Player controller = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId());
Card sourceCard = game.getCard(source.getSourceId());
if (controller != null && sourceCard != null) {
Permanent targetEnchantment = game.getPermanent(getTargetPointer().getFirst(game, source));
if (targetEnchantment != null) {
controller.moveCardToExileWithInfo(targetEnchantment, null, "", source.getSourceId(), game, Zone.BATTLEFIELD);
// 4/26/2014
// Deicide looks at the card in exile, not the permanent that was exiled, to determine
// if it is a God. For each of the Gods in the Theros block, it won’t matter what your
// devotion to its color(s) was. The card is a God card when not on the battlefield.
Card cardInExile = game.getExile().getCard(targetEnchantment.getId(), game);