Examples of keySet()

Examples of org.jboss.resteasy.skeleton.key.representations.SkeletonKeyScope.keySet()

         catch (IOException e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
         for (String res : scope.keySet())
            Resource resource = identityManager.getResource(realm, res);
            ScopeMapping scopeMapping = identityManager.getScopeMapping(realm, resource, client);
            RoleMapping roleMapping = identityManager.getRoleMapping(realm, resource, user);
            SkeletonKeyToken.Access access = token.addAccess(resource.getName());

Examples of org.jboss.ws.core.CommonMessageContext.keySet()

         // Copy the inbound msg properties to the binding's response context
         msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
         for (String key : msgContext.keySet())
            Object value = msgContext.get(key);
            resContext.put(key, value);

Examples of org.jboss.ws.core.jaxws.handler.SOAPMessageContextJAXWS.keySet()

         // Copy the inbound msg properties to the binding's response context
         msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
         for (String key : msgContext.keySet())
            Object value = msgContext.get(key);
            resContext.put(key, value);

Examples of org.jcoredb.fs.impl.multithead.ContainerIndex.keySet()

    //Index by container id
    ContainerIndex cntIdx = indexByContainer(blocks);
    //For each container
    for (int cntId : cntIdx.keySet())
        //The blocks of this container
        Container cnt = this.getContainer(cntId);
        Block[] cntBlocks = cntIdx.get(cntId).toArray(new Block[cntIdx.get(cntId).size()]);

Examples of org.jgroups.util.RspList.keySet()


    public static void testKeySet() {
        RspList tmp=new RspList();
        Set keys=tmp.keySet();
        assert keys != null;
        Assert.assertEquals(0, keys.size());

Examples of org.joget.apps.form.model.FormRow.keySet()

                String profile = DynamicDataSourceManager.getCurrentProfile();
                String cacheKey = profile + ";" + entityName + ";" + tableName;
                if (rowSet != null) {
                    for (Iterator<FormRow> i=rowSet.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                        FormRow row = i.next();
                        cacheKey += ";" + row.keySet();
                net.sf.ehcache.Element element = formHibernateTemplateCache.get(cacheKey);
                if (element != null) {

Examples of org.jpos.core.Configuration.keySet()

        if (merge != null) {
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(merge, ", ");
            while (st.hasMoreElements()) {
                try {
                    Configuration c = QConfig.getConfiguration(st.nextToken());
                    for (String k : c.keySet()) {
                        if (cfg.get(k, null) == null) {
                            String[] v = c.getAll(k);
                            switch (v.length) {
                                case 0:

Examples of org.jruby.RubyHash.keySet()

        final RubyClass theCls = (RubyClass)objClass;
        final RubyObject oo = (RubyObject)theCls.getAllocator().allocate(runtime, theCls);
        final Map vars = (Map)(ctor.constructMapping(node));
        ctor.doRecursionFix(node, oo);
        for(final Iterator iter = vars.keySet().iterator();iter.hasNext();) {
            final IRubyObject key = (IRubyObject)iter.next();
            final Object val = vars.get(key);
            if(val instanceof LinkNode) {
                final String KEY = "@" + key.toString();
                ctor.addFixer((Node)(((LinkNode)val).getValue()), new RecursiveFixer() {

Examples of org.json.JSONObject.keySet()

                return visibilityJson;
            Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            for (Object key : json.keySet()) {
                String keyStr = (String) key;
                result.put(keyStr, toClientApiValue(json.get(keyStr)));
            return result;
        } else if (value instanceof String) {

Examples of org.json.simple.JSONObject.keySet()

      final JSONObject aps = this.extractApsObjectFromPayloadString(this.builder.buildWithDefaultMaximumLength());
      final JSONObject alert = (JSONObject) aps.get("alert");


    final String actionButtonKey = "action.key";
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