Examples of keySet()

Examples of org.apache.commons.collections.map.MultiValueMap.keySet()

          nodeChildrenGroupedByResponse.put(rsp, server);
        //If query can split the group of servers, set up a new child node using the query
        //TODO: Instead of using the first query that can split the servers, use the best ?
        if (nodeChildrenGroupedByResponse.keySet().size() > 1) {
          //System.out.println("Query "+queryIndex+" splits response "+response+" of query "+cur.query+ " into "+nodeChildrenGroupedByResponse.keySet().size() + " parts");

          Node childNode = new Node();
          childNode.query = queryIndex;
          for (Object childResponse : nodeChildrenGroupedByResponse.keySet()) {

Examples of org.apache.commons.collections15.OrderedMap.keySet()

        OrderedMap ordered = (OrderedMap) map;
        ((ResettableIterator) ordered.mapIterator()).reset();

        ordered = (OrderedMap) map;
        List list = new ArrayList(ordered.keySet());
        ResettableIterator it = (ResettableIterator) ordered.mapIterator();
        assertSame(list.get(0), it.next());
        assertSame(list.get(1), it.next());
        assertSame(list.get(0), it.next());

Examples of org.apache.commons.collections15.SortedBidiMap.keySet()

    public void testBidiHeadMapContains() {
        // extra test as other tests get complex
        SortedBidiMap sm = (SortedBidiMap) makeFullMap();
        Iterator it = sm.keySet().iterator();
        Object first = it.next();
        Object toKey = it.next();
        Object second = it.next();
        Object firstValue = sm.get(first);
        Object secondValue = sm.get(second);

Examples of org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapMessage.keySet()

        Binding binding = control.createMock(Binding.class);
        SoapMessage message = control.createMock(SoapMessage.class);
        Exchange exchange = control.createMock(Exchange.class);
        expect(message.keySet()).andReturn(new HashSet<String>());

        SOAPHandlerInterceptor li = new SOAPHandlerInterceptor(binding);
        Set<QName> understood = li.getUnderstoodHeaders();

Examples of org.apache.cxf.message.Message.keySet()

        manager = control.createMock(RMManager.class, new Method[] {m});
        Message message = control.createMock(Message.class);
        Exchange exchange = control.createMock(Exchange.class);
        EasyMock.expect(message.keySet()).andReturn(new HashSet<String>()).anyTimes();
        Conduit conduit = control.createMock(Conduit.class);

Examples of org.apache.felix.utils.properties.Properties.keySet()

        // remove "removed" properties from the file
        ArrayList<String> propertiesToRemove = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String key : p.keySet()) {
            if (props.get(key) == null
                    && !Constants.SERVICE_PID.equals(key)
                    && !ConfigurationAdmin.SERVICE_FACTORYPID.equals(key)
                    && !FILEINSTALL_FILE_NAME.equals(key)) {

Examples of org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration.keySet()

      assertEquals(true, copy.getBoolean("shouldbetrue", false));
      assertArrayEquals(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, copy.getBytes("bytes sequence", null));
      assertEquals(getClass(), copy.getClass("myclass", null, getClass().getClassLoader()));
      assertEquals(orig, copy);
      assertEquals(orig.keySet(), copy.keySet());
      assertEquals(orig.hashCode(), copy.hashCode());

    } catch (Exception e) {

Examples of org.apache.fulcrum.parser.ParameterParser.keySet()

    String button = pp.convert(BUTTON);
    String key = null;

    // Loop through and find the button.
    for (Iterator it = pp.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();)
      key = (String) it.next();
      if (key.startsWith(button))
        if (considerKey(key, pp))

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.HbaseMapWritable.keySet()

        // Test data and that the row for the data is for our table. If table
        // does not exist, scanner will return row after where our table would
        // be inserted if it exists so look for exact match on table name.
        if (data != null && data.size() > 0) {
          for (Writable k: data.keySet()) {
            if (HRegionInfo.getTableNameFromRegionName(
                ((HStoreKey) k).getRow()).equals(tableName)) {
              // Then a region for this table already exists. Ergo table exists.

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.io.MapWritable.keySet()

        // Test data and that the row for the data is for our table. If table
        // does not exist, scanner will return row after where our table would
        // be inserted if it exists so look for exact match on table name.
        if (data != null && data.size() > 0) {
          for (Writable k: data.keySet()) {
            if (HRegionInfo.getTableNameFromRegionName(
                ((HStoreKey) k).getRow()).equals(tableName)) {
              // Then a region for this table already exists. Ergo table exists.
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