Package edu.ucla.sspace.common

Examples of edu.ucla.sspace.common.ArgOptions.addOption()

     * command line.  Subclasses should override this method and return a
     * different instance if the default options need to be different.
    protected ArgOptions setupOptions() {
        ArgOptions options = new ArgOptions();
        options.addOption('c', "corpusDir", "the directory of the corpus",
                          true, "DIR", "Required");
        options.addOption('a', "analogyFile",
                          "the file containing list of word pairs",
                          true, "FILE", "Required");
        options.addOption('t', "testAnalogies",
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    protected ArgOptions setupOptions() {
        ArgOptions options = new ArgOptions();
        options.addOption('c', "corpusDir", "the directory of the corpus",
                          true, "DIR", "Required");
        options.addOption('a', "analogyFile",
                          "the file containing list of word pairs",
                          true, "FILE", "Required");
        options.addOption('t', "testAnalogies",
                           "the file containing list of analogies",
                           true, "FILE", "Required");
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        options.addOption('c', "corpusDir", "the directory of the corpus",
                          true, "DIR", "Required");
        options.addOption('a', "analogyFile",
                          "the file containing list of word pairs",
                          true, "FILE", "Required");
        options.addOption('t', "testAnalogies",
                           "the file containing list of analogies",
                           true, "FILE", "Required");
        options.addOption('o', "outputFile",
                          "the file containing the cosine similarity output " +
                          "for the analogies from testAnalogies",
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                          "the file containing list of word pairs",
                          true, "FILE", "Required");
        options.addOption('t', "testAnalogies",
                           "the file containing list of analogies",
                           true, "FILE", "Required");
        options.addOption('o', "outputFile",
                          "the file containing the cosine similarity output " +
                          "for the analogies from testAnalogies",
                          true, "FILE", "Required");
        options.addOption('i', "indexDir",
                          "a Directory for storing or loading "
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                           true, "FILE", "Required");
        options.addOption('o', "outputFile",
                          "the file containing the cosine similarity output " +
                          "for the analogies from testAnalogies",
                          true, "FILE", "Required");
        options.addOption('i', "indexDir",
                          "a Directory for storing or loading "
                          + "the Lucene index", true, "DIR", "Required");
        options.addOption('n', "dimensions",
                          "the number of dimensions in the semantic space",
                          true, "INT");
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                          "for the analogies from testAnalogies",
                          true, "FILE", "Required");
        options.addOption('i', "indexDir",
                          "a Directory for storing or loading "
                          + "the Lucene index", true, "DIR", "Required");
        options.addOption('n', "dimensions",
                          "the number of dimensions in the semantic space",
                          true, "INT");
        options.addOption('r', "readMatrixFile",
                          "file containing projection matrix"
                          , true, "FILE");
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                          "a Directory for storing or loading "
                          + "the Lucene index", true, "DIR", "Required");
        options.addOption('n', "dimensions",
                          "the number of dimensions in the semantic space",
                          true, "INT");
        options.addOption('r', "readMatrixFile",
                          "file containing projection matrix"
                          , true, "FILE");
        options.addOption('s', "skipIndex",
                          "turn indexing off.  Must specify index directory",
                          false , null);
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                          "the number of dimensions in the semantic space",
                          true, "INT");
        options.addOption('r', "readMatrixFile",
                          "file containing projection matrix"
                          , true, "FILE");
        options.addOption('s', "skipIndex",
                          "turn indexing off.  Must specify index directory",
                          false , null);
        options.addOption('v', "verbose",
                          "prints verbose output",
                          false, null, "Program Options");
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                          "file containing projection matrix"
                          , true, "FILE");
        options.addOption('s', "skipIndex",
                          "turn indexing off.  Must specify index directory",
                          false , null);
        options.addOption('v', "verbose",
                          "prints verbose output",
                          false, null, "Program Options");
        options.addOption('w', "writeMatrixFile",
                          "file to write projection matrix to"
                          , true, "FILE");
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                          "turn indexing off.  Must specify index directory",
                          false , null);
        options.addOption('v', "verbose",
                          "prints verbose output",
                          false, null, "Program Options");
        options.addOption('w', "writeMatrixFile",
                          "file to write projection matrix to"
                          , true, "FILE");
        return options;
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