Examples of match()

Examples of org.jacorb.notification.TypedEventMessage.match()

        String _operationName = "blaOperation";

        _mesg.setTypedEvent(_domainName, _operationName, new Property[] {
                new Property("param1", toAny("value1")), new Property("param2", toAny(100)) });


        ConstraintExp[] _constraintExp = new ConstraintExp[1];

        EventType[] _eventType = new EventType[1];
        _eventType[0] = new EventType("", "%TYPED");

Examples of org.jacorb.notification.filter.MappingFilterImpl.match()

                getConfiguration(), filter_, defaultValue);

        AnyHolder anyHolder = new AnyHolder();

        // filter is empty. should not match
        assertTrue(!_mappingFilter.match(testPerson_, anyHolder));

        // add some filter data
        Any resultToSet = getORB().create_any();

        resultToSet.insert_string("this indicates success");

Examples of org.jacorb.notification.interfaces.Message.match()

        AnyHolder _lifetimeFilterResult = new AnyHolder();
        Message _currentMessage = message;

            boolean lifetimeMatch = _currentMessage.match(

            if (lifetimeMatch && (_currentMessage == getMessage()))

Examples of org.jasig.portal.utils.PropsMatcher.match()

                final PropsMatcher userAgentMatcher = getUserAgentMatcher();

                if(userAgentMatcher!=null) {
                    // try matching
                    String profileFname=userAgentMatcher.match(userAgent);
                    if(profileFname!=null) {
                        // user agent has been matched
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            log.debug("GuestUserPreferencesManager::GuestUserPreferencesManager() : " +
                                    "userAgent \"" + userAgent + "\" has matched to a profile " + profileFname);

Examples of org.jboss.byteman.rule.type.TypeGroup.match()

        if (recipient == null && pathList != null) {
            // treat the pathlist as a typename or a static field dereference possibly combined with
            // further field dereferences

            // factor off a typename from the path
            Type rootType = typeGroup.match(pathList);
            if (rootType == null) {
                throw new TypeException("FieldExpression.typeCheck : invalid path " + getPath(pathList.length) + " to static method " + name + getPos());

            // find out how many of the path elements are included in the type name

Examples of org.jboss.gravia.runtime.Filter.match()

                    // This event is only delivered to listeners which were added with a non-null filter where
                    // the filter matched the service properties prior to the modification but the filter does
                    // not match the modified service properties.
                    else if (filterstr != null && ServiceEvent.MODIFIED == event.getType()) {
                        Filter filter = listenerReg.filter;
                        if (/* filter.match(reference.getPreviousProperties()) && */ !filter.match(reference)) {
                            ServiceEvent endmatch = new ServiceEventImpl(ServiceEvent.MODIFIED_ENDMATCH, reference);
                } catch (Throwable th) {

Examples of org.jboss.ide.eclipse.freemarker.lang.ParserUtils.match()

public class AssignmentDirective extends AbstractDirective {

  public static Boolean isNestable(String cont, Directive type) throws ParseException {
    ParserUtils parser = new ParserUtils(cont);
    /* the directive name */
    /* first variable name */
    /* lack of an equals sign at this position means that this is a nesting form of assign */

Examples of org.jboss.security.xacml.sunxacml.AbstractPolicy.match()

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            AbstractPolicy policy =

            // make sure that the policy matches the context
            MatchResult match = policy.match(context);

            if (match.getResult() == MatchResult.INDETERMINATE)
                return new Result(Result.DECISION_DENY,

Examples of org.jmock.builder.NameMatchBuilder.match()

        return addNewInvocationMocker();

    public NameMatchBuilder expects( InvocationMatcher expectation ) {
        NameMatchBuilder builder = addNewInvocationMocker();
        return builder;

    private NameMatchBuilder addNewInvocationMocker() {
        InvocationMocker mocker = new InvocationMocker(new InvocationMockerDescriber());

Examples of org.joni.Matcher.match()

        ByteList value = str.getByteList();
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(value.bytes, value.begin + pos, value.begin + value.realSize);

        final int ret;
        if (headonly) {
            ret = matcher.match(value.begin + pos, value.begin + value.realSize, Option.NONE);           
        } else {
            ret = matcher.search(value.begin + pos, value.begin + value.realSize, Option.NONE);

        regs = matcher.getRegion();
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