Package org.apache.commons.math3.ode.nonstiff

Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.ode.nonstiff.DormandPrince54Integrator

  public void setUp() {
    pb = new TestProblem3(0.9);
    double minStep = 0;
    double maxStep = pb.getFinalTime() - pb.getInitialTime();
    integ = new DormandPrince54Integrator(minStep, maxStep, 1.0e-8, 1.0e-8);
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        // essentially noise.
        // This test is taken from Hairer, Norsett and Wanner book
        // Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I (Nonstiff problems),
        // the curves dy/dp = g(b) are in figure 6.5
        FirstOrderIntegrator integ =
            new DormandPrince54Integrator(1.0e-8, 100.0, new double[] { 1.0e-4, 1.0e-4 }, new double[] { 1.0e-4, 1.0e-4 });
        double hP = 1.0e-12;
        SummaryStatistics residualsP0 = new SummaryStatistics();
        SummaryStatistics residualsP1 = new SummaryStatistics();
        for (double b = 2.88; b < 3.08; b += 0.001) {
            Brusselator brusselator = new Brusselator(b);
            double[] y = { 1.3, b };
            integ.integrate(brusselator, 0, y, 20.0, y);
            double[] yP = { 1.3, b + hP };
            integ.integrate(brusselator, 0, yP, 20.0, yP);
            residualsP0.addValue((yP[0] - y[0]) / hP - brusselator.dYdP0());
            residualsP1.addValue((yP[1] - y[1]) / hP - brusselator.dYdP1());
        Assert.assertTrue((residualsP0.getMax() - residualsP0.getMin()) > 500);
        Assert.assertTrue(residualsP0.getStandardDeviation() > 30);
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    public void testHighAccuracyExternalDifferentiation() {
        FirstOrderIntegrator integ =
            new DormandPrince54Integrator(1.0e-8, 100.0, new double[] { 1.0e-10, 1.0e-10 }, new double[] { 1.0e-10, 1.0e-10 });
        double hP = 1.0e-12;
        SummaryStatistics residualsP0 = new SummaryStatistics();
        SummaryStatistics residualsP1 = new SummaryStatistics();
        for (double b = 2.88; b < 3.08; b += 0.001) {
            ParamBrusselator brusselator = new ParamBrusselator(b);
            double[] y = { 1.3, b };
            integ.integrate(brusselator, 0, y, 20.0, y);
            double[] yP = { 1.3, b + hP };
            brusselator.setParameter("b", b + hP);
            integ.integrate(brusselator, 0, yP, 20.0, yP);
            residualsP0.addValue((yP[0] - y[0]) / hP - brusselator.dYdP0());
            residualsP1.addValue((yP[1] - y[1]) / hP - brusselator.dYdP1());
        Assert.assertTrue((residualsP0.getMax() - residualsP0.getMin()) > 0.02);
        Assert.assertTrue((residualsP0.getMax() - residualsP0.getMin()) < 0.03);
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    public void testInternalDifferentiation() {
        AbstractIntegrator integ =
            new DormandPrince54Integrator(1.0e-8, 100.0, new double[] { 1.0e-4, 1.0e-4 }, new double[] { 1.0e-4, 1.0e-4 });
        double hP = 1.0e-12;
        double hY = 1.0e-12;
        SummaryStatistics residualsP0 = new SummaryStatistics();
        SummaryStatistics residualsP1 = new SummaryStatistics();
        for (double b = 2.88; b < 3.08; b += 0.001) {
            ParamBrusselator brusselator = new ParamBrusselator(b);
            brusselator.setParameter(ParamBrusselator.B, b);
            double[] z = { 1.3, b };
            double[][] dZdZ0 = new double[2][2];
            double[]   dZdP  = new double[2];

            JacobianMatrices jacob = new JacobianMatrices(brusselator, new double[] { hY, hY }, ParamBrusselator.B);
            jacob.setParameterStep(ParamBrusselator.B, hP);
            jacob.setInitialParameterJacobian(ParamBrusselator.B, new double[] { 0.0, 1.0 });

            ExpandableStatefulODE efode = new ExpandableStatefulODE(brusselator);

            integ.integrate(efode, 20.0);
            jacob.getCurrentParameterJacobian(ParamBrusselator.B, dZdP);
//            Assert.assertEquals(5000, integ.getMaxEvaluations());
//            Assert.assertTrue(integ.getEvaluations() > 1500);
//            Assert.assertTrue(integ.getEvaluations() < 2100);
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    public void testAnalyticalDifferentiation() {
        AbstractIntegrator integ =
            new DormandPrince54Integrator(1.0e-8, 100.0, new double[] { 1.0e-4, 1.0e-4 }, new double[] { 1.0e-4, 1.0e-4 });
        SummaryStatistics residualsP0 = new SummaryStatistics();
        SummaryStatistics residualsP1 = new SummaryStatistics();
        for (double b = 2.88; b < 3.08; b += 0.001) {
            Brusselator brusselator = new Brusselator(b);
            double[] z = { 1.3, b };
            double[][] dZdZ0 = new double[2][2];
            double[]   dZdP  = new double[2];

            JacobianMatrices jacob = new JacobianMatrices(brusselator, Brusselator.B);
            jacob.setInitialParameterJacobian(Brusselator.B, new double[] { 0.0, 1.0 });

            ExpandableStatefulODE efode = new ExpandableStatefulODE(brusselator);

            integ.integrate(efode, 20.0);
            jacob.getCurrentParameterJacobian(Brusselator.B, dZdP);
//            Assert.assertEquals(5000, integ.getMaxEvaluations());
//            Assert.assertTrue(integ.getEvaluations() > 350);
//            Assert.assertTrue(integ.getEvaluations() < 510);
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    public void testFinalResult() {

        AbstractIntegrator integ =
            new DormandPrince54Integrator(1.0e-8, 100.0, new double[] { 1.0e-10, 1.0e-10 }, new double[] { 1.0e-10, 1.0e-10 });
        double[] y = new double[] { 0.0, 1.0 };
        Circle circle = new Circle(y, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1);

        JacobianMatrices jacob = new JacobianMatrices(circle, Circle.CX, Circle.CY, Circle.OMEGA);
        jacob.setInitialParameterJacobian(Circle.CX, circle.exactDyDcx(0));
        jacob.setInitialParameterJacobian(Circle.CY, circle.exactDyDcy(0));
        jacob.setInitialParameterJacobian(Circle.OMEGA, circle.exactDyDom(0));

        ExpandableStatefulODE efode = new ExpandableStatefulODE(circle);


        double t = 18 * FastMath.PI;
        integ.integrate(efode, t);
        y = efode.getPrimaryState();
        for (int i = 0; i < y.length; ++i) {
            Assert.assertEquals(circle.exactY(t)[i], y[i], 1.0e-9);

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    public void testParameterizable() {

        AbstractIntegrator integ =
            new DormandPrince54Integrator(1.0e-8, 100.0, new double[] { 1.0e-10, 1.0e-10 }, new double[] { 1.0e-10, 1.0e-10 });
        double[] y = new double[] { 0.0, 1.0 };
        ParameterizedCircle pcircle = new ParameterizedCircle(y, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1);
//        pcircle.setParameter(ParameterizedCircle.CX, 1.0);
//        pcircle.setParameter(ParameterizedCircle.CY, 1.0);
//        pcircle.setParameter(ParameterizedCircle.OMEGA, 0.1);

        double hP = 1.0e-12;
        double hY = 1.0e-12;

        JacobianMatrices jacob = new JacobianMatrices(pcircle, new double[] { hY, hY },
                                                      Circle.CX, Circle.OMEGA);
        jacob.setParameterStep(Circle.OMEGA, hP);
        jacob.setInitialParameterJacobian(Circle.CX, pcircle.exactDyDcx(0));
//        jacob.setInitialParameterJacobian(Circle.CY, circle.exactDyDcy(0));
        jacob.setInitialParameterJacobian(Circle.OMEGA, pcircle.exactDyDom(0));

        ExpandableStatefulODE efode = new ExpandableStatefulODE(pcircle);


        double t = 18 * FastMath.PI;
        integ.integrate(efode, t);
        y = efode.getPrimaryState();
        for (int i = 0; i < y.length; ++i) {
            Assert.assertEquals(pcircle.exactY(t)[i], y[i], 1.0e-9);

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        final double[] y0   = equations.getCompleteState();
        final double[] y    = y0.clone();
        final double[] yDot = new double[y.length];

        // set up an interpolator sharing the integrator arrays
        final NordsieckStepInterpolator interpolator = new NordsieckStepInterpolator();
        interpolator.reinitialize(y, forward,
                                  equations.getPrimaryMapper(), equations.getSecondaryMappers());

        // set up integration control objects
        initIntegration(equations.getTime(), y0, t);

        // compute the initial Nordsieck vector using the configured starter integrator
        start(equations.getTime(), y, t);
        interpolator.reinitialize(stepStart, stepSize, scaled, nordsieck);
        final int lastRow = nordsieck.getRowDimension() - 1;

        // reuse the step that was chosen by the starter integrator
        double hNew = stepSize;

        // main integration loop
        isLastStep = false;
        do {

            double error = 10;
            while (error >= 1.0) {

                stepSize = hNew;

                // evaluate error using the last term of the Taylor expansion
                error = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < mainSetDimension; ++i) {
                    final double yScale = FastMath.abs(y[i]);
                    final double tol = (vecAbsoluteTolerance == null) ?
                                       (scalAbsoluteTolerance + scalRelativeTolerance * yScale) :
                                       (vecAbsoluteTolerance[i] + vecRelativeTolerance[i] * yScale);
                    final double ratio  = nordsieck.getEntry(lastRow, i) / tol;
                    error += ratio * ratio;
                error = FastMath.sqrt(error / mainSetDimension);

                if (error >= 1.0) {
                    // reject the step and attempt to reduce error by stepsize control
                    final double factor = computeStepGrowShrinkFactor(error);
                    hNew = filterStep(stepSize * factor, forward, false);


            // predict a first estimate of the state at step end
            final double stepEnd = stepStart + stepSize;
            final ExpandableStatefulODE expandable = getExpandable();
            final EquationsMapper primary = expandable.getPrimaryMapper();
            primary.insertEquationData(interpolator.getInterpolatedState(), y);
            int index = 0;
            for (final EquationsMapper secondary : expandable.getSecondaryMappers()) {
                secondary.insertEquationData(interpolator.getInterpolatedSecondaryState(index), y);

            // evaluate the derivative
            computeDerivatives(stepEnd, y, yDot);

            // update Nordsieck vector
            final double[] predictedScaled = new double[y0.length];
            for (int j = 0; j < y0.length; ++j) {
                predictedScaled[j] = stepSize * yDot[j];
            final Array2DRowRealMatrix nordsieckTmp = updateHighOrderDerivativesPhase1(nordsieck);
            updateHighOrderDerivativesPhase2(scaled, predictedScaled, nordsieckTmp);
            interpolator.reinitialize(stepEnd, stepSize, predictedScaled, nordsieckTmp);

            // discrete events handling
            stepStart = acceptStep(interpolator, y, yDot, t);
            scaled    = predictedScaled;
            nordsieck = nordsieckTmp;
            interpolator.reinitialize(stepEnd, stepSize, scaled, nordsieck);

            if (!isLastStep) {

                // prepare next step

                if (resetOccurred) {
                    // some events handler has triggered changes that
                    // invalidate the derivatives, we need to restart from scratch
                    start(stepStart, y, t);
                    interpolator.reinitialize(stepStart, stepSize, scaled, nordsieck);

                // stepsize control for next step
                final double  factor     = computeStepGrowShrinkFactor(error);
                final double  scaledH    = stepSize * factor;
                final double  nextT      = stepStart + scaledH;
                final boolean nextIsLast = forward ? (nextT >= t) : (nextT <= t);
                hNew = filterStep(scaledH, forward, nextIsLast);

                final double  filteredNextT      = stepStart + hNew;
                final boolean filteredNextIsLast = forward ? (filteredNextT >= t) : (filteredNextT <= t);
                if (filteredNextIsLast) {
                    hNew = t - stepStart;



        } while (!isLastStep);

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        // Multi-start loop.
        for (int i = 0; i < starts; i++) {
            // CHECKSTYLE: stop IllegalCatch
            try {
                // Decrease number of allowed evaluations.
                optimData[maxEvalIndex] = new MaxEval(maxEval - totalEvaluations);
                // New start value.
                final double s = (i == 0) ?
                    startValue :
                    min + generator.nextDouble() * (max - min);
                optimData[searchIntervalIndex] = new SearchInterval(min, max, s);
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     * @throws NotStrictlyPositiveException if {@code mean <= 0}.
     * @since 2.1
    public ExponentialDistribution(double mean, double inverseCumAccuracy) {
        this(new Well19937c(), mean, inverseCumAccuracy);
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Related Classes of org.apache.commons.math3.ode.nonstiff.DormandPrince54Integrator

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