Examples of lookup()

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.CoreSession.lookup()

        // We have to use the admin session here, otherwise we may have
        // trouble reading the entry due to insufficient access rights
        CoreSession adminSession = opContext.getSession().getDirectoryService().getAdminSession();

        Entry foundEntry = adminSession.lookup( opContext.getDn(), SchemaConstants.ALL_OPERATIONAL_ATTRIBUTES,
            SchemaConstants.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES );

        if ( foundEntry != null )
            return foundEntry;

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.OperationManager.lookup()

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public Entry lookup( Dn dn, String... attrIds ) throws LdapException
        OperationManager operationManager = directoryService.getOperationManager();
        return operationManager.lookup( new LookupOperationContext( this, dn, attrIds ) );

     * {@inheritDoc}

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.interceptor.Interceptor.lookup()


            entry = head.lookup( lookupContext );

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.api.partition.Partition.lookup()

            return retval;

        Partition partition = getPartition( dn );
        Entry entry = partition.lookup( lookupContext );

        if ( entry == null )
            LdapNoSuchObjectException e = new LdapNoSuchObjectException( "Attempt to lookup non-existant entry: "
                + dn.getName() );

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.interceptor.InterceptorChain.lookup()

        push( lookupContext );

            InterceptorChain chain = directoryService.getInterceptorChain();
            return chain.lookup( lookupContext );

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.jndi.ServerLdapContext.lookup()

        attributes.put( "fullyQualifiedJavaClassName", "HelloWorld" );
        attributes.put( "javaClassByteCode", HELLOWORLD_CLASS_BYTES );
        defaultContext.createSubcontext( "fullyQualifiedJavaClassName=HelloWorld", attributes );

        // assert set up successfull
        assertNotNull( defaultContext.lookup( "fullyQualifiedJavaClassName=HelloWorld" ) );

        // load the class
        LdapClassLoader loader = new LdapClassLoader( service );
        Class<?> clazz = loader.loadClass( "HelloWorld" );

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.core.partition.ldif.SingleFileLdifPartition.lookup()

        partition.add( addCtx );

        Long id = partition.getEntryId( contextEntry.getDn() );
        assertNotNull( id );
        assertEquals( contextEntry, partition.lookup( id ) );

        RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile( new File( partition.getPartitionPath() ), "r" );

        assertEquals( getEntryLdifLen( contextEntry ), file.length() );

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.schema.registries.AttributeTypeRegistry.lookup()

    private void initHandlerMaps() throws NamingException
        AttributeTypeRegistry atReg = registries.getAttributeTypeRegistry();
        for ( int ii = 0; ii < OP_ATTRS.length; ii++ )
            AttributeType at = atReg.lookup( OP_ATTRS[ii] );
            opAttr2handlerMap.put( at.getOid(), schemaObjectHandlers[ii] );

        ObjectClassRegistry ocReg = registries.getObjectClassRegistry();
        for ( int ii = 0; ii < META_OBJECT_CLASSES.length; ii++ )

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.schema.registries.ComparatorRegistry.lookup()

            getLog().info( "\t\t o [" + schemaName + "] - " + oid );
            LdapDN dn = checkCreateSchema( schemaName );
            dn.add( SchemaConstants.OU_AT + "=comparators" );
            dn.normalize( registries.getAttributeTypeRegistry().getNormalizerMapping() );
            checkCreateContainer( dn );
            ServerEntry entry = attributesFactory.getAttributes( oid, comparatorRegistry.lookup( oid ), schema,
                registries );
            dn.add( MetaSchemaConstants.M_OID_AT + "=" + oid );
            dn.normalize( registries.getAttributeTypeRegistry().getNormalizerMapping() );
            entry.setDn( dn );
            injectEntryInStore( store, entry );

Examples of org.apache.directory.server.schema.registries.NormalizerRegistry.lookup()

            getLog().info( "\t\t o [" + schemaName + "] - " + oid );
            LdapDN dn = checkCreateSchema( schemaName );
            dn.add( SchemaConstants.OU_AT + "=normalizers" );
            dn.normalize( registries.getAttributeTypeRegistry().getNormalizerMapping() );
            checkCreateContainer( dn );
            ServerEntry entry = attributesFactory.getAttributes( oid, normalizerRegistry.lookup( oid ), schema,
                registries );
            dn.add( MetaSchemaConstants.M_OID_AT + "=" + oid );
            dn.normalize( registries.getAttributeTypeRegistry().getNormalizerMapping() );
            entry.setDn( dn );
            injectEntryInStore( store, entry );
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