package me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Context;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.WorldGenerator;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.PlatLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.RoadLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.Nature.BunkerLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.Nature.MineEntranceLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.Nature.MountainShackLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.Nature.MountainTentLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.Nature.OilPlatformLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.Nature.OldCastleLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Plats.Nature.RadioTowerLot;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.HeightInfo;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.HeightInfo.HeightState;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.Odds;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.PlatMap;
import me.daddychurchill.CityWorld.Support.SupportChunk;
public class NatureContext extends UncivilizedContext {
public NatureContext(WorldGenerator generator) {
private final static double oddsOfBunkers = Odds.oddsLikely;
public void populateMap(WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap) {
//TODO, Nature doesn't handle schematics quite right yet
// let the user add their stuff first, then plug any remaining holes with our stuff
//mapsSchematics.populate(generator, platmap);
// random stuff?
Odds platmapOdds = platmap.getOddsGenerator();
boolean doBunkers = generator.settings.includeBunkers && platmapOdds.playOdds(oddsOfBunkers);
boolean didBunkerEntrance = false;
// where it all begins
int originX = platmap.originX;
int originZ = platmap.originZ;
HeightInfo heights;
// highest special place
int maxHeight = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int maxHeightX = -1;
int maxHeightZ = -1;
HeightState maxState = HeightState.BUILDING;
// lowest special place
int minHeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int minHeightX = -1;
int minHeightZ = -1;
HeightState minState = HeightState.BUILDING;
// is this natural or buildable?
for (int x = 0; x < PlatMap.Width; x++) {
for (int z = 0; z < PlatMap.Width; z++) {
PlatLot current = platmap.getLot(x, z);
if (current == null) {
// what is the world location of the lot?
int chunkX = originX + x;
int chunkZ = originZ + z;
int blockX = chunkX * SupportChunk.chunksBlockWidth;
int blockZ = chunkZ * SupportChunk.chunksBlockWidth;
// get the height info for this chunk
heights = HeightInfo.getHeightsFaster(generator, blockX, blockZ);
if (!heights.isBuildable()) {
// our inner chunks?
if (x > 0 && x < PlatMap.Width - 1 && z > 0 && z < PlatMap.Width - 1) {
// extreme changes?
if (heights.minHeight < minHeight) {
minHeight = heights.minHeight;
minHeightX = x;
minHeightZ = z;
minState = heights.state;
if (heights.maxHeight > maxHeight) {
maxHeight = heights.maxHeight;
maxHeightX = x;
maxHeightZ = z;
maxState = heights.state;
// innermost chunks?
boolean potentialRoads = (x == (RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset - 1) || x == (PlatMap.Width - RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset)) &&
(z == (RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset - 1) || z == (PlatMap.Width - RoadLot.PlatMapRoadInset));
boolean doBunkerEntrance = doBunkers && !didBunkerEntrance && !potentialRoads;
// what type of height are we talking about?
switch (heights.state) {
// // if not one of the innermost or the height isn't tall enough for bunkers
// if (!innermost || minHeight < BunkerLot.calcBunkerMinHeight(generator)) {
// if (heights.isSortaFlat() && generator.shapeProvider.isIsolatedConstructAt(originX + x, originZ + z, oddsOfIsolatedConstructs))
// current = createSurfaceBuildingLot(generator, platmap, originX + x, originZ + z, heights);
// else if (doBunkers && innermost) {
// current = createBuriedBuildingLot(generator, platmap, chunkX, chunkZ, !didBunkers);
// didBunkers = true;
// }
// }
if (doBunkers && minHeight > BunkerLot.calcBunkerMinHeight(generator)) {
current = createBuriedBuildingLot(generator, platmap, chunkX, chunkZ, doBunkerEntrance);
} else if (heights.isSortaFlat() && generator.shapeProvider.isIsolatedConstructAt(originX + x, originZ + z, oddsOfIsolatedConstructs)) {
current = createSurfaceBuildingLot(generator, platmap, originX + x, originZ + z, heights);
case PEAK:
if (doBunkers) {
current = createBuriedBuildingLot(generator, platmap, chunkX, chunkZ, doBunkerEntrance);
// did we do it?
if (doBunkerEntrance && current != null)
didBunkerEntrance = true;
// did current get defined?
if (current != null)
platmap.setLot(x, z, current);
platmap.recycleLot(x, z);
// any special things to do?
populateSpecial(generator, platmap, maxHeightX, maxHeight, maxHeightZ, maxState);
populateSpecial(generator, platmap, minHeightX, minHeight, minHeightZ, minState);
protected PlatLot createBuriedBuildingLot(WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap, int x, int z, boolean firstOne) {
if (generator.settings.includeBunkers)
return new BunkerLot(platmap, x, z, firstOne);
return null;
protected PlatLot createSurfaceBuildingLot(WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap, int x, int z, HeightInfo heights) {
if (generator.settings.includeHouses)
if (platmap.getOddsGenerator().flipCoin())
return new MountainShackLot(platmap, x, z);
return new MountainTentLot(platmap, x, z);
return null;
protected void populateSpecial(WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap, int x, int y, int z, HeightState state) {
// what type of height are we talking about?
if (state != HeightState.BUILDING &&
generator.shapeProvider.isIsolatedConstructAt(platmap.originX + x, platmap.originZ + z, oddsOfIsolatedConstructs / 2)) {
// what to make?
switch (state) {
// Oil rigs
if (generator.settings.includeBuildings) {
platmap.setLot(x, z, new OilPlatformLot(platmap, platmap.originX + x, platmap.originZ + z));
// case SEA:
// break;
// case BUILDING:
// break;
// case LOWLAND:
// //TODO Statue overlooking the city?
// break;
// Mine entrance
if (generator.settings.includeMines)
platmap.setLot(x, z, new MineEntranceLot(platmap, platmap.originX + x, platmap.originZ + z));
// Radio towers
if (generator.settings.includeBuildings)
platmap.setLot(x, z, new RadioTowerLot(platmap, platmap.originX + x, platmap.originZ + z));
case PEAK:
// Old castle
if (generator.settings.includeBuildings)
platmap.setLot(x, z, new OldCastleLot(platmap, platmap.originX + x, platmap.originZ + z));
public void validateMap(WorldGenerator generator, PlatMap platmap) {