.draw(g, (float)y.getX1()-6-(float)layoutY.getBounds().getWidth(),
(float)y.getY1() - layoutX.getDescent() - 3);
if(getSecondYAxis() != null) {
Line2D y2 = c.getSecondYAxisLine2D();
/** Returns a new PointToPixelTranslator for the given axis.
* Please notice that this method is deprecated since release 0.92.
* The PointToPixelTranslator interface has been replaced with
* AffineTransforms.
* @param y the y-axis identifier used to choose the right Point / Pixel ratio
* @return a PointToPixelTranslator object or null if the resulting
* Point is not within the Bounds of the Coordinate System
* @deprecated
public PointToPixelTranslator getPointToPixelTranslator(int yaxis) {
final Axis x = this.getXAxis();
final Axis y;
if(yaxis == CoordSystem.FIRST_YAXIS)
y = this.getFirstYAxis();
y = this.getSecondYAxis();
return new PointToPixelTranslator() {
public Point2D getPixelCoord(Point2D pt) {
double x0 = 0.0;
double y0 = 0.0;
x0 = getBounds().getX()+getLeftMargin()+
y0 = getBounds().getY()+getBounds().getHeight() - getBottomMargin() -
Point2D p = new Point2D.Double(x0, y0);
return p;
return null;
/** Returns the left margin. */
protected int getLeftMargin() {
return leftmargin;
/** Returns the right margin. */
protected int getRightMargin() {
return rightmargin;
/** Returns the top margin. */
protected int getTopMargin() {
return topmargin;
/** Returns the bottom margin. */
protected int getBottomMargin() {
return bottommargin;
/** Sets the left margin.
* @param margin the new margin value
protected void setLeftMargin(int margin) {
leftmargin = margin;
/** Sets the right margin.
* @param margin the new margin value
protected void setRightMargin(int margin) {
rightmargin = margin;
/** Sets the top margin.
* @param margin the new margin value
protected void setTopMargin(int margin) {
topmargin = margin;
/** Sets the bottom margin.
* @param margin the new margin value
public void setBottomMargin(int margin) {
bottommargin = margin;
/** Returns the FontRenderContext used througout the CoordSystem*/
public FontRenderContext getFontRenderContext() {
return frc;
/** Returns the DecimalFormat used throught on the Yaxis of the CoordSystem*/
public DecimalFormat getYDecimalFormat() {
return dfY;
/** Returns the DecimalFormat used throught on the Xaxis of the CoordSystem*/
public DecimalFormat getXDecimalFormat() {
return dfX;
/** if true, the arrows will be drawn at the end of the axis*/
public boolean isDrawArrows() {
return shouldDrawArrows;
/** if true, the increment will be painted at each tick mark*/
public boolean isPaintAltTick() {
return shouldPaintAltTick;
/** if true only the tick will be painted on the yaxis. Alternately a
* light grey line will paint across the background of the chart.*/
public boolean isPaintOnlyTick() {
return shouldPaintOnlyTick;
public boolean isPaintLabels() {
return shouldPaintLabels;
public void setPaintLabels(boolean label) {
shouldPaintLabels = label;
/** Returns the used ChartDataModelConstraints. */
public ChartDataModelConstraints getChartDataModelConstraints(int axis) {
if(axis == FIRST_YAXIS)
return constraints;
else if(axis == SECOND_YAXIS)
return constraints2;
return null;