Examples of evaluate()

Examples of org.geotools.filter.ConstantExpression.evaluate()

        factory = new ColorConverterFactory();
    public void testVsConstantExpression() throws Exception {
        ConstantExpression expr = ConstantExpression.color(Color.RED);
        String expected = expr.evaluate(null, String.class );
        Converter converter = factory.createConverter( Color.class, String.class, null );
        String actual = converter.convert( Color.RED, String.class );
        assertEquals( expected, actual );

Examples of org.geotools.filter.expression.AddImpl.evaluate()

    Expression testAttribute1 = new LiteralExpressionImpl(new Integer(4));

    MathExpressionImpl mathTest = new AddImpl(null, null);
    try {
      fail("math expressions should not work if right hand side is not set");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ife) {
    mathTest = new AddImpl(null, null);

Examples of org.geotools.filter.function.ClassificationFunction.evaluate()

        List params = new ArrayList();
        params.add(0, expr2); //expression
        params.add(1, ff.literal(2)); //classes

        Object object = function.evaluate(fc);
        assertTrue(object instanceof RangedClassifier);

        RangedClassifier classifier = (RangedClassifier) object;

        Color[] colors = brewer.getPalette(paletteName).getColors(2);

Examples of org.geotools.filter.function.EqualIntervalFunction.evaluate()

        List params = new ArrayList();
        params.add(0, expr2); //expression
        params.add(1, ff.literal(2)); //classes

        Object object = function.evaluate(fc);
        assertTrue(object instanceof RangedClassifier);

        RangedClassifier classifier = (RangedClassifier) object;

        Color[] colors = brewer.getPalette(paletteName).getColors(2);

Examples of org.geotools.process.raster.FilterFunction_gridCoverageStats.evaluate()

                    .getResourcePool().getGridCoverageReader(storeInfo, null);

            GeneralParameterValue[] parameters = parseReadParameters(coverageInfo, map, reader);
            coverage = (GridCoverage2D) reader.read(parameters);

            final double min = (Double) statsFilterFunction.evaluate(coverage, "minimum");
            final double max = (Double) statsFilterFunction.evaluate(coverage, "maximum");

            // Getting a colorMap on top of that
            cmap = (ColorMap) colorMapFilterFunction.evaluate(colorMap, min, max);
            final Builder cmapLegendBuilder = new ColorMapLegendCreator.Builder();

Examples of org.geotools.process.raster.FilterFunction_svgColorMap.evaluate()

            final double min = (Double) statsFilterFunction.evaluate(coverage, "minimum");
            final double max = (Double) statsFilterFunction.evaluate(coverage, "maximum");

            // Getting a colorMap on top of that
            cmap = (ColorMap) colorMapFilterFunction.evaluate(colorMap, min, max);
            final Builder cmapLegendBuilder = new ColorMapLegendCreator.Builder();
            if (cmap != null && cmap.getColorMapEntries() != null
                    && cmap.getColorMapEntries().length > 0) {

                // setting type of colormap

Examples of org.gephi.filters.spi.AttributableFilter.evaluate()

            if (filter instanceof AttributableFilter && ((AttributableFilter) filter).getType()==AttributableFilter.Type.NODE && ((AttributableFilter) filter).init(hgraph)) {
                List<Node> nodeToRemove = new ArrayList<Node>();
                AttributableFilter attributableFilter = (AttributableFilter) filter;
                for (Node n : hgraph.getNodes().toArray()) {
                    if (attributableFilter.evaluate(hgraph, n)) {
                for (Node n : nodeToRemove) {

Examples of org.gephi.filters.spi.EdgeFilter.evaluate()

                List<Edge> edgesToRemove = new ArrayList<Edge>();
                for (Edge e : hgraph.getEdges()) {
                    for (EdgeFilter ef : edgeFilters) {
                        if (!ef.evaluate(hgraph, e)) {

Examples of org.gephi.filters.spi.NodeFilter.evaluate()

                List<Node> nodesToRemove = new ArrayList<Node>();
                for (Node n : hgraph.getNodes()) {
                    for (NodeFilter nf : nodeFilters) {
                        if (!nf.evaluate(hgraph, n)) {

Examples of org.gradle.api.internal.project.ProjectInternal.evaluate()

            return delegate.getProject(projectPath);

        ProjectInternal referencedProject = delegate.getProject(path);
        // TODO This is a brain-dead way to ensure that the reference project's model is ready to access
        return referencedProject;
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