addHelp("If you bring me some #lunch I'll #swap you for a magic scroll.");
addOffer("My tomatoes and garlic are doing well, I have enough that I am selling some.");
final Map<String, Integer> offerings = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
offerings.put("tomato", 30);
offerings.put("garlic", 50);
new SellerAdder().addSeller(this, new SellerBehaviour(offerings), false);
addReply("lunch", "Tea and a sandwich, please!");
addReply("sandwich", "Mmm.. I'd like a ham and cheese one.");
addReply(Arrays.asList("kalavan city scroll", "scroll"), "It's a magic scroll that would take you back to Kalavan. Just don't ask me how it works!");
final Map<String, Integer> requiredResources = new TreeMap<String, Integer>();