Examples of match()

Examples of com.mobixess.jodb.query.api.Predicate.match()

                if(!syntheticSubject.setObjectData(nextObjectId, indexField, indexDataBuffer)){

                if(syntheticComparator!=null && comparison_state!=COMPARISON_STATE.MIXED){
                    if(syntheticSubjectPrev!=null ){

Examples of com.mockey.model.UriTemplate.match()

    // EXAMPLE: "http://example.com/hotels/{hotel}/bookings/{booking}"
    UriTemplate template = new UriTemplate(fullUrl.getFullUrl());

    // EXAMPLE: "http://example.com/hotels/1/bookings/42"
    Map results = template.match(url);
    if (results.size() > 0) {
      // Possible match
      foundService = serviceToEvaluate;
    } else {

Examples of com.nexirius.util.XString.match()

        while (e.hasMore()) {
            DataModel element = (DataModel) e.next();
            XString name = new XString(element.getInstanceName());

            if (name.match(nameFilter.getText())) {

                if (highlightedId != null && element.getInstanceName().equals(highlightedId)) {
                    elements.setHighlightedItem(elements.getSize() - 1);

Examples of com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.WildcardHelper.match()

        for (String pattern : includeMethods) {
            if (pattern.contains("*")) {
                int[] compiledPattern = wildcard.compilePattern(pattern);
                HashMap<String,String> matchedPatterns = new HashMap<String, String>();
                boolean matches = wildcard.match(matchedPatterns, methodCopy, compiledPattern);
                if (matches) {
                    return true; // run it, includeMethods takes precedence
            else {

Examples of com.prupe.mcpatcher.mob.MobRuleList$MobRuleEntry.match()

        if (!i$.hasNext()) {
          return this.baseSkin;

        entry = (MobRuleList$MobRuleEntry)i$.next();
      } while (!entry.match(i, j, k, biome));

      int index = entry.weightedIndex.choose(key);
      return (ResourceLocation)this.allSkins.get(entry.skins[index]);

Examples of com.sun.enterprise.tools.common.validation.constraints.CardinalConstraint.match()

                    (Object [])validatee.getElements(elementName);
                String name = validatee.getIndexedXPath() +
                    Constants.XPATH_DELIMITER + elementDtdName;
                ///String name = validatee.getXPath() +
                    ///Constants.XPATH_DELIMITER + elementDtdName;
                failures.addAll(constraint.match(elements, name));
            case Constants.OPTIONAL_ELEMENT : {
                Object element = validatee.getElement(elementName);

Examples of com.sun.enterprise.tools.common.validation.constraints.Constraint.match()

        ArrayList failed_constrains = new ArrayList();
        int size = constraints.size();
        Constraint constraint =  null;
        for(int i=0; i<size; i++) {
            constraint = (Constraint)constraints.get(i);
            failed_constrains.addAll(constraint.match(value, name));
        return failed_constrains;

Examples of com.sun.jersey.api.uri.UriTemplate.match()

    if (!tagUris.isEmpty()) {
      final UriTemplate template = new UriTemplate("/tags/{name}");
      for (String uriParam : tagUris) {
        final Map<String, String> values = Maps.newHashMap();
        if (template.match(uriParam, values)) {
          final String name = values.get("name");
          if (name != null) {
            tags.add(new Tag(name));

Examples of com.sun.org.apache.regexp.internal.RE.match()

         *            The string
        Matcher(final String pat) {
            RE re = new RE(splitter);

            if (re.match(pat)) {
                // Split pattern into (foo/)(*)(/bar).
                this.prefix = re.getParen(1);
                String wildcard = re.getParen(2);
                String tail = re.getParen(3);

Examples of com.sun.xacml.AbstractPolicy.match()

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            // for each identifier, get only the most recent policy
            AbstractPolicy policy = it.next().first();

            // see if we match
            MatchResult match = policy.match(context);
            int result = match.getResult();

            // if there was an error, we stop right away
            if (result == MatchResult.INDETERMINATE) {
                log.error("Error occured while processing the XACML policy "
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