ConversationStates.QUESTION_1, null,
new ChatAction() {
public void fire(final Player player, final Sentence sentence, final EventRaiser npc) {
final StendhalRPZone fadoHotel = npc.getZone();
final Area hotelReception = new Area(fadoHotel, new Rectangle(11, 46, 19, 10));
Player husband;
Player wife;
String partnerName;
husband = player;
partnerName = husband.getQuest(marriage.getSpouseQuestSlot());
wife = SingletonRepository.getRuleProcessor().getPlayer(partnerName);
if (!(player.hasQuest(marriage.getQuestSlot())) || !("just_married".equals(player.getQuest(marriage.getQuestSlot())))) {
// person is not just married
npc.say("Sorry, our honeymoon suites are only available for just married customers.");
} else if (wife == null) {
//wife is not online
npc.say("Come back when " + partnerName + " is with you - you're meant to have your honeymoon together!");
} else if (!(wife.hasQuest(marriage.getQuestSlot())
&& wife.getQuest(marriage.getSpouseQuestSlot()).equals(husband.getName()))) {
//wife is not married to this husband
npc.say("Oh dear, this is embarassing. You seem to be married, but " + partnerName + " is not married to you.");
} else if (!hotelReception.contains(wife)) {
// wife has not bothered to come to reception desk
npc.say("Could you get " + partnerName + " to come to the reception desk, please. Then please read our catalogue here and tell me the room number that you would like.");
} else {
//wife and husband fulfill all conditions
npc.say("How lovely! Please read our catalogue here and tell me the room number that you would like.");