Examples of evaluate()

Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.Variance.evaluate()

            for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
              double cov = covariance(matrix.getColumn(i), matrix.getColumn(j), biasCorrected);
              outMatrix.setEntry(i, j, cov);
              outMatrix.setEntry(j, i, cov);
            outMatrix.setEntry(i, i, variance.evaluate(matrix.getColumn(i)));
        return outMatrix;


Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Median.evaluate()

        double              values[] = new double[ count ];

        for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        { values[ i ] = ((Double)arraylist.get(i)).doubleValue(); }

        return median.evaluate( values );

     * <p>
     * Format a double as a percentage, suitable for printing.

Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile.evaluate()

    Percentile distribution = new Percentile();
    double[] percentiles = new double[MAX_NUMERIC_SPLITS];
    for (int i = 0 ; i < percentiles.length; i++) {
      double p = 100.0 * ((i + 1.0) / (MAX_NUMERIC_SPLITS + 1.0));
      percentiles[i] = distribution.evaluate(p);
    return percentiles;

  private static double[] chooseCategoricalSplitPoints(double[] values) {

Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.summary.Sum.evaluate()

        if (test(values, begin, length)) {
            Sum sum = new Sum();
            double sampleSize = length;

            // Compute initial estimate using definitional formula
            double xbar = sum.evaluate(values, begin, length) / sampleSize;

            // Compute correction factor in second pass
            double correction = 0;
            for (int i = begin; i < begin + length; i++) {
                correction += values[i] - xbar;

Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.util.ContinuedFraction.evaluate()

                    return 1.0;
            ret = FastMath.exp((a * FastMath.log(x)) + (b * FastMath.log1p(-x)) -
                FastMath.log(a) - logBeta(a, b)) *
                1.0 / fraction.evaluate(x, epsilon, maxIterations);

        return ret;

Examples of org.apache.ddlutils.util.MultiInstanceofPredicate.evaluate()

                               new Predicate()
                                   public boolean evaluate(Object obj)
                                       if (predicate.evaluate(obj))
                                           return false;

Examples of org.apache.deltaspike.core.impl.interpreter.PropertyExpressionInterpreter.evaluate()

        System.setProperty("k.1", "v1");
        System.setProperty("k.2", "v2");
        Assert.assertEquals(interpreter.evaluate("k.1==v1;k.2==v2"), Boolean.TRUE);
        Assert.assertEquals(interpreter.evaluate("k.1==v1;k.2==v1"), Boolean.FALSE);
        Assert.assertEquals(interpreter.evaluate("k.1==v2;k.2==v2"), Boolean.FALSE);

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.subtree.SubtreeEvaluator.evaluate()

        for ( Dn subentryDn : subentryCache )
            Dn apDn = subentryDn.getParent();
            SubtreeSpecification ss = subentryCache.getSubentry( subentryDn ).getSubtreeSpecification();
            boolean isOldNameSelected = evaluator.evaluate( ss, apDn, oldName, entry );
            boolean isNewNameSelected = evaluator.evaluate( ss, apDn, newName, entry );

            if ( isOldNameSelected == isNewNameSelected )

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.xdbm.search.Evaluator.evaluate()

                    if ( db.getChildCount( (Long)rec.getId() ) == 0 )
                        Evaluator evaluator = engine.evaluator( exprNode );
                        if ( evaluator.evaluate( rec ) )
                            Entry newEntry = db.lookup( (Long)rec.getId() );
                            EntryNode child = new EntryNode( ( Long ) rec.getId(), this, db, newEntry, map, exprNode,
                                engine );
                            children.add( child );

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.xdbm.search.evaluator.GreaterEqEvaluator.evaluate()

        assertEquals( SchemaConstants.POSTALCODE_AT_OID, evaluator.getAttributeType().getOid() );
        assertNotNull( evaluator.getNormalizer() );
        assertNotNull( evaluator.getComparator() );

        indexEntry.setId( Partition.DEFAULT_ID );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );

        indexEntry = new IndexEntry<String, String>();
        indexEntry.setId( Strings.getUUID( 4L ) );
        assertFalse( evaluator.evaluate( indexEntry ) );
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