Examples of Node

Examples of org.gdbms.parser.Node


    if (current <= 0) {
      current = ((Integer) childs.pop()).intValue();

      Node node = (Node) infos.pop();

      try {
        handler.endElement("", getClassName(node.getClass()),
      } catch (SAXException e) {

      if (!childs.isEmpty()) {

Examples of org.geoserver.wcs.kvp.rangesubset.Node

        public Object visit(ASTFieldSubset node, Object data) {
            FieldSubsetType fs = wcsf.createFieldSubsetType();
            for (int i = 0; i < node.jjtGetNumChildren(); i++) {
                Node child = node.jjtGetChild(i);
                if(child instanceof ASTFieldId) {
                    CodeType id = owsf.createCodeType();
                    id.setValue((String) child.jjtAccept(this, null));
                } else if(child instanceof ASTInterpolation) {
                    fs.setInterpolationType((String) child.jjtAccept(this, null));
                } else if(child instanceof ASTAxisSubset) {
                    fs.getAxisSubset().add(child.jjtAccept(this, null));
            return fs;

Examples of org.geotools.caching.spatialindex.Node


    public void testGet() {

        Node g = store.get(id);
        assertEquals(n.getIdentifier(), g.getIdentifier());

Examples of org.geotools.data.shapefile.index.quadtree.Node

     * @throws StoreException
     *                 DOCUMENT ME!
    private int getSubNodeOffset(Node node) throws StoreException {
        int offset = 0;
        Node tmp = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < node.getNumSubNodes(); i++) {
            tmp = node.getSubNode(i);
            offset += (4 * 8); // Envelope size
            offset += ((tmp.getNumShapeIds() + 3) * 4); // Entries size + 3
            offset += this.getSubNodeOffset(tmp);

        return offset;

Examples of org.geotools.geometry.iso.topograph2D.Node

   * computed label of BOUNDARY, but in the original arg Geometry it is
   * actually in the interior due to the Boundary Determination Rule)
  private void copyPoints(int argIndex) {
    for (Iterator i = arg[argIndex].getNodeIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
      Node graphNode = (Node) i.next();
      Node newNode = graph.addNode(graphNode.getCoordinate());
      newNode.setLabel(argIndex, graphNode.getLabel().getLocation(

Examples of org.geotools.graph.structure.Node

        ViewportGraphics graphics = context.getGraphics();
        graphics.setColor( Color.BLACK);
        for( Edge edge : path ){
            Object obj = edge.getObject();
            Node start = edge.getNodeA();
            Node end = edge.getNodeB();
            Point startPoint = (Point) start.getObject();
            Point endPoint = (Point) end.getObject();           
            java.awt.Point startPixel = context.worldToPixel( startPoint.getCoordinate() );
            java.awt.Point endPixel = context.worldToPixel( endPoint.getCoordinate() );

            graphics.drawLine(startPixel.x, startPixel.y, endPixel.x, endPixel.y);           
        graphics.setColor( Color.YELLOW );
        for( Edge edge : path ){
            Object obj = edge.getObject();
            Node start = edge.getNodeA();
            Node end = edge.getNodeB();
            Point startPoint = (Point) start.getObject();
            Point endPoint = (Point) end.getObject();           
            java.awt.Point startPixel = context.worldToPixel( startPoint.getCoordinate() );
            java.awt.Point endPixel = context.worldToPixel( endPoint.getCoordinate() );

            graphics.drawLine(startPixel.x, startPixel.y, endPixel.x, endPixel.y);           

Examples of org.geotools.xml.Node

        //  &lt;xsd:element ref="wfs:Update"/&gt;
        //  &lt;xsd:element ref="wfs:Delete"/&gt;
        //  &lt;xsd:element ref="wfs:Native"/&gt;
        for (Iterator itr = node.getChildren().iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
            Node child = (Node) itr.next();
            Object cv = child.getValue();

            if (cv instanceof InsertElementType) {
            } else if (cv instanceof UpdateElementType) {

Examples of org.gephi.graph.api.Node


        Node sourceNode = manipulator.getSourceNode();
        //Prepare combo box with nodes data:
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
            sourceNodeComboBox.addItem(nodes[i].getId() + " - " + nodes[i].getNodeData().getLabel());
            if (nodes[i] == sourceNode) {

Examples of org.gephi.preview.api.Node

            originalTopLeft = new PointImpl(0f, 0f);
            originalBottomRight = new PointImpl(0f, 0f);

        Node node = it.next();
        Vector topLeftVector = new Vector(node.getTopLeftPosition());
        Vector bottomRightVector = new Vector(node.getBottomRightPosition());

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            node = it.next();

            if (node.getTopLeftPosition().getX() < topLeftVector.x) {
                topLeftVector.x = node.getTopLeftPosition().getX();
            if (node.getTopLeftPosition().getY() < topLeftVector.y) {
                topLeftVector.y = node.getTopLeftPosition().getY();
            if (node.getBottomRightPosition().getX() > bottomRightVector.x) {
                bottomRightVector.x = node.getBottomRightPosition().getX();
            if (node.getBottomRightPosition().getY() > bottomRightVector.y) {
                bottomRightVector.y = node.getBottomRightPosition().getY();

        originalTopLeft = new PointImpl(topLeftVector);
        originalBottomRight = new PointImpl(bottomRightVector);

Examples of org.gnubridge.search.Node

   *    (0,2) 1_0   1_1  E

  public void testDoNotAlphaPruneRootsChildrenSoThatHeuristicsMayBeUsed() {
    Node root = new Node(null, Direction.WEST_DEPRECATED);
    Node node_0 = new Node(root, Direction.SOUTH_DEPRECATED);
    node_0.setTricksTaken(Player.WEST_EAST, 1);
    Node node_1 = new Node(root, Direction.SOUTH_DEPRECATED);
    Node node_1_0 = new Node(node_1, Direction.EAST_DEPRECATED);
    Node node_1_1 = new Node(node_1, Direction.EAST_DEPRECATED);

    node_1_0.setTricksTaken(Player.NORTH_SOUTH, 2);
    node_1_0.setTricksTaken(Player.WEST_EAST, 0);
    AlphaBeta ab = new AlphaBeta();
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