Examples of Node

Examples of ch.ralscha.extdirectspring.provider.RemoteProviderTreeLoad.Node

    List<Node> nodes = (List<Node>) ControllerUtil.sendAndReceive(mockMvc,
        "remoteProviderTreeLoad", "method1", new TypeReference<List<Node>>() {/* nothinghere */
        }, requestParameters);

    assertThat(nodes).hasSize(5).containsSequence(new Node("n1", "Node 1", false),
        new Node("n2", "Node 2", false), new Node("n3", "Node 3", false),
        new Node("n4", "Node 4", false), new Node("n5", "Node 5", false));

    requestParameters = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
    requestParameters.put("node", "n1");

    nodes = (List<Node>) ControllerUtil.sendAndReceive(mockMvc,
        "remoteProviderTreeLoad", "method1", new TypeReference<List<Node>>() {/* nothinghere */
        }, requestParameters);

    assertThat(nodes).hasSize(5).containsSequence(new Node("id1", "Node 1.1", true),
        new Node("id2", "Node 1.2", true), new Node("id3", "Node 1.3", true),
        new Node("id4", "Node 1.4", true), new Node("id5", "Node 1.5", true));

Examples of ch.tatool.element.Node

     * Unique id of the element. This includes the localId of the parent elements as well
     * and has to be unique in a element/handler tree
    public String getId() {
        LinkedList<Node> nodes = new LinkedList<Node>();
        Node u = this;
        while (u != null) {
            u = u.getParent();
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
        Iterator<Node> it = nodes.iterator();
        // add first element (we know we have at least one!)

Examples of ch.uzh.ifi.seal.changedistiller.treedifferencing.Node

        return sInjector.getInstance(DistillerFactory.class).create(structureEntity);

    public Node convertMethodBody(String methodName, JavaCompilation compilation) {
        AbstractMethodDeclaration method = CompilationUtils.findMethod(compilation.getCompilationUnit(), methodName);
        Node root = new Node(JavaEntityType.METHOD, methodName);
        root.setEntity(new SourceCodeEntity(methodName, JavaEntityType.METHOD, new SourceRange(
        List<Comment> comments = CompilationUtils.extractComments(compilation);
        sMethodBodyConverter.initialize(root, method, comments, compilation.getScanner());
        method.traverse(sMethodBodyConverter, (ClassScope) null);

Examples of cn.com.manager.domains.Node

    public static void registTask(Task task) {
        TaskNode currentNode = OperatFactory.getServiceObject(TaskService.class, DataProviderModel.FILE).getTaskNode(task.getNode());
        String nodeName = currentNode.getCurrentNode();
        ProcessNode processNode = new ProcessNode();
        Node n = OperatFactory.getServiceObject(NodeService.class, DataProviderModel.FILE).getNode(nodeName);
        BricksCacheManager.INSTANCE.addCacheElement(_CACHE_NAME, task.getTaskid(), task);

Examples of cn.wanghaomiao.xpath.model.Node

    public List<Object> evaluate(String xpath,Elements root) throws NoSuchAxisException, NoSuchFunctionException {
        List<Object> res = new LinkedList<Object>();
        Elements context = root;
        List<Node> xpathNodes=getXpathNodeTree(xpath);
        for (int i=0;i<xpathNodes.size();i++){
            Node n = xpathNodes.get(i);
            LinkedList<Element> contextTmp = new LinkedList<Element>();
            if (n.getScopeEm()== ScopeEm.RECURSIVE||n.getScopeEm()==ScopeEm.CURREC){
                if (n.getTagName().startsWith("@")){
                    for (Element e:context){
                        String key = n.getTagName().substring(1);
                        if (key.equals("*")){
                        }else {
                            String value = e.attr(key);
                            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)){
                        for (Element dep:e.getAllElements()){
                            if (key.equals("*")){
                            }else {
                                String value = dep.attr(key);
                                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)){
                }else if (n.getTagName().endsWith("()")){
                }else {
                    Elements searchRes = context.select(n.getTagName());
                    for (Element e:searchRes){
                        Element filterR = filter(e,n);
                        if (filterR!=null){
                    context = new Elements(contextTmp);

            }else {
                if (n.getTagName().startsWith("@")){
                     for (Element e:context){
                         String key = n.getTagName().substring(1);
                         if (key.equals("*")){
                         }else {
                             String value = e.attr(key);
                             if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)){
                }else if (n.getTagName().endsWith("()")){
                    res = (List<Object>) callFunc(n.getTagName().substring(0,n.getTagName().length()-2),context);
                }else {
                    for (Element e:context){
                        Elements filterScope = e.children();
                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(n.getAxis())){
                            filterScope = getAxisScopeEls(n.getAxis(),e);
                        for (Element chi:filterScope){
                            Element fchi=filter(chi,n);
                            if (fchi!=null){

Examples of co.cask.cdap.app.queue.QueueSpecificationGenerator.Node

    return new OutputEmitterFactory() {
      public <T> OutputEmitter<T> create(String outputName, TypeToken<T> type) {
        try {
          Schema schema = schemaGenerator.generate(type.getType());
          Node flowlet = Node.flowlet(flowletName);
          for (QueueSpecification queueSpec : Iterables.concat(queueSpecs.row(flowlet).values())) {
            if (queueSpec.getQueueName().getSimpleName().equals(outputName)
                && queueSpec.getOutputSchema().equals(schema)) {

              final String queueMetricsName = "process.events.out";

Examples of co.cask.tigon.app.queue.QueueSpecificationGenerator.Node

    return new OutputEmitterFactory() {
      public <T> OutputEmitter<T> create(String outputName, TypeToken<T> type) {
        try {
          Schema schema = schemaGenerator.generate(type.getType());
          Node flowlet = Node.flowlet(flowletName);
          for (QueueSpecification queueSpec : Iterables.concat(queueSpecs.row(flowlet).values())) {
            if (queueSpec.getQueueName().getSimpleName().equals(outputName)
                && queueSpec.getOutputSchema().equals(schema)) {

              final String queueMetricsName = "process.events.out";

Examples of com.aerospike.client.cluster.Node

    for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
      Key key = keys[i];
      Partition partition = new Partition(key);     
      BatchNode batchNode;
      Node node = cluster.getNode(partition);
      batchNode = findBatchNode(batchNodes, node);
      if (batchNode == null) {
        batchNodes.add(new BatchNode(node, keysPerNode, key));

Examples of com.alibaba.otter.shared.common.model.config.node.Node


    private String convertToAddress(Long nid) {
        Node node = configClientService.findNode(nid);
        return node.getIp() + ":" + node.getPort();

Examples of com.ardor3d.scenegraph.Node

    public void addNode(String name, Node node) {
        nodes.put(name, node);

    public Node attachToParent(String name, Spatial child) {
        Node node = getNode(name);
        return node;
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