Examples of evaluate()

Examples of net.sf.laja.template.Evaluator.evaluate()

    Object result = map.get(objectName);

    if (result instanceof Evaluator) {
      Evaluator evaluator = (Evaluator) result;
      result = evaluator.evaluate();

    return result;

Examples of net.sf.laja.template.data.Data.evaluate()

    int argumentsSize = args == null ? 0 : args.getArguments().size();
    Object[] arguments = new Object[argumentsSize];

    for (int i=0; i<argumentsSize; i++) {
      Data argument = args.getArguments().get(i);
      arguments[i] = argument.evaluate();
    return callMethodOrAccessFieldIfMatchingMethodNotFound(clazz, instance, methodName, validMethodPrefixes, arguments);
  public static Object callMethodOrAccessFieldIfMatchingMethodNotFound(Class clazz, Object instance, String methodName, List<String> validMethodPrefixes, Object[] arguments) {

Examples of net.sf.saxon.query.XQueryExpression.evaluate()

            ///DocumentInfo saxonDocInfo = qp.buildDocument(new DocumentWrapper(_parentDecomposition.getInternalDataDocument(), null));
            DocumentInfo saxonDocInfo = qp.buildDocument(new StreamSource(
                    new StringReader(outputter.outputString(element))));
            DynamicQueryContext dynamicQueryContext = new DynamicQueryContext();
            List nodeList = xQueryExpression.evaluate(dynamicQueryContext);
            //my code to parse SAXON resulting XML tree and produce a string
            //because saxons QueryResult class isn't yet able to produce the desired string from anything
            //but the root node
            for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.size(); i++) {
                NodeInfo nodeInfo = (NodeInfo) nodeList.get(i);

Examples of net.sf.saxon.s9api.XPathSelector.evaluate()

  private static XdmValue evaluate(XPathExecutable exec, XdmNode xdm) throws SaxonApiException {
    Activator.logInfo("Evaluating XPath");
    XPathSelector selector = exec.load();
    return selector.evaluate();

  public static String transformResult(XdmValue xdm, boolean isPrettyPrint) throws Exception {
    Activator.logInfo("Transforming result");

Examples of net.sf.saxon.s9api.XQueryEvaluator.evaluate()

    k = new Text();
    v = new Text();
    String result_string;
    try {
      XdmValue res = eval.evaluate();
      for (XdmItem i : res) {
        result_string = i.toString();
        System.out.println("Emitting: " + result_string);

Examples of net.sf.saxon.sxpath.XPathExpression.evaluate()

                config.unravel(new DOMSource(contextNode));
            XPathDynamicContext dc = xpath.createDynamicContext(null);
            dc.setVariable(thisVar, contextItem);

            List saxonNodes = xpath.evaluate(dc);
            for (ListIterator it = saxonNodes.listIterator(); it.hasNext(); )
                Object o = it.next();
                if (o instanceof NodeInfo)

Examples of net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathEvaluator.evaluate()

                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) namespaceMap[i];
                sc.declareNamespace((String) entry.getKey(),
                        (String) entry.getValue());
              return xpe.evaluate(_queryExp);
        catch (XPathException e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

Examples of net.sourceforge.jFuzzyLogic.FIS.evaluate()

              if(fis != null){
                   fis.setVariable("KOLEJKA", new Float("50.0"));
                   fis.setVariable("DROGA_DOCELOWA", new Float("50.0"));
                   fis.setVariable("SWIATLO_CZERWONE", new Float("50.0"));
                   return true;
                  catch (Exception e){
                      return false;

Examples of net.sourceforge.jFuzzyLogic.FunctionBlock.evaluate()

    // Set inputs
    functionBlock.setVariable("service", 3);
    functionBlock.setVariable("food", 7);
    // Evaluate fuzzy set

    // Show output variable's chart

    // Print ruleSet

Examples of net.sourceforge.jFuzzyLogic.rule.FuzzyRuleSet.evaluate()

        // Set inputs
        for( int k = 0; k < inputVariables.length; k++ )
          fuzzyRuleSet.setVariable(inputVariables[k], Math.random() * 5);

        // Evaluate fuzzy set
      timeRecords.add(new Double(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime));
      Gpr.debug(debug, "Evaluate " + fileName + "\ti:" + i + "\tcurStep: " + curStep);
    return timeRecords;
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