Package gld.utils

Source Code of gld.utils.CurveUtils

* Copyright (C) 2001 Green Light District Team, Utrecht University
* This program (Green Light District) is free software.
* You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation (version 2 or later).
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* See the documentation of Green Light District for further information.

package gld.utils;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.util.*;
import gld.infra.InfraException;
import gld.infra.Road;
import gld.infra.Node;
import gld.infra.Turn;
import gld.utils.CurveException;
import gld.utils.TurnCurve;

* This class presents methods to handle curves
* @author Pepijn van Lammeren
* @version 1.0
public class CurveUtils
   * Calculate the intersection coordinats for two lines, given a base point and angle for
   * each line.
   * @param p1 The base point for the first line
   * @param p2 The base point for the second line
   * @param ar1 The angle of the first line in radians
   * @param ar2 The angle of the second line in radians
  public static Point calcIntersect(Point p1, Point p2, double ar1, double ar2) throws CurveException
       Point p12 = new Point((int)(p1.x + 1000 * Math.cos(ar1)),(int)(p1.y - 1000 * Math.sin(ar1)));
       Point p22 = new Point((int)(p2.x + 1000 * Math.cos(ar2)),(int)(p2.y - 1000 * Math.sin(ar2)));
       double m1,m2,b1,b2,px,py;
       if(p1.x == p12.x && p2.x == p22.x)
      return new Point((int)((p1.x + p2.x) / 2) + 2,(int)((p1.y + p2.y) / 2) + 2);
       else if(p1.x == p12.x)
      m2 = (double)(p22.y - p2.y) / (p22.x - p2.x);
      b2 = (double)p2.y - (m2 * p2.x);
      px = (double) p12.x;
      py = (double) m2 * px + b2;
    else if(p2.x == p22.x)
      m1 = (double)(p12.y - p1.y) / (p12.x - p1.x);
      b1 = (double) p1.y - (m1 * p1.x);
      px = (double) p12.x;
      py = (double) m1 * px + b1;
      m1 = (double)(p12.y - p1.y) / (p12.x - p1.x);
      m2 = (double)(p22.y - p2.y) / (p22.x - p2.x);
        return new Point((int)((p1.x + p2.x) / 2),(int)((p1.y + p2.y) / 2));
      b1 = (double)p1.y - (m1 * p1.x);
      b2 = (double)p2.y - (m2 * p2.x);
      px = (b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2);
      py = m1 * px + b1;
    return new Point((int)px,(int)py);

  public static TurnCurve createCurve(Point p1, Point p2, double a1, double a2) throws CurveException
    Point tp = new Point((int)(p1.x + p1.distance(p2) * Math.cos(a1)),(int)(p1.y - p1.distance(p2) * Math.sin(a1)));
    Rectangle r = new Rectangle(p2.x - 10, p2.y - 10, 20, 20);
      return new TurnCurve(p1,p2);
    Point ip = calcIntersect(p1,p2,a1,a2);
    return new TurnCurve(p1,ip,p2);

   * Creates a QCurve given two points and angles
   * @param p1 The coordinats of the first point
   * @param p2 The coordinats of the second point
   * @param a1 The angle of the first point in radians
   * @param a2 The angle of the second point
  public static QCurve createCurve(Point p1, Point p2, double a1, double a2) throws CurveException
    Point tp = new Point((int)(p1.x + p1.distance(p2) * Math.cos(a1)),(int)(p1.y - p1.distance(p2) * Math.sin(a1)));
    Rectangle r = new Rectangle(p2.x - 10, p2.y - 10, 20, 20);
    Point ip;
      return new QCurve(p1,p2);
    ip = calcIntersect(p1,p2,a1,a2);
    QCurve c = new QCurve(p1,ip,p2);
// test voor path-iterator-bug:
    Point2D.Double p =,2);
      c = new QCurve(p2,ip,p1);
      p =,2);
    return c;

   * Creates a GeneralPath connecting both curves in a Drivelane-like fashion
   * @param c1 The first curve
   * @param c2 The second curve
   * @return A GeneralPath connecting both curves
  public static GeneralPath createPath(TurnCurve c1,TurnCurve c2)
    GeneralPath p = new GeneralPath(c1);
    return p;
   * Calculates the length of the specified curve in steps of size step
   * @param c The QCurve whose length to calculate
   * @param step The stepsize
   * @return The length of the specified QCurve
  public static double calcLength(TurnCurve c, int step)
    Vector points = new Vector();
    Point p;
    while((p = != null)
    double d = 0.0;
    for(int i = 1; i < points.size(); i++)
      Point p1 = (Point)(points.get(i-1));
      Point p2 = (Point)(points.get(i));
      d += p2.distance(p1);
    return (d/(double)step);
   * Returns the number of steps used to traverse the specified curve
   * @param c The QCurve
   * @return The number of steps
  public static int calcPathSteps(TurnCurve c)
      return (int)(c.getFirst().distance(c.getLast()));
    int n = 0;
    Point p;
    while((p = != null)
    return n;
    * Returns the coordinates of the point with specified index and stepsize
    * on a given curve
    * @param c The curve
    * @param step The stepsize
    * @param index The index of the point
    * @return The Point at the specified index
  public static Point getPoint(TurnCurve c, int index, int step)
      double dx = (double)(c.getLast().x - c.getFirst().x) / (double)((double)c.getFirst().distance(c.getLast()) / (double)step);
      double dy = (double)(c.getLast().y - c.getFirst().y) / (double)((double)c.getFirst().distance(c.getLast()) / (double)step);
      Point p = new Point((int)((double)c.getFirst().x + dx * (double)index),
                        (int)((double)c.getFirst().y + dy * (double)index));
      if(c.getFirst().distance(p) > c.getFirst().distance(c.getLast()))
        return c.getLast();
      if(c.getLast().distance(p) > c.getLast().distance(c.getFirst()))
        return c.getFirst();     
      return p;
    Point p;
    Point q = c.getFirst();
    double pos = 0.0;
    while((p = != null)
      pos += p.distance(q);
      if(pos >= index * step)
        return p;
      q = p;
    return c.getLast();

     * Returns the angle of a given curve at the given index
     * @param c The curve
     * @param step The stepsize
     * @param index The index
     * @return The angle of the curve at the specified index
    public static double getAngle(TurnCurve c, int index, int step)
    Point p1;
    Point p2;
      p1 = c.getFirst();
      p2 = c.getLast();
      p1 = getPoint(c,index,step);
      p2 = null;
      for(int n = 0; n < 10; n++)
        p2 =;
        p2 = p1;
        p1 = c.getControl();
    if(p2.y - p1.y == 0)
      if(p1.x > p2.x)
        return (double)(-Math.PI * 0.5);
        return (double)(Math.PI * 0.5);
    double a = Math.atan((double)(p2.x - p1.x) / (double)(p2.y - p1.y));
    return a;

  public static double getCurrentAngle(TurnCurve c, Point p)
    Point p1;
    Point p2;
      p1 = c.getFirst();
      p2 = c.getLast();
      p1 = p;
      p2 = null;
      for(int n = 0; n < 10; n++)
        p2 =;
        p2 = p1;
        p1 = c.getControl();
    if(p2.y - p1.y == 0)
      if(p1.x > p2.x)
        return (double)(-Math.PI * 0.5);
        return (double)(Math.PI * 0.5);
    return Math.atan((double)(p2.x - p1.x) / (double)(p2.y - p1.y));

     * Convert any angle to a value in the range [0, 2Pi]
  public static double normalize(double a)
    return a > 0 ? a % (Math.PI * 2) : (a % (Math.PI * 2)) + Math.PI * 2;

  public static void setupRoadSizes(Road road, int step) throws InfraException
    int acp, bcp;
      acp = road.getAlphaNode().isConnectedAt(road);
      bcp = road.getBetaNode().isConnectedAt(road);

    Node alphaNode = road.getAlphaNode();
    Node betaNode = road.getBetaNode();

    int alphaMaxWidth = alphaNode.getWidth();
    int betaMaxWidth = betaNode.getWidth();

    int cax=0,cay=0,cbx=0,cby=0;
    double alphaAngle, betaAngle;

  // calculate the starting positions of the road
    if(acp == 0)    // alpha top
          cax = alphaNode.getCoord().x;
          cay = alphaNode.getCoord().y - alphaMaxWidth * 5 - 1;
          alphaAngle = Math.toRadians(90);
      else if(acp == 1) // alpha right
            cax = alphaNode.getCoord().x + alphaMaxWidth * 5 + 1;
            cay = alphaNode.getCoord().y;
            alphaAngle = 0.0;
        else if(acp == 2) // alpha bottom
            cax = alphaNode.getCoord().x;
            cay = alphaNode.getCoord().y + alphaMaxWidth * 5 + 1;
            alphaAngle = Math.toRadians(270);
        else    // alpha left
            cax = alphaNode.getCoord().x - alphaMaxWidth * 5 - 1;
            cay = alphaNode.getCoord().y;
            alphaAngle = Math.toRadians(180);
        if(bcp == 0)    // beta top
            cbx = betaNode.getCoord().x;
            cby = betaNode.getCoord().y - betaMaxWidth * 5 - 1;
            betaAngle = Math.toRadians(270);
        else if(bcp == 1) // beta right
            cbx = betaNode.getCoord().x + betaMaxWidth * 5 + 1;
            cby = betaNode.getCoord().y;
            betaAngle = Math.toRadians(180);
        else if(bcp == 2) // beta bottom
            cbx = betaNode.getCoord().x;
            cby = betaNode.getCoord().y + betaMaxWidth * 5 + 1;
            betaAngle = Math.toRadians(90);
        else    // beta left
            cbx = betaNode.getCoord().x - betaMaxWidth * 5 - 1;
            cby = betaNode.getCoord().y;
            betaAngle = 0.0;

        Point alphaCoord = new Point(cax,cay);
        Point betaCoord = new Point(cbx,cby);
    if(road.getTurns().length==0// no turns
      road.setLength((int)(alphaCoord.distance(betaCoord) / step));
    Turn[] turns = road.getTurns();
    double pos = 0.0;

      TurnCurve arc = createCurve(alphaCoord,turns[0].getCoord(),alphaAngle,turns[0].getAngle() + Math.PI);
      pos = calcLength(arc,step);
    catch(CurveException ce)
    for(int i = 0; i < turns.length - 1; i++)
        TurnCurve arc = createCurve(turns[i].getCoord(),turns[i+1].getCoord(),turns[i].getAngle(),turns[i+1].getAngle() + Math.PI);
        pos += calcLength(arc,step);
      catch(CurveException ce)
      TurnCurve arc = createCurve(turns[turns.length-1].getCoord(),betaCoord,turns[turns.length-1].getAngle(),betaAngle);
      pos += calcLength(arc,step);
    catch(CurveException ce)


     * Returns the length of a given Road.
     * @param road A Road
     * @param step The step-size in pixels
      public static int getRoadLength(Road road, int step) throws InfraException

    if(road.getTurns().length==0// no turns
        int dx = (road.getAlphaNode().getCoord().x - road.getBetaNode().getCoord().x);
        int dy = (road.getAlphaNode().getCoord().y - road.getBetaNode().getCoord().y);
        return (int)(Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) / step);
    Turn[] turns = road.getTurns();
    double len = 0;

    int acp, bcp;
      acp = road.getAlphaNode().isConnectedAt(road);
      bcp = road.getBetaNode().isConnectedAt(road);

    Node alphaNode = road.getAlphaNode();
    Node betaNode = road.getBetaNode();

    int alphaMaxWidth = alphaNode.getWidth();
    int betaMaxWidth = betaNode.getWidth();

    int cax=0,cay=0,cbx=0,cby=0;
    double alphaAngle, betaAngle;

  // calculate the starting positions of the road
    if(acp == 0)    // alpha top
          cax = alphaNode.getCoord().x;
          cay = alphaNode.getCoord().y - alphaMaxWidth * 5 - 1;
          alphaAngle = Math.toRadians(90);
      else if(acp == 1) // alpha right
            cax = alphaNode.getCoord().x + alphaMaxWidth * 5 + 1;
            cay = alphaNode.getCoord().y;
            alphaAngle = 0.0;
        else if(acp == 2) // alpha bottom
            cax = alphaNode.getCoord().x;
            cay = alphaNode.getCoord().y + alphaMaxWidth * 5 + 1;
            alphaAngle = Math.toRadians(270);
        else    // alpha left
            cax = alphaNode.getCoord().x - alphaMaxWidth * 5 - 1;
            cay = alphaNode.getCoord().y;
            alphaAngle = Math.toRadians(180);
        if(bcp == 0)    // beta top
            cbx = betaNode.getCoord().x;
            cby = betaNode.getCoord().y - betaMaxWidth * 5 - 1;
            betaAngle = Math.toRadians(270);
        else if(bcp == 1) // beta right
            cbx = betaNode.getCoord().x + betaMaxWidth * 5 + 1;
            cby = betaNode.getCoord().y;
            betaAngle = Math.toRadians(180);
        else if(bcp == 2) // beta bottom
            cbx = betaNode.getCoord().x;
            cby = betaNode.getCoord().y + betaMaxWidth * 5 + 1;
            betaAngle = Math.toRadians(90);
        else    // beta left
            cbx = betaNode.getCoord().x - betaMaxWidth * 5 - 1;
            cby = betaNode.getCoord().y;
            betaAngle = 0.0;

        Point alphaCoord = new Point(cax,cay);
        Point betaCoord = new Point(cbx,cby);

            TurnCurve arc = CurveUtils.createCurve(alphaCoord,turns[0].getCoord(),alphaAngle,normalize(turns[0].getAngle()));
        len = len + calcLength(arc,step);
        catch(CurveException exc)
        int dx = alphaCoord.x - turns[0].getCoord().x;
        int dy = alphaCoord.y - turns[0].getCoord().y;
        len = len + (Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) / step);
    for(int t = 0; t < turns.length - 1; t++)
            double ta1 = CurveUtils.normalize(turns[t].getAngle());
            double ta2 = CurveUtils.normalize(turns[t+1].getAngle() + Math.PI);
            Point tp1 = turns[t].getCoord();
            Point tp2 = turns[t+1].getCoord();
                TurnCurve arc = createCurve(tp1,tp2,ta1,ta2);
        len = len + calcLength(arc,step);
            catch(CurveException exc)
        int dx = tp1.x - tp2.x;
        int dy = tp1.y - tp2.y;
        len = len + (Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) / step);
            TurnCurve arc = CurveUtils.createCurve(turns[turns.length-1].getCoord(),betaCoord,turns[turns.length-1].getAngle(),betaAngle);
          len = len + calcLength(arc,step);
        catch(CurveException exc)
        int dx = betaCoord.x - turns[turns.length-1].getCoord().x;
        int dy = betaCoord.y - turns[turns.length-1].getCoord().y;
        len = len + (int)(Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)/step);

    return (int)len;

Related Classes of gld.utils.CurveUtils

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