Examples of keySet()

Examples of edu.brown.designer.IndexPlan.keySet()

        // We now need to consolidate overlapping indexes for each table if they
        // are
        // used in the same procedure
        for (Table catalog_tbl : indexPlan.keySet()) {
            Iterator<IndexPlan.Entry> it0 = indexPlan.get(catalog_tbl).iterator();
            while (it0.hasNext()) {
                IndexPlan.Entry index0 = it0.next();
                // Look for another index that has all our columns

Examples of edu.brown.markov.containers.MarkovGraphsContainer.keySet()

        // Now read it back in make sure everything is there
        MarkovGraphsContainer clone = new MarkovGraphsContainer();
        clone.load(tempFile, catalog_db);
        assertEquals(markovs.size(), clone.size());
        for (Integer id : markovs.keySet()) {
            MarkovGraph clone_m = clone.get(id, catalog_proc);
        } // FOR

Examples of edu.byu.ece.rapidSmith.device.helper.WireHashMap.keySet()

      WireHashMap whm = new WireHashMap(tile.getWireHashMap());

      // Traverse all non-PIP wire connections starting at this source wire.  If any
      // such wire connections lead to a sink wire that is not already a connection of
      // the source wire, mark it to be added as a connection
      for (Integer wire : whm.keySet()) {
        Set<WireConnection> wcToAdd = new HashSet<>();
        Set<WireConnection> checkedConnections = new HashSet<>();
        Queue<WireConnection> connectionsToFollow = new LinkedList<>();

        // Add the wire to prevent building a connection back to itself

Examples of edu.cornell.med.icb.identifier.IndexedIdentifier.keySet()

        isIndexed = reader.isIndexed();
        // reader.close();
        // reader = null;

        targetSequenceNames = new ArrayList();
        for (MutableString ms : identifiers.keySet()) {


Examples of edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel.keySet()

            if(!l.containsKey(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPatterns.class) || l.get(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPatterns.class) == null)
              l.set(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPatterns.class, new HashSet<Pattern>());

            SurfacePattern pSur = (SurfacePattern) pEn.getValue();
            assert pSur != null : "Why is " + pEn.getValue() + " not present in the index?!";
            assert l.get(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPatterns.class) != null : "How come MatchedPatterns class is null for the token. The classes in the key set are " + l.keySet();

            for (Entry<Class, Object> ig : constVars.getIgnoreWordswithClassesDuringSelection()
                .get(label).entrySet()) {
              if (l.containsKey(ig.getKey())

Examples of edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CyclicCoreLabel.keySet()

   *         label arcs between this node and <code>destNode</code>
  public Set<Class<? extends GrammaticalRelationAnnotation>> arcLabelsToNode(TreeGraphNode destNode) {
    Set<Class<? extends GrammaticalRelationAnnotation>> arcLabels = Generics.newHashSet();
    CyclicCoreLabel cl = label();
    for (Iterator<Class<?>> it = cl.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
      Class<? extends CoreAnnotation> key = (Class<? extends CoreAnnotation>) it.next();//javac doesn't compile properly if generics are fully specified (but eclipse does...)
      Object val = cl.get(key);
      if (val != null && val instanceof Set) {
        if (((Set) val).contains(destNode)) {
          if (key != null) {

Examples of edu.stanford.nlp.neural.Embedding.keySet()

  void readWordVectors() {
    Embedding embedding = new Embedding(op.wordVectors, op.numHid);
    this.wordVectors = Generics.newTreeMap();
//    Map<String, SimpleMatrix> rawWordVectors = NeuralUtils.readRawWordVectors(op.wordVectors, op.numHid);
//    for (String word : rawWordVectors.keySet()) {
    for (String word : embedding.keySet()) {
      // TODO: factor out unknown word vector code from DVParser
      wordVectors.put(word, embedding.get(word));

    String unkWord = op.unkWord;

Examples of edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap.keySet()

  public CoreLabel(Label label) {
    if (label instanceof CoreMap) {
      CoreMap cl = (CoreMap) label;
      for (Class key : cl.keySet()) {
        set(key, cl.get(key));
    } else {
      if (label instanceof HasWord) {

Examples of edu.stanford.ppl.concurrent.SnapTreeMap.keySet()

     *  keySet.toArray returns contains all keys
    public void testKeySetToArray() {
        SnapTreeMap map = map5();
        Set s = map.keySet();
        Object[] ar = s.toArray();
        assertEquals(5, ar.length);
        ar[0] = m10;

Examples of edu.umd.cloud9.io.map.HMapIDW.keySet()

      // double logNormalizer = Math.log(hashMap.getNormalizeFactor());

      // logNormalizer = LogMath.add(pairOfIntFloat.getRightElement(),
      // Settings.DEFAULT_LOG_ETA + Math.log(numberOfTerms));

      Iterator<Integer> itr = hashMap.keySet().iterator();
      while (itr.hasNext()) {
        int termIndex = itr.next();
        double logBetaValue = hashMap.get(termIndex);
        // double logBetaValue = Math.log(hashMap.get(termIndex));
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