Package org.apache.commons.math3.complex

Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.complex.Complex

                return false;
            final int    n = FastMath.max(1, (int) FastMath.ceil(FastMath.abs(dt) / maxCheckInterval));
            final double h = dt / n;

            final UnivariateFunction f = new UnivariateFunction() {
                public double value(final double t) throws LocalMaxCountExceededException {
                    try {
                        return handler.g(t, getCompleteState(interpolator));
                    } catch (MaxCountExceededException mcee) {
                        throw new LocalMaxCountExceededException(mcee);

            double ta = t0;
            double ga = g0;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {

                // evaluate handler value at the end of the substep
                final double tb = t0 + (i + 1) * h;
                final double gb = handler.g(tb, getCompleteState(interpolator));

                // check events occurrence
                if (g0Positive ^ (gb >= 0)) {
                    // there is a sign change: an event is expected during this step

                    // variation direction, with respect to the integration direction
                    increasing = gb >= ga;

                    // find the event time making sure we select a solution just at or past the exact root
                    final double root;
                    if (solver instanceof BracketedUnivariateSolver<?>) {
                        BracketedUnivariateSolver<UnivariateFunction> bracketing =
                                (BracketedUnivariateSolver<UnivariateFunction>) solver;
                        root = forward ?
                               bracketing.solve(maxIterationCount, f, ta, tb, AllowedSolution.RIGHT_SIDE) :
                               bracketing.solve(maxIterationCount, f, tb, ta, AllowedSolution.LEFT_SIDE);
                    } else {
                        final double baseRoot = forward ?
                                                solver.solve(maxIterationCount, f, ta, tb) :
                                                solver.solve(maxIterationCount, f, tb, ta);
                        final int remainingEval = maxIterationCount - solver.getEvaluations();
                        BracketedUnivariateSolver<UnivariateFunction> bracketing =
                                new PegasusSolver(solver.getRelativeAccuracy(), solver.getAbsoluteAccuracy());
                        root = forward ?
                               UnivariateSolverUtils.forceSide(remainingEval, f, bracketing,
                                                                   baseRoot, ta, tb, AllowedSolution.RIGHT_SIDE) :
                               UnivariateSolverUtils.forceSide(remainingEval, f, bracketing,
                                                                   baseRoot, tb, ta, AllowedSolution.LEFT_SIDE);

                    if ((!Double.isNaN(previousEventTime)) &&
                        (FastMath.abs(root - ta) <= convergence) &&
                        (FastMath.abs(root - previousEventTime) <= convergence)) {
                        // we have either found nothing or found (again ?) a past event,
                        // retry the substep excluding this value, and taking care to have the
                        // required sign in case the g function is noisy around its zero and
                        // crosses the axis several times
                        do {
                            ta = forward ? ta + convergence : ta - convergence;
                            ga = f.value(ta);
                        } while ((g0Positive ^ (ga >= 0)) && (forward ^ (ta >= tb)));
                    } else if (Double.isNaN(previousEventTime) ||
                               (FastMath.abs(previousEventTime - root) > convergence)) {
                        pendingEventTime = root;
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                        final double baseRoot = forward ?
                                                solver.solve(maxIterationCount, f, ta, tb) :
                                                solver.solve(maxIterationCount, f, tb, ta);
                        final int remainingEval = maxIterationCount - solver.getEvaluations();
                        BracketedUnivariateSolver<UnivariateFunction> bracketing =
                                new PegasusSolver(solver.getRelativeAccuracy(), solver.getAbsoluteAccuracy());
                        root = forward ?
                               UnivariateSolverUtils.forceSide(remainingEval, f, bracketing,
                                                                   baseRoot, ta, tb, AllowedSolution.RIGHT_SIDE) :
                               UnivariateSolverUtils.forceSide(remainingEval, f, bracketing,
                                                                   baseRoot, tb, ta, AllowedSolution.LEFT_SIDE);
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     * @param yi imaginary part of the second number
     * @return result of the complex division
    private Complex cdiv(final double xr, final double xi,
                         final double yr, final double yi) {
        return new Complex(xr, xi).divide(new Complex(yr, yi));
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                // Last vector component imaginary so matrix is triangular
                if (FastMath.abs(matrixT[idx][idx - 1]) > FastMath.abs(matrixT[idx - 1][idx])) {
                    matrixT[idx - 1][idx - 1] = q / matrixT[idx][idx - 1];
                    matrixT[idx - 1][idx]     = -(matrixT[idx][idx] - p) / matrixT[idx][idx - 1];
                } else {
                    final Complex result = cdiv(0.0, -matrixT[idx - 1][idx],
                                                matrixT[idx - 1][idx - 1] - p, q);
                    matrixT[idx - 1][idx - 1] = result.getReal();
                    matrixT[idx - 1][idx]     = result.getImaginary();

                matrixT[idx][idx - 1] = 0.0;
                matrixT[idx][idx]     = 1.0;

                for (int i = idx - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
                    double ra = 0.0;
                    double sa = 0.0;
                    for (int j = l; j <= idx; j++) {
                        ra += matrixT[i][j] * matrixT[j][idx - 1];
                        sa += matrixT[i][j] * matrixT[j][idx];
                    double w = matrixT[i][i] - p;

                    if (Precision.compareTo(imagEigenvalues[i], 0.0, EPSILON) < 0) {
                        z = w;
                        r = ra;
                        s = sa;
                    } else {
                        l = i;
                        if (Precision.equals(imagEigenvalues[i], 0.0)) {
                            final Complex c = cdiv(-ra, -sa, w, q);
                            matrixT[i][idx - 1] = c.getReal();
                            matrixT[i][idx] = c.getImaginary();
                        } else {
                            // Solve complex equations
                            double x = matrixT[i][i + 1];
                            double y = matrixT[i + 1][i];
                            double vr = (realEigenvalues[i] - p) * (realEigenvalues[i] - p) +
                                        imagEigenvalues[i] * imagEigenvalues[i] - q * q;
                            final double vi = (realEigenvalues[i] - p) * 2.0 * q;
                            if (Precision.equals(vr, 0.0) && Precision.equals(vi, 0.0)) {
                                vr = Precision.EPSILON * norm *
                                     (FastMath.abs(w) + FastMath.abs(q) + FastMath.abs(x) +
                                      FastMath.abs(y) + FastMath.abs(z));
                            final Complex c     = cdiv(x * r - z * ra + q * sa,
                                                       x * s - z * sa - q * ra, vr, vi);
                            matrixT[i][idx - 1] = c.getReal();
                            matrixT[i][idx]     = c.getImaginary();

                            if (FastMath.abs(x) > (FastMath.abs(z) + FastMath.abs(q))) {
                                matrixT[i + 1][idx - 1] = (-ra - w * matrixT[i][idx - 1] +
                                                           q * matrixT[i][idx]) / x;
                                matrixT[i + 1][idx]     = (-sa - w * matrixT[i][idx] -
                                                           q * matrixT[i][idx - 1]) / x;
                            } else {
                                final Complex c2        = cdiv(-r - y * matrixT[i][idx - 1],
                                                               -s - y * matrixT[i][idx], z, q);
                                matrixT[i + 1][idx - 1] = c2.getReal();
                                matrixT[i + 1][idx]     = c2.getImaginary();

                        // Overflow control
                        double t = FastMath.max(FastMath.abs(matrixT[i][idx - 1]),
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     * be made private in version 4.0.
    public double laguerre(double lo, double hi,
                           double fLo, double fHi) {
        final Complex c[] = ComplexUtils.convertToComplex(getCoefficients());

        final Complex initial = new Complex(0.5 * (lo + hi), 0);
        final Complex z = complexSolver.solve(c, initial);
        if (complexSolver.isRoot(lo, hi, z)) {
            return z.getReal();
        } else {
            double r = Double.NaN;
            // Solve all roots and select the one we are seeking.
            Complex[] root = complexSolver.solveAll(c, initial);
            for (int i = 0; i < root.length; i++) {
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              new PolynomialFunction(coefficients),
        return complexSolver.solveAll(ComplexUtils.convertToComplex(coefficients),
                                      new Complex(initial, 0d));
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              new PolynomialFunction(coefficients),
        return complexSolver.solve(ComplexUtils.convertToComplex(coefficients),
                                   new Complex(initial, 0d));
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            final int n = coefficients.length - 1;
            if (n == 0) {
                throw new NoDataException(LocalizedFormats.POLYNOMIAL);
            // Coefficients for deflated polynomial.
            final Complex c[] = new Complex[n + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
                c[i] = coefficients[i];

            // Solve individual roots successively.
            final Complex root[] = new Complex[n];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                final Complex subarray[] = new Complex[n - i + 1];
                System.arraycopy(c, 0, subarray, 0, subarray.length);
                root[i] = solve(subarray, initial);
                // Polynomial deflation using synthetic division.
                Complex newc = c[n - i];
                Complex oldc = null;
                for (int j = n - i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                    oldc = c[j];
                    c[j] = newc;
                    newc = oldc.add(newc.multiply(root[i]));

            return root;
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            final double absoluteAccuracy = getAbsoluteAccuracy();
            final double relativeAccuracy = getRelativeAccuracy();
            final double functionValueAccuracy = getFunctionValueAccuracy();

            final Complex nC  = new Complex(n, 0);
            final Complex n1C = new Complex(n - 1, 0);

            Complex z = initial;
            Complex oldz = new Complex(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
            while (true) {
                // Compute pv (polynomial value), dv (derivative value), and
                // d2v (second derivative value) simultaneously.
                Complex pv = coefficients[n];
                Complex dv = Complex.ZERO;
                Complex d2v = Complex.ZERO;
                for (int j = n-1; j >= 0; j--) {
                    d2v = dv.add(z.multiply(d2v));
                    dv = pv.add(z.multiply(dv));
                    pv = coefficients[j].add(z.multiply(pv));
                d2v = d2v.multiply(new Complex(2.0, 0.0));

                // Check for convergence.
                final double tolerance = FastMath.max(relativeAccuracy * z.abs(),
                if ((z.subtract(oldz)).abs() <= tolerance) {
                    return z;
                if (pv.abs() <= functionValueAccuracy) {
                    return z;

                // Now pv != 0, calculate the new approximation.
                final Complex G = dv.divide(pv);
                final Complex G2 = G.multiply(G);
                final Complex H = G2.subtract(d2v.divide(pv));
                final Complex delta = n1C.multiply((nC.multiply(H)).subtract(G2));
                // Choose a denominator larger in magnitude.
                final Complex deltaSqrt = delta.sqrt();
                final Complex dplus = G.add(deltaSqrt);
                final Complex dminus = G.subtract(deltaSqrt);
                final Complex denominator = dplus.abs() > dminus.abs() ? dplus : dminus;
                // Perturb z if denominator is zero, for instance,
                // p(x) = x^3 + 1, z = 0.
                if (denominator.equals(new Complex(0.0, 0.0))) {
                    z = z.add(new Complex(absoluteAccuracy, absoluteAccuracy));
                    oldz = new Complex(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
                } else {
                    oldz = z;
                    z = z.subtract(nC.divide(denominator));
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     * @return a reference to the scaled array
    public static Complex[] scaleArray(Complex[] f, double d) {

        for (int i = 0; i < f.length; i++) {
            f[i] = new Complex(d * f[i].getReal(), d * f[i].getImaginary());
        return f;
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Related Classes of org.apache.commons.math3.complex.Complex

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