Examples of Node

Examples of gld.infra.Node

    int acp, bcp;
      acp = road.getAlphaNode().isConnectedAt(road);
      bcp = road.getBetaNode().isConnectedAt(road);

    Node alphaNode = road.getAlphaNode();
    Node betaNode = road.getBetaNode();

    int alphaMaxWidth = alphaNode.getWidth();
    int betaMaxWidth = betaNode.getWidth();

    int cax=0,cay=0,cbx=0,cby=0;
    double alphaAngle, betaAngle;

  // calculate the starting positions of the road
    if(acp == 0)    // alpha top
          cax = alphaNode.getCoord().x;
          cay = alphaNode.getCoord().y - alphaMaxWidth * 5 - 1;
          alphaAngle = Math.toRadians(90);
      else if(acp == 1) // alpha right
            cax = alphaNode.getCoord().x + alphaMaxWidth * 5 + 1;
            cay = alphaNode.getCoord().y;
            alphaAngle = 0.0;
        else if(acp == 2) // alpha bottom
            cax = alphaNode.getCoord().x;
            cay = alphaNode.getCoord().y + alphaMaxWidth * 5 + 1;
            alphaAngle = Math.toRadians(270);
        else    // alpha left
            cax = alphaNode.getCoord().x - alphaMaxWidth * 5 - 1;
            cay = alphaNode.getCoord().y;
            alphaAngle = Math.toRadians(180);
        if(bcp == 0)    // beta top
            cbx = betaNode.getCoord().x;
            cby = betaNode.getCoord().y - betaMaxWidth * 5 - 1;
            betaAngle = Math.toRadians(270);
        else if(bcp == 1) // beta right
            cbx = betaNode.getCoord().x + betaMaxWidth * 5 + 1;
            cby = betaNode.getCoord().y;
            betaAngle = Math.toRadians(180);
        else if(bcp == 2) // beta bottom
            cbx = betaNode.getCoord().x;
            cby = betaNode.getCoord().y + betaMaxWidth * 5 + 1;
            betaAngle = Math.toRadians(90);
        else    // beta left
            cbx = betaNode.getCoord().x - betaMaxWidth * 5 - 1;
            cby = betaNode.getCoord().y;
            betaAngle = 0.0;

        Point alphaCoord = new Point(cax,cay);
        Point betaCoord = new Point(cbx,cby);

Examples of gnu.javax.swing.text.html.parser.support.low.node

    String x = "< style  >x";

    pattern a =
      new pattern(new node[]
                    new node(Constants.BEGIN), new node(Constants.NUMTOKEN),
                    new node(Constants.END), new node(Constants.NUMTOKEN)

    pattern b =
      new pattern(new node[]
                    new node(Constants.BEGIN), new node(Constants.STYLE),
                    new node(Constants.END), new node(Constants.NUMTOKEN)

    pattern c =
      new pattern(new node[]
                    new node(Constants.BEGIN), new node(Constants.WS, true),
                    new node(Constants.STYLE), new node(Constants.WS, true),
                    new node(Constants.END), new node(Constants.NUMTOKEN)

    pattern d =
      new pattern(new node[]
                    new node(Constants.BEGIN), new node(Constants.WS, true),
                    new node(Constants.STYLE), new node(Constants.WS, true),
                    new node(Constants.END), new node(Constants.BEGIN)

    ReaderTokenizer rt = new ReaderTokenizer();
    rt.reset(new StringReader(x));

Examples of gnu.testlet.org.omg.CORBA.ORB.communication.node


  public void testTree()
    node n = nod("Root");

    n.children = new node[] { nod("a"), nod("b") };
    n.children [ 1 ].children = new node[] { nod("ba"), nod("bb") };
    n.children [ 1 ].children [ 0 ].children = new node[] { nod("bac") };

Examples of graphStructure.Node

        return rightChild.nodeAt(aPoint, radius);
        Node ret = null;
        if ( leftChild != null )
          ret = leftChild.nodeAt(aPoint, radius);
        if ( ret == null && rightChild != null )
          ret = rightChild.nodeAt(aPoint, radius);
        return ret;
      if ( aPoint.y < splitNode.getY() )
        if ( leftChild == null )
          return null;
        return leftChild.nodeAt(aPoint, radius);
      else if ( aPoint.y > splitNode.getY() )
        if ( rightChild == null )
          return null;
        return rightChild.nodeAt(aPoint, radius);
        Node ret = null;
        if ( leftChild != null )
          ret = leftChild.nodeAt(aPoint, radius);
        if ( ret == null && rightChild != null )

Examples of groovy.util.Node

     * Converts an OMElement into a groovy.util.Node
    public Object toScript(OMElement o) {
        try {

            Node xmlNode = new XmlParser().parseText(o.toString());
            return xmlNode;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SynapseException(e);

Examples of groovy.util.slurpersupport.Node

        attributeNamespaces.put(atts.getLocalName(i), atts.getURI(i));
    final Node newElement;
    if (namespaceURI.length() == 0){
      newElement = new Node(this.currentNode, qName, attributes, attributeNamespaces, namespaceURI);
    } else {
      newElement = new Node(this.currentNode, localName, attributes, attributeNamespaces, namespaceURI);
    if (this.currentNode != null) {

Examples of helma.objectmodel.db.Node

                // will start with idBaseValue+1
                idgen = new XmlIDGenerator(idBaseValue);

            // check if we need to set the id generator to a base value
            Node node = null;

            try {
                getNode(txn, "0");
            } catch (ObjectNotFoundException notfound) {
                node = new Node("root", "0", "Root", nmgr.safe);
                insertNode(txn, node.getID(), node);
                // register node with nodemanager cache
                // nmgr.registerNode(node);

            try {
                getNode(txn, "1");
            } catch (ObjectNotFoundException notfound) {
                node = new Node("users", "1", null, nmgr.safe);
                insertNode(txn, node.getID(), node);
                // register node with nodemanager cache
                // nmgr.registerNode(node);


Examples of helper.SeleniumHelper.Node


  public void testChangeFontSize() {
    String nodeId = createNodeFromRoot();
    String stylePath = new Node(nodeId).style();

    String style = selenium.getAttribute(stylePath);
    Integer fontSizeBefore = getFontSize(style);

Examples of httl.Node

    return true;

  public void visit(EndDirective node) throws IOException, ParseException {
    Node start = ((EndDirective) node).getStart();
    if (start instanceof IfDirective) {
      end((IfDirective) start);
    } else if (start instanceof ElseDirective) {
      end((ElseDirective) start);
    } else if (start instanceof ForDirective) {

Examples of hudson.model.Node

                        if (config.content != null ) {
                            remoteGlobalSettingsFromConfig = SettingsProviderUtils.copyConfigContentToFile( config );
                Node buildNode = build.getBuiltOn();
                if(buildNode == null) {
                    // assume that build was made on master
                    buildNode = Jenkins.getInstance();

                if (StringUtils.isBlank( altSettingsPath ) ) {
                    // get userHome from the node where job has been executed
                    String remoteUserHome = build.getWorkspace().act( new GetUserHome() );
                    altSettingsPath = remoteUserHome + "/.m2/settings.xml";
                // we copy this file in the master in a  temporary file
                FilePath filePath = new FilePath( tmpSettings );
                FilePath remoteSettings = build.getWorkspace().child( altSettingsPath );
                if (!remoteSettings.exists()) {
                    // JENKINS-9084 we finally use $M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml as maven do
                    String mavenHome =
                        ((MavenModuleSet) project).getMaven().forNode(buildNode, listener ).getHome();
                    String settingsPath = mavenHome + "/conf/settings.xml";
                    remoteSettings = build.getWorkspace().child( settingsPath);
                listener.getLogger().println( "Maven RedeployPublished use remote " + (buildNode != null ? buildNode.getNodeName() : "local"
                                              + " maven settings from : " + remoteSettings.getRemote() );
                remoteSettings.copyTo( filePath );
                settingsLoc = tmpSettings;
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