Package edu.ucla.sspace.common

Examples of edu.ucla.sspace.common.ArgOptions.addOption()

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        ArgOptions options = new ArgOptions();
        options.addOption('i', "inputFormat",
                          "the matrix format of the input matrix",
                          true, "STRING", "Required");
        options.addOption('o', "ouputFormat",
                          "the matrix format of the output matrix",
                          true, "STRING", "Required");

        if (options.numPositionalArgs() != 2 ||
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    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // Setup the argument options.
        ArgOptions options = new ArgOptions();
        options.addOption('Z', "stemmingAlgorithm",
                          "specifices the stemming algorithm to use on " +
                          "tokens while iterating.  (default: none)",
                          true, "CLASSNAME", "Tokenizing Options");
        options.addOption('F', "tokenFilter", "filters to apply to the input " +
                          "token stream", true, "FILTER_SPEC",
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        ArgOptions options = new ArgOptions();
        options.addOption('Z', "stemmingAlgorithm",
                          "specifices the stemming algorithm to use on " +
                          "tokens while iterating.  (default: none)",
                          true, "CLASSNAME", "Tokenizing Options");
        options.addOption('F', "tokenFilter", "filters to apply to the input " +
                          "token stream", true, "FILTER_SPEC",
                          "Tokenizing Options");
        options.addOption('L', "lowerCase", "lower-cases each token after " +
                          "all other filtering has been applied", false, null,
                          "Tokenizing Options");
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                          "tokens while iterating.  (default: none)",
                          true, "CLASSNAME", "Tokenizing Options");
        options.addOption('F', "tokenFilter", "filters to apply to the input " +
                          "token stream", true, "FILTER_SPEC",
                          "Tokenizing Options");
        options.addOption('L', "lowerCase", "lower-cases each token after " +
                          "all other filtering has been applied", false, null,
                          "Tokenizing Options");
        options.addOption('P', "partOfSpeech",
                          "use part of speech tags for each token.",
                          false, null, "Tokenizing Options");
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                          "token stream", true, "FILTER_SPEC",
                          "Tokenizing Options");
        options.addOption('L', "lowerCase", "lower-cases each token after " +
                          "all other filtering has been applied", false, null,
                          "Tokenizing Options");
        options.addOption('P', "partOfSpeech",
                          "use part of speech tags for each token.",
                          false, null, "Tokenizing Options");
        options.addOption('H', "discardHeader",
                          "If true, the first line of each dependency " +
                          "document will be discarded.",
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                          "all other filtering has been applied", false, null,
                          "Tokenizing Options");
        options.addOption('P', "partOfSpeech",
                          "use part of speech tags for each token.",
                          false, null, "Tokenizing Options");
        options.addOption('H', "discardHeader",
                          "If true, the first line of each dependency " +
                          "document will be discarded.",
                          false, null, "Tokenizing Options");
        options.addOption('v', "verbose",
                          "Print verbose output about counting status",
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                          false, null, "Tokenizing Options");
        options.addOption('H', "discardHeader",
                          "If true, the first line of each dependency " +
                          "document will be discarded.",
                          false, null, "Tokenizing Options");
        options.addOption('v', "verbose",
                          "Print verbose output about counting status",
                          false, null, "Optional");
        options.addOption('D', "dependencyParseFormat",
                          "the name of the dependency parsed format for " +
                          "the corpus (defalt: CoNLL)",
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                          "document will be discarded.",
                          false, null, "Tokenizing Options");
        options.addOption('v', "verbose",
                          "Print verbose output about counting status",
                          false, null, "Optional");
        options.addOption('D', "dependencyParseFormat",
                          "the name of the dependency parsed format for " +
                          "the corpus (defalt: CoNLL)",
                          true, "STR",
                          "Advanced Dependency Parsing");
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* @author Keith Stevens
public class ClusterSSpace {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ArgOptions options = new ArgOptions();
        options.addOption('s', "sspace",
                          "The semantic space to be clustered",
                          true, "FILE", "Required");
        options.addOption('a', "clusteringAlgorithm",
                          "The clustering algorithm to use",
                          true, "CLASSNAME", "Required");
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    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ArgOptions options = new ArgOptions();
        options.addOption('s', "sspace",
                          "The semantic space to be clustered",
                          true, "FILE", "Required");
        options.addOption('a', "clusteringAlgorithm",
                          "The clustering algorithm to use",
                          true, "CLASSNAME", "Required");
        options.addOption('c', "numClusters",
                          "The number of clusters to use",
                          true, "INT", "Optional");
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