Package edu.ucla.sspace.common

Examples of edu.ucla.sspace.common.ArgOptions.addOption()

        options.addOption('T', "timespan", "the timespan for each semantic " +
                          "partition", true, "Date String", "Required");

        options.addOption('o', "outputFormat", "the .sspace format to use",
                          true, "{text|binary}", "Program Options");
        options.addOption('t', "threads", "the number of threads to use",
                          true, "INT", "Program Options");
        options.addOption('w', "overwrite", "specifies whether to " +
                          "overwrite the existing output", true, "BOOL",
                          "Program Options");
        options.addOption('v', "verbose", "prints verbose output",
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        options.addOption('o', "outputFormat", "the .sspace format to use",
                          true, "{text|binary}", "Program Options");
        options.addOption('t', "threads", "the number of threads to use",
                          true, "INT", "Program Options");
        options.addOption('w', "overwrite", "specifies whether to " +
                          "overwrite the existing output", true, "BOOL",
                          "Program Options");
        options.addOption('v', "verbose", "prints verbose output",
                          false, null, "Program Options");
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        options.addOption('t', "threads", "the number of threads to use",
                          true, "INT", "Program Options");
        options.addOption('w', "overwrite", "specifies whether to " +
                          "overwrite the existing output", true, "BOOL",
                          "Program Options");
        options.addOption('v', "verbose", "prints verbose output",
                          false, null, "Program Options");

        // Algorithm Options
        options.addOption('i', "vectorGenerator", "IndexVectorGenerator "
                          + "class to use", true,
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                          "Program Options");
        options.addOption('v', "verbose", "prints verbose output",
                          false, null, "Program Options");

        // Algorithm Options
        options.addOption('i', "vectorGenerator", "IndexVectorGenerator "
                          + "class to use", true,
                          "CLASSNAME", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('l', "vectorLength", "length of semantic vectors",
                          true, "INT", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('n', "permutationFunction", "permutation function "
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        // Algorithm Options
        options.addOption('i', "vectorGenerator", "IndexVectorGenerator "
                          + "class to use", true,
                          "CLASSNAME", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('l', "vectorLength", "length of semantic vectors",
                          true, "INT", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('n', "permutationFunction", "permutation function "
                          + "to use", true,
                          "CLASSNAME", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('p', "usePermutations", "whether to permute " +
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        options.addOption('i', "vectorGenerator", "IndexVectorGenerator "
                          + "class to use", true,
                          "CLASSNAME", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('l', "vectorLength", "length of semantic vectors",
                          true, "INT", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('n', "permutationFunction", "permutation function "
                          + "to use", true,
                          "CLASSNAME", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('p', "usePermutations", "whether to permute " +
                          "index vectors based on word order", true,
                          "BOOL", "Algorithm Options");
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        options.addOption('l', "vectorLength", "length of semantic vectors",
                          true, "INT", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('n', "permutationFunction", "permutation function "
                          + "to use", true,
                          "CLASSNAME", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('p', "usePermutations", "whether to permute " +
                          "index vectors based on word order", true,
                          "BOOL", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('r', "useSparseSemantics", "use a sparse encoding of "
                          + "semantics to save memory", true,
                          "BOOL", "Algorithm Options");
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                          + "to use", true,
                          "CLASSNAME", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('p', "usePermutations", "whether to permute " +
                          "index vectors based on word order", true,
                          "BOOL", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('r', "useSparseSemantics", "use a sparse encoding of "
                          + "semantics to save memory", true,
                          "BOOL", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('s', "windowSize", "how many words to consider " +
                          "in each direction", true,
                          "INT", "Algorithm Options");
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                          "index vectors based on word order", true,
                          "BOOL", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('r', "useSparseSemantics", "use a sparse encoding of "
                          + "semantics to save memory", true,
                          "BOOL", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('s', "windowSize", "how many words to consider " +
                          "in each direction", true,
                          "INT", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('S', "saveVectors", "save word-to-IndexVector mapping"
                          + " after processing", true,
                          "FILE", "Algorithm Options");
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                          + "semantics to save memory", true,
                          "BOOL", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('s', "windowSize", "how many words to consider " +
                          "in each direction", true,
                          "INT", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('S', "saveVectors", "save word-to-IndexVector mapping"
                          + " after processing", true,
                          "FILE", "Algorithm Options");
        options.addOption('L', "loadVectors", "load word-to-IndexVector mapping"
                          + " before processing", true,
                          "FILE", "Algorithm Options");
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