Examples of match()

Examples of org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.xpath.XPathFilter.match()

      info.getParameters().put(XPathFilter.MATCH_AGAINST_QOS, ""+true);
      filter.init(glob, info);
         Query query = new Query(glob, queryStr);
         boolean ret = filter.match(sessionInfo, msgUnit, query);
         System.out.println("Match: " + ret + "\nResult: " + msgUnit.getQos());
         assertTrue(queryStr + " should match", ret);


Examples of org.xmlBlaster.engine.xml2java.XmlKey.match()

         // TODO: If filter has a prepared query cache switched on,
         // we should go over the TopicHandlerAccessor to force single threaded match() access
         if (xmlKey.match(keyMapping)) {
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Found master='" + nodeMasterInfo.getNodeId().getId() +
                           "' stratum=" + nodeMasterInfo.getStratum() + " for message '" + msgUnit.getLogId() +
                           "' domain='" + xmlKey.getDomain() + "'.");
            AccessFilterQos[] filterQos = keyMapping.getAccessFilterArr();
            if (filterQos != null && filterQos.length > 0) {

Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.lexical.LikeOpWrapper.match()

   public void testLikeOpWrapper() {
      try {
         String pattern = "12%3";
         LikeOpWrapper wrapper = new LikeOpWrapper(this.glob, pattern);
         assertEquals("wrong result with pattern '" + pattern + "' for '123'", true, wrapper.match("123"));
         assertEquals("wrong result with pattern '" + pattern + "' for '12993'", true, wrapper.match("12993"));
         assertEquals("wrong result with pattern '" + pattern + "' for '1234'", false, wrapper.match("1234"));

         pattern = "l_se";
         wrapper = new LikeOpWrapper(this.glob, pattern);

Examples of our.apache.commons.httpclient.cookie.RFC2109Spec.match()

        if( port == -1 ){
            port = 80;

        RFC2109Spec spec = new RFC2109Spec();
        return spec.match( host, port, path, false, cookiejar );       



Examples of pspdash.Perl5Util.match()

            expression = perl.substitute("s/\\[\\(/" + FB + "/g", expression);
            expression = perl.substitute("s/\\)\\]/" + FE + "/g", expression);

            String pre, func, post, tempname;

            while (! perl.match(isSimpleFunction, expression)) {
                try {
                    if (!perl.match(containsSimpleFunction, expression))
                        throw new MalformedValueException
                            ("mismatched parentheses");
                } catch (Perl5Util.RegexpException e) {

Examples of ptolemy.actor.gt.ingredients.criteria.PortCriterion.match()


                    return isInputEqual && isOutputEqual && isMultiportEqual
                            && isNameEqual && isTypeCompatible;
                } else {
                    return portRule.match(hostIOPort) == NamedObjMatchResult.MATCH;
            } else {
                return true;
        } else {

Examples of railo.commons.lang.mimetype.MimeType.match()

      String whishedType=Caster.toString(whishedTypes.getE(i)).trim().toLowerCase();
      if(whishedType.equals("*")) return;
      // check mimetype
      if(ListUtil.len(whishedType, "/", true)==2){
        if(mt.match(sub)) return;
      // check extension
      if(ext!=null && !strict){

Examples of redis.clients.jedis.ScanParams.match()


    public void zscanMatch() {
  ScanParams params = new ScanParams();

  jedis.zadd("foo", 2, "b");
  jedis.zadd("foo", 1, "a");
  jedis.zadd("foo", 11, "aa");
  ScanResult<Tuple> result = jedis.zscan("foo", SCAN_POINTER_START,

Examples of sun.security.util.HostnameChecker.match()

        try {
            HostnameChecker checker = HostnameChecker.getInstance(
            Principal principal = getPeerPrincipal(session);
            if (principal instanceof KerberosPrincipal) {
                if (!checker.match(hostname, (KerberosPrincipal) principal)) {
                    throw new SSLPeerUnverifiedException(
                        "hostname of the kerberos principal:" + principal +
                        " does not match the hostname:" + hostname);
            } else {

Examples of sunlabs.brazil.util.regexp.Regexp.match()

           if (matches>0) {
         props.put(prefix + "submatches", "" + subMatches);
         props.put(prefix + "matchlist", counter.toString());
       } else if (r.match(value, sub)) {  // first match
           for (int i = 0; i < sub.length; i++) {
         if (sub[i] == null) {
             sub[i] = "";
         props.put(prefix + i, sub[i]);
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