return toHit(game, getEntityId(), game.getTarget(getTargetType(),
public static ToHitData toHit(IGame game, int attackerId, Targetable target) {
final Entity ae = game.getEntity(attackerId);
int targetId = Entity.NONE;
Entity te = null;
// arguments legal?
if ((ae == null) || (target == null)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attacker or target not valid");
if (target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_ENTITY) {
te = (Entity) target;
targetId = target.getTargetId();
if (!game.getOptions().booleanOption("friendly_fire")) {
// a friendly unit can never be the target of a direct attack.
if ((target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_ENTITY)
&& ((((Entity)target).getOwnerId() == ae.getOwnerId())
|| ((((Entity)target).getOwner().getTeam() != Player.TEAM_NONE)
&& (ae.getOwner().getTeam() != Player.TEAM_NONE)
&& (ae.getOwner().getTeam() == ((Entity)target).getOwner().getTeam())))) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "A friendly unit can never be the target of a direct attack.");
final IHex attHex = game.getBoard().getHex(ae.getPosition());
final IHex targHex = game.getBoard().getHex(target.getPosition());
if ((attHex == null) || (targHex == null)) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "off board");
final int attackerElevation = ae.getElevation() + attHex.getElevation();
final int targetHeight = target.absHeight() + targHex.getElevation();
final int targetElevation = target.getElevation()
+ targHex.getElevation();
final boolean targetInBuilding = Compute.isInBuilding(game, te);
boolean inSameBuilding = Compute.isInSameBuilding(game, ae, te);
Building bldg = null;
if (targetInBuilding) {
bldg = game.getBoard().getBuildingAt(te.getPosition());
ToHitData toHit;
// can't target yourself
if (ae.equals(te)) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE,
"You can't target yourself");
// non-protos can't make protomech-physicalattacks
if (!(ae instanceof Protomech)) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE,
"Non-protos can't make proto-physicalattacks");
// Can't target a transported entity.
if ((te != null) && (Entity.NONE != te.getTransportId())) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE,
"Target is a passenger.");
// Can't target a entity conducting a swarm attack.
if ((te != null) && (Entity.NONE != te.getSwarmTargetId())) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE,
"Target is swarming a Mek.");
// check range
final int range = ae.getPosition().distance(target.getPosition());
if (range > 1) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target not in range");
// check elevation
if ((attackerElevation < targetElevation)
|| (attackerElevation > targetHeight)) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE,
"Target elevation not in range");
// can't physically attack mechs making dfa attacks
if ((te != null) && te.isMakingDfa()) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE,
"Target is making a DFA attack");
// can only target targets in adjacent hexes, not in same hex
if (range == 0) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE,
"Target not in adjacent hex");
// check facing
// Don't check arc for stomping infantry or tanks.
if ((0 != range)
&& !Compute.isInArc(ae.getPosition(), ae.getFacing(), target
.getPosition(), Compute.ARC_FORWARD)) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Target not in arc");
// Can't target units in buildings (from the outside).
if ((0 != range) && targetInBuilding) {
if (!Compute.isInBuilding(game, ae)) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE,
"Target is inside building");
} else if (!game.getBoard().getBuildingAt(ae.getPosition()).equals(
bldg)) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE,
"Target is inside differnt building");
// Attacks against adjacent buildings automatically hit.
if ((target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_BUILDING)
|| (target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_FUEL_TANK)
|| (target instanceof GunEmplacement)) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.AUTOMATIC_SUCCESS,
"Targeting adjacent building.");
// Can't target woods or ignite a building with a physical.
if ((target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_BLDG_IGNITE)
|| (target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_HEX_CLEAR)
|| (target.getTargetType() == Targetable.TYPE_HEX_IGNITE)) {
return new ToHitData(TargetRoll.IMPOSSIBLE, "Invalid attack");
// Set the base BTH
int base = 4;
// Start the To-Hit
toHit = new ToHitData(base, "base");
// attacker movement
toHit.append(Compute.getAttackerMovementModifier(game, attackerId));
// target movement
toHit.append(Compute.getTargetMovementModifier(game, targetId));
// attacker terrain
toHit.append(Compute.getAttackerTerrainModifier(game, attackerId));
// target terrain
toHit.append(Compute.getTargetTerrainModifier(game, te, 0, inSameBuilding));
// attacker is spotting
if (ae.isSpotting()) {
toHit.addModifier(+1, "attacker is spotting");
// target prone
if (te.isProne()) {
toHit.addModifier(-2, "target prone and adjacent");
// water partial cover?
if ((te.height() > 0) && (te.getElevation() == -1)
&& (targHex.terrainLevel(Terrains.WATER) == te.height())) {
toHit.addModifier(3, "target has partial cover");
// target immobile
toHit.append(nightModifiers(game, target, null, ae, false));
Compute.modifyPhysicalBTHForAdvantages(ae, te, toHit, game);
// elevation
if (attackerElevation < targetHeight) {
} else if (te.height() > 0) {
} else {