package edu.stanford.nlp.patterns.surface;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.TokenSequenceMatcher;
import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.TokenSequencePattern;
import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.TwoDimensionalCounter;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CollectionValuedMap;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair;
import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Triple;
public class ApplyPatterns<E extends Pattern> implements Callable<Pair<TwoDimensionalCounter<Pair<String, String>, E>, CollectionValuedMap<E, Triple<String, Integer, Integer>>>> {
String label;
Map<TokenSequencePattern, E> patterns;
List<String> sentids;
boolean removeStopWordsFromSelectedPhrases;
boolean removePhrasesWithStopWords;
ConstantsAndVariables<E> constVars;
Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents = null;
public ApplyPatterns(Map<String, List<CoreLabel>> sents, List<String> sentids, Map<TokenSequencePattern, E> patterns, String label, boolean removeStopWordsFromSelectedPhrases, boolean removePhrasesWithStopWords, ConstantsAndVariables cv) {
this.sents = sents;
this.patterns = patterns;
this.sentids = sentids;
this.label = label;
this.removeStopWordsFromSelectedPhrases = removeStopWordsFromSelectedPhrases;
this.removePhrasesWithStopWords = removePhrasesWithStopWords;
this.constVars = cv;
public Pair<TwoDimensionalCounter<Pair<String, String>, E>, CollectionValuedMap<E, Triple<String, Integer, Integer>>> call()
throws Exception {
// CollectionValuedMap<String, Integer> tokensMatchedPattern = new
// CollectionValuedMap<String, Integer>();
TwoDimensionalCounter<Pair<String, String>, E> allFreq = new TwoDimensionalCounter<Pair<String, String>, E>();
CollectionValuedMap<E, Triple<String, Integer, Integer>> matchedTokensByPat = new CollectionValuedMap<E, Triple<String, Integer, Integer>>();
for (String sentid : sentids) {
List<CoreLabel> sent = sents.get(sentid);
for (Entry<TokenSequencePattern, E> pEn : patterns.entrySet()) {
if (pEn.getKey() == null)
throw new RuntimeException("why is the pattern " + pEn + " null?");
TokenSequenceMatcher m = pEn.getKey().getMatcher(sent);
// //Setting this find type can save time in searching - greedy and reluctant quantifiers are not enforced
// m.setFindType(SequenceMatcher.FindType.FIND_ALL);
//Higher branch values makes the faster but uses more memory
while (m.find()) {
int s = m.start("$term");
int e = m.end("$term");
String phrase = "";
String phraseLemma = "";
boolean useWordNotLabeled = false;
boolean doNotUse = false;
//find if the neighboring words are labeled - if so - club them together
if(constVars.clubNeighboringLabeledWords) {
for (int i = s - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!sent.get(i).get(constVars.getAnswerClass().get(label)).equals(label)) {
s = i + 1;
for (int i = e; i < sent.size(); i++) {
if (!sent.get(i).get(constVars.getAnswerClass().get(label)).equals(label)) {
e = i;
//to make sure we discard phrases with stopwords in between, but include the ones in which stop words were removed at the ends if removeStopWordsFromSelectedPhrases is true
boolean[] addedindices = new boolean[e-s];
Arrays.fill(addedindices, false);
for (int i = s; i < e; i++) {
CoreLabel l = sent.get(i);
l.set(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPattern.class, true);
if(!l.containsKey(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPatterns.class) || l.get(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPatterns.class) == null)
l.set(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPatterns.class, new HashSet<Pattern>());
SurfacePattern pSur = (SurfacePattern) pEn.getValue();
assert pSur != null : "Why is " + pEn.getValue() + " not present in the index?!";
assert l.get(PatternsAnnotations.MatchedPatterns.class) != null : "How come MatchedPatterns class is null for the token. The classes in the key set are " + l.keySet();
for (Entry<Class, Object> ig : constVars.getIgnoreWordswithClassesDuringSelection()
.get(label).entrySet()) {
if (l.containsKey(ig.getKey())
&& l.get(ig.getKey()).equals(ig.getValue())) {
doNotUse = true;
boolean containsStop = containsStopWord(l,
constVars.getCommonEngWords(), PatternFactory.ignoreWordRegex);
if (removePhrasesWithStopWords && containsStop) {
doNotUse = true;
} else {
if (!containsStop || !removeStopWordsFromSelectedPhrases) {
if (label == null
|| l.get(constVars.getAnswerClass().get(label)) == null
|| !l.get(constVars.getAnswerClass().get(label)).equals(
label.toString())) {
useWordNotLabeled = true;
phrase += " " + l.word();
phraseLemma += " " + l.lemma();
addedindices[i-s] = true;
for(int i =0; i < addedindices.length; i++){
if(i > 0 && i < addedindices.length -1 && addedindices[i-1] == true && addedindices[i] == false && addedindices[i+1] == true){
doNotUse = true;
if (!doNotUse && useWordNotLabeled) {
matchedTokensByPat.add(pEn.getValue(), new Triple<String, Integer, Integer>(
sentid, s, e -1 ));
if (useWordNotLabeled) {
phrase = phrase.trim();
phraseLemma = phraseLemma.trim();
allFreq.incrementCount(new Pair<String, String>(phrase,
phraseLemma), pEn.getValue(), 1.0);
return new Pair<TwoDimensionalCounter<Pair<String, String>, E>, CollectionValuedMap<E, Triple<String, Integer, Integer>>>(allFreq, matchedTokensByPat);
boolean containsStopWord(CoreLabel l, Set<String> commonEngWords, java.util.regex.Pattern ignoreWordRegex) {
// if(useWordResultCache.containsKey(l.word()))
// return useWordResultCache.get(l.word());
if ((commonEngWords.contains(l.lemma()) || commonEngWords.contains(l.word())) || (ignoreWordRegex != null && ignoreWordRegex.matcher(l.lemma()).matches())){
//|| (ignoreWords !=null && (ignoreWords.contains(l.lemma()) || ignoreWords.contains(l.word())))) {
// useWordResultCache.putIfAbsent(l.word(), false);
return true;
// if (l.word().length() >= minLen4Fuzzy) {
// try {
// String matchedFuzzy = NoisyLabelSentences.containsFuzzy(commonEngWords,
// l.word(), minLen4Fuzzy);
// if (matchedFuzzy != null) {
// synchronized (commonEngWords) {
// commonEngWords.add(l.word());
// System.out.println("word is " + l.word() + " and matched fuzzy with " +
// matchedFuzzy);
// }
// useWordResultCache.putIfAbsent(l.word(), false);
// return false;
// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// System.out.println("Exception " + " while fuzzy matching " + l.word());
// }
// }
// useWordResultCache.putIfAbsent(l.word(), true);
return false;