Package megamek.client.ui.swing

Source Code of megamek.client.ui.swing.MiniMap

* MegaMek - Copyright (C) 2002,2003,2004,2005 Ben Mazur (
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
*  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
*  Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
*  any later version.
*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
*  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
*  or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
*  for more details.

package megamek.client.ui.swing;

import java.awt.Canvas;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
import java.awt.GraphicsDevice;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter;
import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
import java.awt.event.ComponentListener;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.swing.JDialog;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;

import megamek.client.Client;
import megamek.client.event.BoardViewEvent;
import megamek.client.event.BoardViewListener;
import megamek.client.event.BoardViewListenerAdapter;
import megamek.client.ui.IBoardView;
import megamek.client.ui.Messages;
import megamek.client.ui.swing.util.PlayerColors;
import megamek.common.Coords;
import megamek.common.Entity;
import megamek.common.GameTurn;
import megamek.common.GunEmplacement;
import megamek.common.IBoard;
import megamek.common.IGame;
import megamek.common.IHex;
import megamek.common.Mech;
import megamek.common.Protomech;
import megamek.common.Tank;
import megamek.common.Targetable;
import megamek.common.Terrains;
import megamek.common.VTOL;
import megamek.common.actions.AttackAction;
import megamek.common.actions.EntityAction;
import megamek.common.actions.WeaponAttackAction;
import megamek.common.event.BoardEvent;
import megamek.common.event.BoardListener;
import megamek.common.event.BoardListenerAdapter;
import megamek.common.event.GameBoardChangeEvent;
import megamek.common.event.GameBoardNewEvent;
import megamek.common.event.GameListener;
import megamek.common.event.GameListenerAdapter;
import megamek.common.event.GamePhaseChangeEvent;
import megamek.common.event.GameTurnChangeEvent;

* Displays all the mapsheets in a scaled-down size. TBD refactorings: -make a
* real public API for this with interfaces -decouple rest of the application
* -use JPanel instead of canvas -move the buttons from graphics to real Swing
* buttons -clean up listenercode.. -initializecolors is fugly -uses exception
* to return from method? -uses break-to-label -uses while-true
public class MiniMap extends Canvas {

    // these indices match those in, and are therefore sensitive
    // to any changes there

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 6964529682842424060L;
    private final static Color[] m_terrainColors = new Color[Terrains.SIZE];
    private static Color HEAVY_WOODS;
    private static Color ULTRA_HEAVY_WOODS;
    private static Color BACKGROUND;
    private static Color SINKHOLE;
    private static Color SMOKE_AND_FIRE;

    private final static int SHOW_NO_HEIGHT = 0;
    private final static int SHOW_GROUND_HEIGHT = 1;
    private final static int SHOW_BUILDING_HEIGHT = 2;
    private final static int SHOW_TOTAL_HEIGHT = 3;
    private final static int NBR_MODES = 3;

    private Image m_mapImage;
    private IBoardView m_bview;
    private IGame m_game;
    private JDialog m_dialog;
    private static final int margin = 6;
    private int topMargin;
    private int leftMargin;
    private static final int buttonHeight = 14;
    private boolean minimized = false;
    private int heightBufer;
    private int unitSize = 6;// variable which define size of triangle for
                                // unit representation
    private Vector<int[]> roadHexIndexes = new Vector<int[]>();
    private int zoom = GUIPreferences.getInstance().getMinimapZoom();
    private int[] hexSide = { 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 };
    private int[] hexSideByCos30 = { 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 };
    private int[] hexSideBySin30 = { 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
    private int[] halfRoadWidthByCos30 = { 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3 };
    private int[] halfRoadWidthBySin30 = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2 };
    private int[] halfRoadWidth = { 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3 };

    private int heightDisplayMode = SHOW_NO_HEIGHT;
    Coords firstLOS;
    Coords secondLOS;

    private Client m_client;

    private ClientGUI clientgui;

    boolean dirtyMap = true;
    boolean[][] dirty;
    private Image terrainBuffer;

     * Creates and lays out a new mech display.
    public MiniMap(JDialog d, IGame g, IBoardView bview) throws IOException {
        m_game = g;
        m_bview = bview;
        m_dialog = d;

        // TODO: replace this quick-and-dirty with some real size calculator.
        Dimension size = getSize();
        boolean updateSize = false;
        if (size.width < GUIPreferences.getInstance().getMinimumSizeWidth()) {
            size.width = GUIPreferences.getInstance().getMinimumSizeWidth();
            updateSize = true;
        if (size.height < GUIPreferences.getInstance().getMinimumSizeHeight()) {
            size.height = GUIPreferences.getInstance().getMinimumSizeHeight();
            updateSize = true;
        if (updateSize) {

    public MiniMap(JDialog d, ClientGUI c, IBoardView bview) throws IOException {
        this(d, c.getClient().game, bview);
        clientgui = c;

        // this may come in useful later...
        m_client = c.getClient();
        assert (m_client != null);

    public synchronized void update(Graphics g) {

    public void paint(Graphics g) {
        if (m_mapImage != null) {
            g.drawImage(m_mapImage, 0, 0, this);
            // drawBox(g); this would be a nice place to draw a visible-area box

     * Initialize default colours and override with config file if there is one.
    private void initializeColors() throws IOException {

        // set up defaults -- this might go away later...
        BACKGROUND =;
        m_terrainColors[0] = new Color(218, 215, 170);
        SINKHOLE = new Color(218, 215, 170);
        m_terrainColors[Terrains.WOODS] = new Color(180, 230, 130);
        HEAVY_WOODS = new Color(160, 200, 100);
        ULTRA_HEAVY_WOODS = new Color(0, 100, 0);
        m_terrainColors[Terrains.ROUGH] = new Color(215, 181, 0);
        m_terrainColors[Terrains.RUBBLE] = new Color(200, 200, 200);
        m_terrainColors[Terrains.WATER] = new Color(200, 247, 253);
        m_terrainColors[Terrains.PAVEMENT] = new Color(204, 204, 204);
        m_terrainColors[Terrains.ROAD] = new Color(71, 79, 107);
        m_terrainColors[Terrains.FIRE] =;
        m_terrainColors[Terrains.SMOKE] = new Color(204, 204, 204);
        SMOKE_AND_FIRE = new Color(153, 0, 0);
        m_terrainColors[Terrains.SWAMP] = new Color(49, 136, 74);
        m_terrainColors[Terrains.BUILDING] = new Color(204, 204, 204);
        m_terrainColors[Terrains.BRIDGE] = new Color(109, 55, 25);
        m_terrainColors[Terrains.ICE] = new Color(204, 204, 255);
        m_terrainColors[Terrains.MAGMA] = new Color(200, 0, 0);
        m_terrainColors[Terrains.MUD] = new Color(218, 160, 100);
        m_terrainColors[Terrains.JUNGLE] = new Color(180, 230, 130);
        m_terrainColors[Terrains.FIELDS] = new Color(250, 255, 205);
        m_terrainColors[Terrains.INDUSTRIAL] = new Color(112, 138, 144);
        m_terrainColors[Terrains.SPACE] = Color.gray;

        // now try to read in the config file
        int red;
        int green;
        int blue;

        File coloursFile = new File(
                "data/images/hexes/" + GUIPreferences.getInstance().getMinimapColours()); //$NON-NLS-1$

        // only while the defaults are hard-coded!
        if (!coloursFile.exists()) {

        Reader cr = new FileReader(coloursFile);
        StreamTokenizer st = new StreamTokenizer(cr);


        scan: while (true) {
            red = 0;
            green = 0;
            blue = 0;

            switch (st.nextToken()) {
                case StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF:
                    break scan;
                case StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL:
                    break scan;
                case StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD:
                    // read in
                    String key = st.sval;
                    if (key.equals("unitsize")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                        unitSize = (int) st.nval;
                    } else if (key.equals("background")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                        red = (int) st.nval;
                        green = (int) st.nval;
                        blue = (int) st.nval;

                        BACKGROUND = new Color(red, green, blue);
                    } else if (key.equals("heavywoods")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                        red = (int) st.nval;
                        green = (int) st.nval;
                        blue = (int) st.nval;

                        HEAVY_WOODS = new Color(red, green, blue);
                    } else if (key.equals("ultraheavywoods")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                        red = (int) st.nval;
                        green = (int) st.nval;
                        blue = (int) st.nval;

                        ULTRA_HEAVY_WOODS = new Color(red, green, blue);
                    } else if (key.equals("sinkhole")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                        red = (int) st.nval;
                        green = (int) st.nval;
                        blue = (int) st.nval;

                        SINKHOLE = new Color(red, green, blue);
                    } else if (key.equals("smokeandfire")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                        red = (int) st.nval;
                        green = (int) st.nval;
                        blue = (int) st.nval;

                        SMOKE_AND_FIRE = new Color(red, green, blue);
                    } else {
                        red = (int) st.nval;
                        green = (int) st.nval;
                        blue = (int) st.nval;

                        m_terrainColors[Terrains.getType(key)] = new Color(red,
                                green, blue);


    private void clean() {
        dirtyMap = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < dirty.length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < dirty[i].length; j++)
                dirty[i][j] = false;

    void initializeMap() {

        // sanity check (cfg file could be hosed)
        if (zoom < 0) {
            zoom = 0;
        } else if (zoom > (hexSide.length - 1)) {
            zoom = (hexSide.length - 1);

        int requiredWidth, requiredHeight;
        int currentHexSide = hexSide[zoom];
        int currentHexSideByCos30 = hexSideByCos30[zoom];
        int currentHexSideBySin30 = hexSideBySin30[zoom];
        topMargin = margin;
        leftMargin = margin;
        requiredWidth = m_game.getBoard().getWidth()
                * (currentHexSide + currentHexSideBySin30)
                + currentHexSideBySin30 + 2 * margin;
        requiredHeight = (2 * m_game.getBoard().getHeight() + 1)
                * currentHexSideByCos30 + 2 * margin + buttonHeight;

        dirty = new boolean[m_game.getBoard().getWidth() / 10 + 1][m_game
                .getBoard().getHeight() / 10 + 1];
        dirtyMap = true;

        // ensure its on screen
        Rectangle virtualBounds = new Rectangle();
        GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment
        GraphicsDevice[] gs = ge.getScreenDevices();
        for (int j = 0; j < gs.length; j++) {
            GraphicsDevice gd = gs[j];
            GraphicsConfiguration[] gc = gd.getConfigurations();
            for (int i = 0; i < gc.length; i++) {
                virtualBounds = virtualBounds.union(gc[i].getBounds());
        // zoom out if its too big for the screen
        while (zoom > 0
                && (requiredWidth > virtualBounds.width || requiredHeight > virtualBounds.height)) {
            currentHexSide = hexSide[zoom];
            currentHexSideByCos30 = hexSideByCos30[zoom];
            currentHexSideBySin30 = hexSideBySin30[zoom];
            requiredWidth = m_game.getBoard().getWidth()
                    * (currentHexSide + currentHexSideBySin30)
                    + currentHexSideBySin30 + 2 * margin;
            requiredHeight = (2 * m_game.getBoard().getHeight() + 1)
                    * currentHexSideByCos30 + 2 * margin + buttonHeight;
        int x = getParent().getLocation().x;
        int y = getParent().getLocation().y;
        if (x + requiredWidth > virtualBounds.getMaxX()) {
            x = (int) (virtualBounds.getMaxX() - requiredWidth);
        if (x < virtualBounds.getMinX()) {
            x = (int) (virtualBounds.getMinX());
        if (y + requiredHeight > virtualBounds.getMaxY()) {
            y = (int) (virtualBounds.getMaxY() - requiredHeight);
        if (y < virtualBounds.getMinY()) {
            y = (int) (virtualBounds.getMinY());
        getParent().setLocation(x, y);
        setSize(requiredWidth, requiredHeight);
        // m_dialog.setVisible(true);
        m_mapImage = createImage(getSize().width, getSize().height);

        terrainBuffer = createImage(getSize().width, getSize().height);
        Graphics gg = terrainBuffer.getGraphics();
        gg.fillRect(0, 0, getSize().width, getSize().height);

        if (getSize().width > requiredWidth)
            leftMargin = ((getSize().width - requiredWidth) / 2) + margin;
        if (getSize().height > requiredHeight)
            topMargin = ((getSize().height - requiredHeight) / 2) + margin;

    protected long lastDrawMapReq = 0;
    protected long lastDrawStarted = 0;
    protected Runnable drawMapable = new Runnable() {
        protected final int redrawDelay = 500;

        public void run() {
            try {
                if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - MiniMap.this.lastDrawMapReq) > redrawDelay) {
                } else {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
            } catch (Throwable t) {

     * this replaces the original drawmap to speed up updates this can be called
     * any time necessary
    public synchronized void drawMap() {
        lastDrawMapReq = System.currentTimeMillis();

     * update the backbuffer and repaint.. should not require a synchronized but
     * i left it there anyways
    protected synchronized void drawMapOrig() {
        if (lastDrawStarted > lastDrawMapReq)
        lastDrawStarted = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("drawing map to backbuffer " + new Date());
        if (m_mapImage == null) {

        if (!m_dialog.isVisible())

        Graphics g = m_mapImage.getGraphics();
        Color oldColor = g.getColor();
        // g.setColor(BACKGROUND);
        // g.fillRect(0, 0, getSize().width, getSize().height);
        if (!minimized) {
            Graphics gg = terrainBuffer.getGraphics();
            for (int j = 0; j < m_game.getBoard().getWidth(); j++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < m_game.getBoard().getHeight(); k++) {
                    IHex h = m_game.getBoard().getHex(j, k);
                    if (dirtyMap || dirty[j / 10][k / 10]) {
                        gg.setColor(terrainColor(h, j, k));
                        paintCoord(gg, j, k, true);
                    addRoadElements(h, j, k);
            // draw backbuffer
            g.drawImage(terrainBuffer, 0, 0, this);

            if (firstLOS != null)
                paintSingleCoordBorder(g, firstLOS.x, firstLOS.y,;
            if (secondLOS != null)
                paintSingleCoordBorder(g, secondLOS.x, secondLOS.y,;

            if (!roadHexIndexes.isEmpty())

            if (SHOW_NO_HEIGHT != heightDisplayMode) {
                for (int j = 0; j < m_game.getBoard().getWidth(); j++) {
                    for (int k = 0; k < m_game.getBoard().getHeight(); k++) {
                        IHex h = m_game.getBoard().getHex(j, k);
                        paintHeight(g, h, j, k);

            // draw Drop Zone
            if (null != m_client && null != m_game) { // sanity check!
                if (IGame.Phase.PHASE_DEPLOYMENT == m_game.getPhase()) {
                    GameTurn turn = m_game.getTurn();
                    if (turn != null
                            && turn.getPlayerNum() == m_client.getLocalPlayer()
                                    .getId()) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < m_game.getBoard().getWidth(); j++) {
                            for (int k = 0; k < m_game.getBoard().getHeight(); k++) {
                                if (m_game.getBoard().isLegalDeployment(
                                        new Coords(j, k),
                                        m_client.getLocalPlayer())) {
                                    paintSingleCoordBorder(g, j, k,

            // draw declared fire
            if (IGame.Phase.PHASE_FIRING == m_game.getPhase()
                    || IGame.Phase.PHASE_PHYSICAL == m_game.getPhase()) {
                for (Enumeration<EntityAction> iter = m_game.getActions(); iter
                        .hasMoreElements();) {
                    EntityAction action = iter.nextElement();
                    if (action instanceof AttackAction) {
                        paintAttack(g, (AttackAction) action);

            for (Enumeration<Entity> iter = m_game.getEntities(); iter
                    .hasMoreElements();) {
                Entity e = iter.nextElement();
                if (e.getPosition() == null)
                paintUnit(g, e, true);

        if (m_client != null && m_client.getArtilleryAutoHit() != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < m_client.getArtilleryAutoHit().size(); i++) {
                drawAutoHit(g, m_client.getArtilleryAutoHit().get(i));



     * Draws a red crosshair for artillery autohit hexes (predesignated only).
    private void drawAutoHit(Graphics g, Coords hex) {
        int baseX = hex.x * (hexSide[zoom] + hexSideBySin30[zoom]) + leftMargin
                + hexSide[zoom];
        int baseY = (2 * hex.y + 1 + hex.x % 2) * hexSideByCos30[zoom]
                + topMargin;
        Color alt = g.getColor();
        g.drawOval(baseX - (unitSize - 1), baseY - (unitSize - 1),
                2 * unitSize - 2, 2 * unitSize - 2);
        g.drawLine(baseX - unitSize - 1, baseY, baseX - unitSize + 3, baseY);
        g.drawLine(baseX + unitSize + 1, baseY, baseX + unitSize - 3, baseY);
        g.drawLine(baseX, baseY - unitSize - 1, baseX, baseY - unitSize + 3);
        g.drawLine(baseX, baseY + unitSize + 1, baseX, baseY + unitSize - 3);

     * Draws green JButton in the bottom to close and open mini map. Height of
     * button is fixed to 14pix.
    private void drawBtn(Graphics g) {
        int[] xPoints = new int[3];
        int[] yPoints = new int[3];
        Color oldColor = g.getColor();
        if (minimized) {
            xPoints[0] = Math.round((getSize().width - 11) / 2);
            yPoints[0] = getSize().height - 10;
            xPoints[1] = xPoints[0] + 11;
            yPoints[1] = yPoints[0];
            xPoints[2] = xPoints[0] + 6;
            yPoints[2] = yPoints[0] + 5;
        } else {
            xPoints[0] = Math.round((getSize().width - 11) / 2);
            yPoints[0] = getSize().height - 4;
            xPoints[1] = xPoints[0] + 11;
            yPoints[1] = yPoints[0];
            xPoints[2] = xPoints[0] + 5;
            yPoints[2] = yPoints[0] - 5;
        g.fillRect(0, getSize().height - 14, getSize().width, 14);
        g.drawLine(0, getSize().height - 14, getSize().width,
                getSize().height - 14);
        g.drawLine(0, getSize().height - 14, 0, getSize().height);
        g.drawLine(0, getSize().height - 1, getSize().width,
                getSize().height - 1);
        g.drawLine(getSize().width - 1, getSize().height - 14,
                getSize().width - 1, getSize().height);
        g.fillPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 3);

        // drawing "+" and "-" buttons
        if (!minimized) {
            g.drawLine(14 - 1, getSize().height - 14, 14 - 1, getSize().height);
            g.drawLine(getSize().width - 14 - 1, getSize().height - 14,
                    getSize().width - 14 - 1, getSize().height);
            g.drawLine(14, getSize().height - 14, 14, getSize().height);
            g.drawLine(getSize().width - 14, getSize().height - 14,
                    getSize().width - 14, getSize().height);
            if (zoom == 0) {
            } else {
            g.fillRect(3, getSize().height - 14 + 6, 8, 2);
            if (zoom == (hexSide.length - 1)) {
            } else {
            g.fillRect(getSize().width - 14 + 3, getSize().height - 14 + 6, 8,
            g.fillRect(getSize().width - 14 + 6, getSize().height - 14 + 3, 2,

            if (zoom > 2) {
                // JButton for displying heights.
                g.drawLine(28 - 1, getSize().height - 14, 28 - 1,
                g.drawLine(28, getSize().height - 14, 28, getSize().height);
                String label;
                switch (heightDisplayMode) {
                    case SHOW_NO_HEIGHT:
                        label = Messages.getString("MiniMap.NoHeightLabel"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                    case SHOW_GROUND_HEIGHT:
                        label = Messages.getString("MiniMap.GroundHeightLabel"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                    case SHOW_BUILDING_HEIGHT:
                        label = Messages
                                .getString("MiniMap.BuildingHeightLabel"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                    case SHOW_TOTAL_HEIGHT:
                        label = Messages.getString("MiniMap.TotalHeightLabel"); //$NON-NLS-1$
                        label = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
                g.drawString(label, 17, getSize().height - 14 + 12);



    private void paintHeight(Graphics g, IHex h, int x, int y) {
        if (heightDisplayMode == SHOW_NO_HEIGHT)
        if (zoom > 2) {
            int baseX = x * (hexSide[zoom] + hexSideBySin30[zoom]) + leftMargin;
            int baseY = (2 * y + 1 + x % 2) * hexSideByCos30[zoom] + topMargin;
            int height = 0;
            if (h.getTerrain(Terrains.BUILDING) != null
                    && heightDisplayMode == SHOW_BUILDING_HEIGHT) {
                height = h.ceiling();
            } else if (heightDisplayMode == SHOW_GROUND_HEIGHT) {
                height = h.floor();
            } else if (heightDisplayMode == SHOW_TOTAL_HEIGHT) {
                height = ((h.getTerrain(Terrains.BUILDING) != null) || (h
                        .getTerrain(Terrains.FUEL_TANK) != null)) ? h.ceiling()
                        : h.floor();
            if (height != 0) {
                g.drawString(height + "", baseX + 5, baseY + 5); //$NON-NLS-1$

    private void paintSingleCoordBorder(Graphics g, int x, int y, Color c) {
        int baseX = x * (hexSide[zoom] + hexSideBySin30[zoom]) + leftMargin;
        int baseY = (2 * y + 1 + x % 2) * hexSideByCos30[zoom] + topMargin;
        int[] xPoints = new int[6];
        int[] yPoints = new int[6];
        xPoints[0] = baseX;
        yPoints[0] = baseY;
        xPoints[1] = baseX + hexSideBySin30[zoom];
        yPoints[1] = baseY + hexSideByCos30[zoom];
        xPoints[2] = xPoints[1] + hexSide[zoom];
        yPoints[2] = yPoints[1];
        xPoints[3] = xPoints[2] + hexSideBySin30[zoom];
        yPoints[3] = baseY;
        xPoints[4] = xPoints[2];
        yPoints[4] = baseY - hexSideByCos30[zoom];
        xPoints[5] = xPoints[1];
        yPoints[5] = yPoints[4];
        g.drawPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 6);

    private void paintCoord(Graphics g, int x, int y, boolean border) {
        int baseX = x * (hexSide[zoom] + hexSideBySin30[zoom]) + leftMargin;
        int baseY = (2 * y + 1 + x % 2) * hexSideByCos30[zoom] + topMargin;
        int[] xPoints = new int[6];
        int[] yPoints = new int[6];
        xPoints[0] = baseX;
        yPoints[0] = baseY;
        xPoints[1] = baseX + hexSideBySin30[zoom];
        yPoints[1] = baseY + hexSideByCos30[zoom];
        xPoints[2] = xPoints[1] + hexSide[zoom];
        yPoints[2] = yPoints[1];
        xPoints[3] = xPoints[2] + hexSideBySin30[zoom];
        yPoints[3] = baseY;
        xPoints[4] = xPoints[2];
        yPoints[4] = baseY - hexSideByCos30[zoom];
        xPoints[5] = xPoints[1];
        yPoints[5] = yPoints[4];
        g.fillPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 6);
        if (border) {
            Color oldColor = g.getColor();
            g.drawPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 6);

     * Draw a line to represent an attack
    private void paintAttack(Graphics g, AttackAction attack) {
        Entity source = m_game.getEntity(attack.getEntityId());
        Targetable target = m_game.getTarget(attack.getTargetType(), attack
        // sanity check...
        if (null == source || null == target) {

        if (attack.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_INARC_POD) {
            // iNarc pods don't have a position, so lets scrap this idea, shall
            // we?
        if (attack instanceof WeaponAttackAction) {
            WeaponAttackAction waa = (WeaponAttackAction) attack;
            if ((attack.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_HEX_ARTILLERY)
                    && waa.getEntity(m_game).getOwner().getId() != m_client
                            .getLocalPlayer().getId()) {
        Color oldColor = g.getColor();

        int[] xPoints = new int[4];
        int[] yPoints = new int[4];

        xPoints[0] = source.getPosition().x
                * (hexSide[zoom] + hexSideBySin30[zoom]) + leftMargin
                + (int) 1.5 * hexSide[zoom] - 2;
        yPoints[0] = (2 * source.getPosition().y + 1 + source.getPosition().x % 2)
                * hexSideByCos30[zoom] + topMargin;
        xPoints[1] = target.getPosition().x
                * (hexSide[zoom] + hexSideBySin30[zoom]) + leftMargin
                + (int) 1.5 * hexSide[zoom] - 2;
        yPoints[1] = (2 * target.getPosition().y + 1 + target.getPosition().x % 2)
                * hexSideByCos30[zoom] + topMargin;
        xPoints[2] = xPoints[1] + 2;
        xPoints[3] = xPoints[0] + 2;
        if ((source.getPosition().x > target.getPosition().x && source
                .getPosition().y < target.getPosition().y)
                || (source.getPosition().x < target.getPosition().x && source
                        .getPosition().y > target.getPosition().y)) {
            yPoints[3] = yPoints[0] + 2;
            yPoints[2] = yPoints[1] + 2;
        } else {
            yPoints[3] = yPoints[0] - 2;
            yPoints[2] = yPoints[1] - 2;
        g.fillPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 4);
        g.drawPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 4);

        // if this is mutual fire, draw a half-and-half line
        for (Enumeration<EntityAction> iter = m_game.getActions(); iter
                .hasMoreElements();) {
            EntityAction action = iter.nextElement();
            if (action instanceof AttackAction) {
                AttackAction otherAttack = (AttackAction) action;
                if (attack.getEntityId() == otherAttack.getTargetId()
                        && otherAttack.getEntityId() == attack.getTargetId()) {
                    // attackTarget _must_ be an entity since it's shooting back
                    // (?)
                    Entity attackTarget = m_game.getEntity(otherAttack

                    xPoints[0] = xPoints[3];
                    yPoints[0] = yPoints[3];
                    xPoints[1] = xPoints[2];
                    yPoints[1] = yPoints[2];
                    xPoints[2] = xPoints[1] + 2;
                    xPoints[3] = xPoints[0] + 2;
                    if ((source.getPosition().x > target.getPosition().x && source
                            .getPosition().y < target.getPosition().y)
                            || (source.getPosition().x < target.getPosition().x && source
                                    .getPosition().y > target.getPosition().y)) {
                        yPoints[3] = yPoints[0] + 2;
                        yPoints[2] = yPoints[1] + 2;
                    } else {
                        yPoints[3] = yPoints[0] - 2;
                        yPoints[2] = yPoints[1] - 2;
                    g.fillPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 4);
                    g.drawPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 4);


    private void paintUnit(Graphics g, Entity entity, boolean border) {
        int baseX = entity.getPosition().x
                * (hexSide[zoom] + hexSideBySin30[zoom]) + leftMargin
                + hexSide[zoom];
        int baseY = (2 * entity.getPosition().y + 1 + entity.getPosition().x % 2)
                * hexSideByCos30[zoom] + topMargin;
        int[] xPoints;
        int[] yPoints;

        if (entity instanceof Mech) {
            xPoints = new int[3];
            yPoints = new int[3];
            xPoints[0] = baseX;
            yPoints[0] = baseY - unitSize;
            xPoints[1] = baseX - unitSize;
            yPoints[1] = baseY + unitSize / 2;
            xPoints[2] = baseX + unitSize;
            yPoints[2] = baseY + unitSize / 2;
        } else if (entity instanceof VTOL) {
            xPoints = new int[8];
            yPoints = new int[8];
            xPoints[0] = baseX - unitSize;
            xPoints[1] = baseX - unitSize / 3;
            xPoints[2] = baseX;
            xPoints[3] = baseX + unitSize / 3;
            xPoints[4] = baseX + unitSize;
            xPoints[5] = xPoints[3];
            xPoints[6] = xPoints[2];
            xPoints[7] = xPoints[1];
            yPoints[0] = baseY;
            yPoints[1] = baseY - unitSize / 3;
            yPoints[2] = baseY - unitSize;
            yPoints[3] = baseY - unitSize / 3;
            yPoints[4] = baseY;
            yPoints[5] = baseY + unitSize / 3;
            yPoints[6] = baseY + unitSize;
            yPoints[7] = baseY + unitSize / 3;
        } else if (entity instanceof Tank) {
            xPoints = new int[4];
            yPoints = new int[4];
            xPoints[0] = baseX - unitSize * 2 / 3;
            yPoints[0] = baseY - unitSize * 2 / 3;
            xPoints[1] = baseX - unitSize * 2 / 3;
            yPoints[1] = baseY + unitSize * 2 / 3;
            xPoints[2] = baseX + unitSize * 2 / 3;
            yPoints[2] = baseY + unitSize * 2 / 3;
            xPoints[3] = baseX + unitSize * 2 / 3;
            yPoints[3] = baseY - unitSize * 2 / 3;
        } else if (entity instanceof Protomech) {
            xPoints = new int[3];
            yPoints = new int[3];
            xPoints[0] = baseX;
            yPoints[0] = baseY + unitSize;
            xPoints[1] = baseX + unitSize;
            yPoints[1] = baseY - unitSize / 2;
            xPoints[2] = baseX - unitSize;
            yPoints[2] = baseY - unitSize / 2;
        } else if (entity instanceof GunEmplacement) {
            int twip = unitSize * 2 / 3;
            xPoints = new int[8];
            yPoints = new int[8];
            xPoints[0] = baseX - (twip / 2);
            yPoints[0] = baseY - (twip * 3 / 2);
            xPoints[1] = xPoints[0] - twip;
            yPoints[1] = yPoints[0] + twip;
            xPoints[2] = xPoints[1];
            yPoints[2] = yPoints[1] + twip;
            xPoints[3] = xPoints[2] + twip;
            yPoints[3] = yPoints[2] + twip;
            xPoints[4] = xPoints[3] + twip;
            yPoints[4] = yPoints[3];
            xPoints[5] = xPoints[4] + twip;
            yPoints[5] = yPoints[4] - twip;
            xPoints[6] = xPoints[5];
            yPoints[6] = yPoints[5] - twip;
            xPoints[7] = xPoints[6] - twip;
            yPoints[7] = yPoints[6] - twip;
        } else {
            // entity instanceof Infantry
            xPoints = new int[4];
            yPoints = new int[4];
            xPoints[0] = baseX;
            yPoints[0] = baseY - unitSize;
            xPoints[1] = baseX - unitSize;
            yPoints[1] = baseY;
            xPoints[2] = baseX;
            yPoints[2] = baseY + unitSize;
            xPoints[3] = baseX + unitSize;
            yPoints[3] = baseY;

        if (!entity.isSelectableThisTurn()) {
            // entity has moved (or whatever) already
        g.fillPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, xPoints.length);

        Entity se = clientgui == null ? null : m_game.getEntity(clientgui
        if (entity == se) {
            Color w = new Color(255, 255, 255);
            Color b = new Color(0, 0, 0);
            g.drawRect(baseX - 1, baseY - 1, 3, 3);
            g.drawRect(baseX, baseY, 1, 1);
        if (border) {
            Color oldColor = g.getColor();
            g.drawPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, xPoints.length);

    private void paintRoads(Graphics g) {
        int exits = 0;
        int baseX, baseY, x, y;
        int[] xPoints = new int[4];
        int[] yPoints = new int[4];
        Color oldColor = g.getColor();
        for (Enumeration<int[]> iter = roadHexIndexes.elements(); iter
                .hasMoreElements();) {
            int[] hex = iter.nextElement();
            x = hex[0];
            y = hex[1];
            baseX = x * (hexSide[zoom] + hexSideBySin30[zoom]) + leftMargin
                    + hexSide[zoom];
            baseY = (2 * y + 1 + x % 2) * hexSideByCos30[zoom] + topMargin;
            exits = hex[2];
            // Is there a North exit?
            if (0 != (exits & 0x0001)) {
                xPoints[0] = baseX - halfRoadWidth[zoom];
                yPoints[0] = baseY;
                xPoints[1] = baseX - halfRoadWidth[zoom];
                yPoints[1] = baseY - hexSideByCos30[zoom];
                xPoints[2] = baseX + halfRoadWidth[zoom];
                yPoints[2] = baseY - hexSideByCos30[zoom];
                xPoints[3] = baseX + halfRoadWidth[zoom];
                yPoints[3] = baseY;
                g.drawPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 4);
                g.fillPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 4);
            // Is there a North-East exit?
            if (0 != (exits & 0x0002)) {
                xPoints[0] = baseX - halfRoadWidthBySin30[zoom];
                yPoints[0] = baseY - halfRoadWidthByCos30[zoom];
                xPoints[1] = Math.round(baseX + 3 * hexSide[zoom] / 4
                        - halfRoadWidthBySin30[zoom]);
                yPoints[1] = Math.round(baseY - hexSideByCos30[zoom] / 2
                        - halfRoadWidthByCos30[zoom]);
                xPoints[2] = xPoints[1] + 2 * halfRoadWidthBySin30[zoom];
                yPoints[2] = yPoints[1] + 2 * halfRoadWidthByCos30[zoom];
                xPoints[3] = baseX + halfRoadWidthBySin30[zoom];
                yPoints[3] = baseY + halfRoadWidthByCos30[zoom];
                g.drawPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 4);
                g.fillPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 4);
            // Is there a South-East exit?
            if (0 != (exits & 0x0004)) {
                xPoints[0] = baseX + halfRoadWidthBySin30[zoom];
                yPoints[0] = baseY - halfRoadWidthByCos30[zoom];
                xPoints[1] = Math.round(baseX + 3 * hexSide[zoom] / 4
                        + halfRoadWidthBySin30[zoom]);
                yPoints[1] = Math.round(baseY + hexSideByCos30[zoom] / 2
                        - halfRoadWidthByCos30[zoom]);
                xPoints[2] = xPoints[1] - 2 * halfRoadWidthBySin30[zoom];
                yPoints[2] = yPoints[1] + 2 * halfRoadWidthByCos30[zoom];
                xPoints[3] = baseX - halfRoadWidthBySin30[zoom];
                yPoints[3] = baseY + halfRoadWidthByCos30[zoom];
                g.drawPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 4);
                g.fillPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 4);
            // Is there a South exit?
            if (0 != (exits & 0x0008)) {
                xPoints[0] = baseX + halfRoadWidth[zoom];
                yPoints[0] = baseY;
                xPoints[1] = baseX + halfRoadWidth[zoom];
                yPoints[1] = baseY + hexSideByCos30[zoom];
                xPoints[2] = baseX - halfRoadWidth[zoom];
                yPoints[2] = baseY + hexSideByCos30[zoom];
                xPoints[3] = baseX - halfRoadWidth[zoom];
                yPoints[3] = baseY;
                g.drawPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 4);
                g.fillPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 4);
            // Is there a South-West exit?
            if (0 != (exits & 0x0010)) {
                xPoints[0] = baseX + halfRoadWidthBySin30[zoom];
                yPoints[0] = baseY + halfRoadWidthByCos30[zoom];
                xPoints[1] = Math.round(baseX - 3 * hexSide[zoom] / 4
                        + halfRoadWidthBySin30[zoom]);
                yPoints[1] = Math.round(baseY + hexSideByCos30[zoom] / 2
                        + halfRoadWidthByCos30[zoom]);
                xPoints[2] = xPoints[1] - 2 * halfRoadWidthBySin30[zoom];
                yPoints[2] = yPoints[1] - 2 * halfRoadWidthByCos30[zoom];
                xPoints[3] = baseX - halfRoadWidthBySin30[zoom];
                yPoints[3] = baseY - halfRoadWidthByCos30[zoom];
                g.drawPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 4);
                g.fillPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 4);
            // Is there a North-West exit?
            if (0 != (exits & 0x0020)) {
                xPoints[0] = baseX - halfRoadWidthBySin30[zoom];
                yPoints[0] = baseY + halfRoadWidthByCos30[zoom];
                xPoints[1] = Math.round(baseX - 3 * hexSide[zoom] / 4
                        - halfRoadWidthBySin30[zoom]);
                yPoints[1] = Math.round(baseY - hexSideByCos30[zoom] / 2
                        + halfRoadWidthByCos30[zoom]);
                xPoints[2] = xPoints[1] + 2 * halfRoadWidthBySin30[zoom];
                yPoints[2] = yPoints[1] - 2 * halfRoadWidthByCos30[zoom];
                xPoints[3] = baseX + halfRoadWidthBySin30[zoom];
                yPoints[3] = baseY - halfRoadWidthByCos30[zoom];
                g.drawPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 4);
                g.fillPolygon(xPoints, yPoints, 4);


     * check if hex contains roadelements and if it does, add to roadHexIndexes
    private void addRoadElements(IHex x, int boardX, int boardY) {
        final int[] roadTypes = new int[] { Terrains.ROAD, Terrains.BRIDGE };
        for (int j : roadTypes) {
            if (x.getTerrain(j) != null && m_terrainColors[j] != null) {
                int[] roadHex = { boardX, boardY, x.getTerrain(j).getExits() };

    private Color terrainColor(IHex x, int boardX, int boardY) {
        Color terrColor = m_terrainColors[0];
        if (x.getElevation() < 0) {
            // sinkholes have their own colour
            terrColor = SINKHOLE;

        int terrain = 0;
        for (int j = m_terrainColors.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
            if (x.getTerrain(j) != null && m_terrainColors[j] != null) {
                if (j == Terrains.ROAD || j == Terrains.BRIDGE) {
                terrColor = m_terrainColors[j];
                terrain = j;
                // make heavy woods darker
                if ((j == Terrains.WOODS || j == Terrains.JUNGLE)
                        && x.getTerrain(j).getLevel() == 2) {
                    terrColor = HEAVY_WOODS;
                if ((j == Terrains.WOODS || j == Terrains.JUNGLE)
                        && x.getTerrain(j).getLevel() > 2) {
                    terrColor = ULTRA_HEAVY_WOODS;
                // contains both smoke and fire
                if (j == Terrains.SMOKE && x.getTerrain(Terrains.FIRE) != null) {
                    terrColor = SMOKE_AND_FIRE;
        int level = 0;

        int r, g, b;
        switch (terrain) {
            case 0:
            case Terrains.WOODS:
            case Terrains.JUNGLE:
            case Terrains.ROUGH:
            case Terrains.RUBBLE:
            case Terrains.WATER:
            case Terrains.PAVEMENT:
            case Terrains.ICE:
            case Terrains.FIELDS:
                level = Math.abs(x.floor());
                // By experiment it is possible to make only 6 distinctive color
                // steps
                if (level > 10)
                    level = 10;
                r = terrColor.getRed() - level * 15;
                g = terrColor.getGreen() - level * 15;
                b = terrColor.getBlue() - level * 15;
                if (r < 0)
                    r = 0;
                if (g < 0)
                    g = 0;
                if (b < 0)
                    b = 0;
                return new Color(r, g, b);
            case Terrains.FUEL_TANK:
            case Terrains.BUILDING:
                level = Math.abs(x.ceiling());
                // By experiment it is possible to make only 6 distinctive color
                // steps
                if (level > 10)
                    level = 10;
                r = terrColor.getRed() - level * 15;
                g = terrColor.getGreen() - level * 15;
                b = terrColor.getBlue() - level * 15;
                if (r < 0)
                    r = 0;
                if (g < 0)
                    g = 0;
                if (b < 0)
                    b = 0;
                return new Color(r, g, b);

         * if (terrain < 5){ level = (int) Math.abs(x.floor()); // By experiment
         * it is possible to make only 6 distinctive color steps if (level > 5)
         * level = 5; int r = terrColor.getRed()-level*30; int g =
         * terrColor.getGreen()-level*30; int b = terrColor.getBlue()-level*30;
         * if (r < 0) r = 0; if (g < 0) g = 0; if (b < 0) b = 0; return new
         * Color(r, g, b); }
        return terrColor;

    private Coords translateCoords(int x, int y) {
        int gridX = (x / (hexSideBySin30[zoom] + hexSide[zoom]));
        int restX = x % (hexSideBySin30[zoom] + hexSide[zoom]);
        int gridY = (y / (2 * hexSideByCos30[zoom]));
        int restY = y % (2 * hexSideByCos30[zoom]);

        boolean evenColumn = (gridX & 1) == 0;

        if (restY < hexSideByCos30[zoom]) {
            if (evenColumn) {
                if (restX < ((restY - hexSideByCos30[zoom])
                        * hexSideBySin30[zoom] / hexSideByCos30[zoom] * -1)) {
            } else {
                if (restX < (restY * hexSideBySin30[zoom] / hexSideByCos30[zoom])) {
                } else {
        } else {
            if (evenColumn) {
                if (restX < ((restY - hexSideByCos30[zoom])
                        * hexSideBySin30[zoom] / hexSideByCos30[zoom])) {
            } else {
                if (restX < ((restY - 2 * hexSideByCos30[zoom])
                        * hexSideBySin30[zoom] / hexSideByCos30[zoom] * -1)) {
         * restX = hexSideBySin30[zoom] + hexSide[zoom] - restX; restY -=
         * hexSideByCos30[zoom]; if (hexSideBySin30[zoom]*restX >
         * hexSideByCos30[zoom]*restY) gridX ++; if (-hexSideBySin30[zoom]*restX >
         * hexSideByCos30[zoom]*restY) gridY --;
        if (gridX < 0)
            gridX = 0;
        if (gridY < 0)
            gridY = 0;

        return new Coords(gridX, gridY);

    protected void zoomIn() {
        if (zoom == 0)

    protected void zoomOut() {
        if (zoom == (hexSide.length - 1))

    void processMouseClick(int x, int y, MouseEvent me) {
        if (y > (getSize().height - 14)) {

            if (x < 14) {
            } else if (x < 28 && zoom > 2) {
                heightDisplayMode = ((++heightDisplayMode) > NBR_MODES) ? 0
                        : heightDisplayMode;
            } else if (x > (getSize().width - 14)) {
            } else {
                if (minimized) {
                    // m_dialog.setResizable(true);
                    setSize(getSize().width, heightBufer);
                    m_mapImage = createImage(getSize().width, heightBufer);
                } else {
                    heightBufer = getSize().height;
                    setSize(getSize().width, 14);
                    m_mapImage = createImage(Math.max(1, getSize().width), 14);
                    // m_dialog.setResizable(false);
                minimized = !minimized;
        } else {
            if ((x < margin) || (x > (getSize().width - leftMargin))
                    || (y < topMargin)
                    || (y > (getSize().height - topMargin - 14))) {
            if ((me.getModifiers() & InputEvent.CTRL_MASK) != 0) {
                m_bview.checkLOS(translateCoords(x - leftMargin, y -
            } else {
                m_bview.centerOnHex(translateCoords(x - leftMargin, y
                        - topMargin));

    public int getZoom() {
        return zoom;

    protected BoardListener boardListener = new BoardListenerAdapter() {
        public void boardNewBoard(BoardEvent b) {

        public void boardChangedHex(BoardEvent b) {
            if (dirty == null) {
                dirtyMap = true;
            } else {
                 * this must be tolerant since it might be called without
                 * notifying us of the boardsize first
                int x = b.getCoords().x;
                int y = b.getCoords().y;
                if (x >= dirty.length || y >= dirty[x].length) {
                    dirtyMap = true;
                dirty[x / 10][y / 10] = true;


    protected GameListener gameListener = new GameListenerAdapter() {
        public void gamePhaseChange(GamePhaseChangeEvent e) {

        public void gameTurnChange(GameTurnChangeEvent e) {

        public void gameBoardNew(GameBoardNewEvent e) {
            IBoard b = e.getOldBoard();
            if (b != null)
            b = e.getNewBoard();
            if (b != null)

        public void gameBoardChanged(GameBoardChangeEvent e) {

    BoardViewListener boardViewListener = new BoardViewListenerAdapter() {
        public void hexCursor(BoardViewEvent b) {

        public void boardHexHighlighted(BoardViewEvent b) {

        public void hexSelected(BoardViewEvent b) {

        public void firstLOSHex(BoardViewEvent b) {
            secondLOS = null;
            firstLOS = b.getCoords();

        public void secondLOSHex(BoardViewEvent b, Coords c) {
            firstLOS = c;
            secondLOS = b.getCoords();

        private void update() {
            firstLOS = null;
            secondLOS = null;

    MouseListener mouseListener = new MouseAdapter() {
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) {
            // center main map on clicked area
            processMouseClick(me.getX(), me.getY(), me);

    ComponentListener componentListener = new ComponentAdapter() {
        public void componentShown(ComponentEvent ce) {

        public void componentResized(ComponentEvent ce) {
            // if (!minimized) initializeMap();


Related Classes of megamek.client.ui.swing.MiniMap

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