Examples of evaluate()

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.xdbm.search.evaluator.LessEqEvaluator.evaluate()

        assertEquals( SchemaConstants.POSTALCODE_AT_OID, evaluator.getAttributeType().getOid() );
        assertNotNull( evaluator.getNormalizer() );
        assertNotNull( evaluator.getComparator() );

        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 1L ) );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 4L ) );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.xdbm.search.evaluator.PresenceEvaluator.evaluate()

        PresenceNode node = new PresenceNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "cn" ) );
        PresenceEvaluator evaluator = new PresenceEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
        IndexEntry<String, String> entry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        entry.setKey( SchemaConstants.CN_AT_OID );
        entry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 3L ) );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( entry ) );
        entry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        entry.setKey( SchemaConstants.CN_AT_OID );
        entry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 5 ) );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( entry ) );

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.xdbm.search.evaluator.SubstringEvaluator.evaluate()

        SubstringNode node = new SubstringNode( schemaManager.getAttributeType( "sn" ), "walk", null );
        SubstringEvaluator evaluator = new SubstringEvaluator( node, store, schemaManager );
        IndexEntry<String, String> indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 5L ) );
        assertTrue( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 3L ) );
        indexEntry.setEntry( null );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 6L ) );
        indexEntry.setEntry( null );

Examples of org.apache.expreval.expr.ExpressionTree.evaluate()

        int cnt = 0;

        try {
            for (final Result result : resultScanner) {
                try {
                    if (clientExpressionTree == null || clientExpressionTree.evaluate(this.getConnection(), result)) {

                        final Delete rowDelete = new Delete(result.getRow());

                        for (final String deleteItem : this.getDeleteItemList()) {
                            if (deleteItem.endsWith(":*")) {

Examples of org.apache.falcon.expression.ExpressionHelper.evaluate()

                String instEndEL = input.getEnd();
                ExpressionHelper evaluator = ExpressionHelper.get();

                Validity processValidity = ProcessHelper.getCluster(process, clusterName).getValidity();
                Date instStart = evaluator.evaluate(instStartEL, Date.class);
                if (instStart.before(feedStart)) {
                    throw new ValidationException("Start instance  " + instStartEL + " of feed " + feed.getName()
                            + " is before the start of feed " + feedValidity.getStart() + " for cluster "
                            + clusterName);

Examples of org.apache.flex.forks.batik.script.Interpreter.evaluate()

                    } else {

                interpreter.evaluate(reader, desc);

            } catch (IOException e) {
                if (userAgent != null) {

Examples of org.apache.flex.forks.velocity.app.VelocityEngine.evaluate()

         this should parse fine -> uses ==

        String template = "#if($a == $b) foo #end";

        ve.evaluate(new VelocityContext(), new StringWriter(), "foo", template);

         *  this should throw an exception


Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.ExprNodeConstantEvaluator.evaluate()

      PrimitiveObjectInspector objInspector;
      Object writable;

        objInspector = (PrimitiveObjectInspector)eval.initialize(null);
        writable = eval.evaluate(null);
      } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
        throw new IOException("Currently only primitve types are supported. Found: " +
      } catch (HiveException e) {
        throw new IOException(e);

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.ExprNodeEvaluator.evaluate()

        StructObjectInspector rowWithPartObjectInspector = ObjectInspectorFactory.getUnionStructObjectInspector(ois);
        // evaluate the expression tree
        if (evaluator != null) {
          evaluator.evaluate(rowWithPart, rowWithPartObjectInspector, inspectableObject);
          LOG.trace("prune result for partition " + partSpec + ": " + inspectableObject.o);
          if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(inspectableObject.o)) {
            LOG.debug("retained partition: " + partSpec);

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.vector.expressions.IfExprStringColumnStringColumn.evaluate()

  public void testIfExprStringColumnStringColumn() {
    VectorizedRowBatch batch = getBatch1Long3BytesVectors();
    VectorExpression expr = new IfExprStringColumnStringColumn(0, 1, 2, 3);
    BytesColumnVector r = (BytesColumnVector) batch.cols[3];
    assertTrue(getString(r, 0).equals("arg3_0"));
    assertTrue(getString(r, 1).equals("arg3_1"));
    assertTrue(getString(r, 2).equals("arg2_2"));
    assertTrue(getString(r, 3).equals("arg2_3"));
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