int targetIter = FastMath.max(1,
FastMath.min(sequence.length - 2,
(int) FastMath.floor(0.5 - 0.6 * log10R)));
// set up an interpolator sharing the integrator arrays
final AbstractStepInterpolator interpolator =
new GraggBulirschStoerStepInterpolator(y, yDot0,
y1, yDot1,
yMidDots, forward,
stepStart = equations.getTime();
double hNew = 0;
double maxError = Double.MAX_VALUE;
boolean previousRejected = false;
boolean firstTime = true;
boolean newStep = true;
boolean firstStepAlreadyComputed = false;
initIntegration(equations.getTime(), y0, t);
costPerTimeUnit[0] = 0;
isLastStep = false;
do {
double error;
boolean reject = false;
if (newStep) {
// first evaluation, at the beginning of the step
if (! firstStepAlreadyComputed) {
computeDerivatives(stepStart, y, yDot0);
if (firstTime) {
hNew = initializeStep(forward, 2 * targetIter + 1, scale,
stepStart, y, yDot0, yTmp, yTmpDot);
newStep = false;
stepSize = hNew;
// step adjustment near bounds
if ((forward && (stepStart + stepSize > t)) ||
((! forward) && (stepStart + stepSize < t))) {
stepSize = t - stepStart;
final double nextT = stepStart + stepSize;
isLastStep = forward ? (nextT >= t) : (nextT <= t);
// iterate over several substep sizes
int k = -1;
for (boolean loop = true; loop; ) {
// modified midpoint integration with the current substep
if ( ! tryStep(stepStart, y, stepSize, k, scale, fk[k],
(k == 0) ? yMidDots[0] : diagonal[k-1],
(k == 0) ? y1 : y1Diag[k-1],
yTmp)) {
// the stability check failed, we reduce the global step
hNew = FastMath.abs(filterStep(stepSize * stabilityReduction, forward, false));
reject = true;
loop = false;
} else {
// the substep was computed successfully
if (k > 0) {
// extrapolate the state at the end of the step
// using last iteration data
extrapolate(0, k, y1Diag, y1);
rescale(y, y1, scale);
// estimate the error at the end of the step.
error = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < mainSetDimension; ++j) {
final double e = FastMath.abs(y1[j] - y1Diag[0][j]) / scale[j];
error += e * e;
error = FastMath.sqrt(error / mainSetDimension);
if ((error > 1.0e15) || ((k > 1) && (error > maxError))) {
// error is too big, we reduce the global step
hNew = FastMath.abs(filterStep(stepSize * stabilityReduction, forward, false));
reject = true;
loop = false;
} else {
maxError = FastMath.max(4 * error, 1.0);
// compute optimal stepsize for this order
final double exp = 1.0 / (2 * k + 1);
double fac = stepControl2 / FastMath.pow(error / stepControl1, exp);
final double pow = FastMath.pow(stepControl3, exp);
fac = FastMath.max(pow / stepControl4, FastMath.min(1 / pow, fac));
optimalStep[k] = FastMath.abs(filterStep(stepSize * fac, forward, true));
costPerTimeUnit[k] = costPerStep[k] / optimalStep[k];
// check convergence
switch (k - targetIter) {
case -1 :
if ((targetIter > 1) && ! previousRejected) {
// check if we can stop iterations now
if (error <= 1.0) {
// convergence have been reached just before targetIter
loop = false;
} else {
// estimate if there is a chance convergence will
// be reached on next iteration, using the
// asymptotic evolution of error
final double ratio = ((double) sequence [targetIter] * sequence[targetIter + 1]) /
(sequence[0] * sequence[0]);
if (error > ratio * ratio) {
// we don't expect to converge on next iteration
// we reject the step immediately and reduce order
reject = true;
loop = false;
targetIter = k;
if ((targetIter > 1) &&
(costPerTimeUnit[targetIter-1] <
orderControl1 * costPerTimeUnit[targetIter])) {
hNew = optimalStep[targetIter];
case 0:
if (error <= 1.0) {
// convergence has been reached exactly at targetIter
loop = false;
} else {
// estimate if there is a chance convergence will
// be reached on next iteration, using the
// asymptotic evolution of error
final double ratio = ((double) sequence[k+1]) / sequence[0];
if (error > ratio * ratio) {
// we don't expect to converge on next iteration
// we reject the step immediately
reject = true;
loop = false;
if ((targetIter > 1) &&
(costPerTimeUnit[targetIter-1] <
orderControl1 * costPerTimeUnit[targetIter])) {
hNew = optimalStep[targetIter];
case 1 :
if (error > 1.0) {
reject = true;
if ((targetIter > 1) &&
(costPerTimeUnit[targetIter-1] <
orderControl1 * costPerTimeUnit[targetIter])) {
hNew = optimalStep[targetIter];
loop = false;
default :
if ((firstTime || isLastStep) && (error <= 1.0)) {
loop = false;
if (! reject) {
// derivatives at end of step
computeDerivatives(stepStart + stepSize, y1, yDot1);
// dense output handling
double hInt = getMaxStep();
if (! reject) {
// extrapolate state at middle point of the step
for (int j = 1; j <= k; ++j) {
extrapolate(0, j, diagonal, yMidDots[0]);
final int mu = 2 * k - mudif + 3;
for (int l = 0; l < mu; ++l) {
// derivative at middle point of the step
final int l2 = l / 2;
double factor = FastMath.pow(0.5 * sequence[l2], l);
int middleIndex = fk[l2].length / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < y0.length; ++i) {
yMidDots[l+1][i] = factor * fk[l2][middleIndex + l][i];
for (int j = 1; j <= k - l2; ++j) {
factor = FastMath.pow(0.5 * sequence[j + l2], l);
middleIndex = fk[l2+j].length / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < y0.length; ++i) {
diagonal[j-1][i] = factor * fk[l2+j][middleIndex+l][i];
extrapolate(l2, j, diagonal, yMidDots[l+1]);
for (int i = 0; i < y0.length; ++i) {
yMidDots[l+1][i] *= stepSize;
// compute centered differences to evaluate next derivatives
for (int j = (l + 1) / 2; j <= k; ++j) {
for (int m = fk[j].length - 1; m >= 2 * (l + 1); --m) {
for (int i = 0; i < y0.length; ++i) {
fk[j][m][i] -= fk[j][m-2][i];
if (mu >= 0) {
// estimate the dense output coefficients
final GraggBulirschStoerStepInterpolator gbsInterpolator
= (GraggBulirschStoerStepInterpolator) interpolator;
gbsInterpolator.computeCoefficients(mu, stepSize);
if (useInterpolationError) {
// use the interpolation error to limit stepsize
final double interpError = gbsInterpolator.estimateError(scale);
hInt = FastMath.abs(stepSize / FastMath.max(FastMath.pow(interpError, 1.0 / (mu+4)),
if (interpError > 10.0) {
hNew = hInt;
reject = true;
if (! reject) {
// Discrete events handling
interpolator.storeTime(stepStart + stepSize);
stepStart = acceptStep(interpolator, y1, yDot1, t);
// prepare next step
System.arraycopy(y1, 0, y, 0, y0.length);
System.arraycopy(yDot1, 0, yDot0, 0, y0.length);
firstStepAlreadyComputed = true;
int optimalIter;