@author Generated from Forte @since 19-Nov-2008
{@link TreeDifferencer} can only apply the matching and edit script generation if the two trees are made out of suchnodes. @author Beat Fluri @see TreeDifferencer
is a Java process that represents a {@link Node}. There can only be one engine running the same Node at the same time.The following features are supported:
To support additional interpreted attributes special attribute names can be used following the notation ${attributeName}. Refer to the current node implementation for supported special attributes (e.g HtmlElement.getAttribute("${text}")
methods. Methods for iterating over and accessing values from nodes are supplied here.
defines an internal node of a scene graph. The internal node maintains a collection of children and handles merging said children into a single bound to allow for very fast culling of multiple nodes. Node allows for any number of children to be attached.
@author Mark Powell
@author Gregg Patton
@author Joshua Slack
The {@link #tension}, {@link #bias} and {@link #continuity} fieldsare parameters for the Kochanek-Bartels interpolation algorithm.
may want to subclass Node
to add their own application-specific data and methods.
@version 1.7
Warning: This is a facade provided for use by user code, not for implementation by user code. User implementations of this interface are highly likely to be incompatible with future releases of the product at both binary and source levels.
@mock.generateA Node
is a representation of a network's node or peer.
It can be used for obtain further information or initiate actions to or with this node.
@author dluebke @version 1.0.3 (2003-10-16) @since 1.0Composite
This will be named REQUIREMENT with the next major release. CRITERIA are then the measurable requirements, i.e. the now-called Leaves.
@see Leaf
@see TreeNode
@author Christoph Becker
This will be named REQUIREMENT with the next major release. CRITERIA are then the measurable requirements, i.e. the now-called Leaves.
@see Leaf
@see TreeNode
@author Christoph Becker
The following features are supported:
{foo a=1 b="abc"}
or nested metadata like {foo a=1 b="123" { bar x=12 text="hello" }}
@author James Strachan
@author Paul King
@version $Revision: 19450 $
As a special case, {@link Jenkins} extends from here. @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi @see NodeMonitor @see NodeDescriptor
For more information, see the Introduction to the Java 3D API.
NOTE: Applications should not extend this class directly.
Implements: {@code java.lang.Cloneable}. @see java.lang.Cloneable @version 1.1 12/3/2012 @author Eugene Krapivin
The generic superclass for all the contents of an XML document. There are exactly eight kinds of nodes in XOM:
Every instance of Node
is an instance of one of these eight classes (including, possibly, one of their subclasses).
Nodes store the deltas between two revisions of the text.
This class is NOT thread safe. @see TrunkNode @see BranchNode @see Archive @author Juanco Anez @version $Id: Node.java,v 1.5 2003/10/13 07:59:46 rdonkin Exp $Interface representing a {@link java.util.prefs.Preferences}node.
@author David Le StratThis class represents a node within a parsed document.
defines the polymorphic behavior for all XML nodes in a dom4j tree.
A node can be output as its XML format, can be detached from its position in a document and can have XPath expressions evaluated on itself.
A node may optionally support the parent relationship and may be read only.
@author James Strachan @version $Revision: 1.31 $ @see #supportsParent @see #isReadOnlyIn order to create a node, the {@link NodeBuilder} can be used. When done with it, make sure tocall {@link #close()} on it. @author kimchy (shay.banon)
Implementing classes should indicate the complexity of their implementation for each method.
@since July 12 2007The node supports both graph based process models as well as block structured (tree based) process models. First we describe tranisions that can be used to form graph based process structures and then we'll describe node composition to form block structured process models. Both models can be combined as well.
Nodes have {@link #getIncomingTransitions() incoming}and {@link #getOutgoingTransitions() outgoing transitions}. These are lists of transitions.
Optionally, transitions can have names. In that case the transition {@link #getOutgoingTransition(String) names are associated to node's outgoing transitions}. The {@link #getOutgoingTransitionsMap() map of outgoing transitions} provides easy access to the named transitions.
One of the outgoing transitions can optionally be marked as {@link #getDefaultTransition() the default transition}.
Block structured process languages have composite nodes that can be modeled with the {@link #getParent() parent}- {@link #getNodes() child} relation.
@author Tom BaeyensTreeComponent
inversions < 1.3.0.
An Node
is a class that represents nodes (resource, literal, blank node) and arcs (properties, predicates) in the graph.
Note that nested nodes may themselves have structure and that empty nodes are available, which can help group dependencies.
More exactly, we specify a tree and a traversal - the traversal is hardcoded below, and implicit in the instructions above.
Base abstract class for all nodes in a Thymeleaf DOM tree.
@author Daniel Fernández @since 2.0.0Node
interface is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model. It represents a single node in the document tree. While all objects implementing the Node
interface expose methods for dealing with children, not all objects implementing the Node
interface may have children. For example, Text
nodes may not have children, and adding children to such nodes results in a DOMException
being raised. The attributes nodeName
, nodeValue
and attributes
are included as a mechanism to get at node information without casting down to the specific derived interface. In cases where there is no obvious mapping of these attributes for a specific nodeType
(e.g., nodeValue
for an Element
or attributes
for a Comment
), this returns null
. Note that the specialized interfaces may contain additional and more convenient mechanisms to get and set the relevant information.
While loading, the node graph is usually created by the {@link org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer}, and later transformed into application specific Java classes by the classes from the {@link org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor} package.
interface represents a physical or logical target to supervise.Node
s mean target sensor, area and so on. Each node has one summary StateItem
and several physical StateItem
represents the Node
's summary state, e.g., overall status. Physical StateItem
s represents the Node
's individual states.
@author y-komori
contained in a Graph
. A Node
represents an object and manifests itself as a two dimensional shape, that can be renerered in a Graph
. All basic Nodes
have a position, a width and a height.
@see Graph
@see Edge
and must provide meaningful implementations for {@link #size()}, {@link #get(int)}, and {@link #set(int,Object)}. Second, a subclass may support a variable number of children. Such a class must override {@link #hasVariable()} to return true
and must providemeaningful implementations for {@link #add(Object)}, {@link #add(int,Object)}, and {@link #remove(int)}.
@author Robert Grimm
@version $Revision: 1.55 $