Examples of lookup()

Examples of org.quartz.impl.SchedulerRepository.lookup()

    try {
      SchedulerRepository repository = SchedulerRepository.getInstance();
      synchronized (repository) {
        Scheduler existingScheduler = (schedulerName != null ? repository.lookup(schedulerName) : null);
        Scheduler newScheduler = schedulerFactory.getScheduler();
        if (newScheduler == existingScheduler) {
          throw new IllegalStateException("Active Scheduler of name '" + schedulerName + "' already registered " +
              "in Quartz SchedulerRepository. Cannot create a new Spring-managed Scheduler of the same name!");

Examples of org.slf4j.ext.MDCStrLookup.lookup()

    public void testLookup() throws Exception {
        MDC.put("key", "value");
        MDC.put("number", "2");
        MDCStrLookup lookup = new MDCStrLookup();
        assertEquals("value", lookup.lookup("key"));
        assertEquals("2", lookup.lookup("number"));
        assertEquals(null, lookup.lookup(null));
        assertEquals(null, lookup.lookup(""));
        assertEquals(null, lookup.lookup("other"));

Examples of org.snmp4j.agent.MOServer.lookup()

    AgentXNodeQuery query =
        new AgentXNodeQuery(entry.getContext(), scope,
    MOScope requestScope = searchRange.getReferenceSubRequest().getScope();
    MOServer server = getServer(entry.getContext());
    for (ManagedObject node = server.lookup(query);
         (node instanceof AgentXNode);
         node = server.lookup(nextQuery(query, (AgentXNode)node)))
      AgentXRegEntry activeReg = ((AgentXNode)node).getActiveRegistration();
      MOScope region = node.getScope();

Examples of org.spearce_voltpatches.jgit.transport.OpenSshConfig.lookup()

            String user = System.getProperty("user.name") ;
            int port = 22;
            File identityFile = null;
            String configHost = host;
            if (sshConfig != null) {
                OpenSshConfig.Host hostConfig = sshConfig.lookup(host);
                if (hostConfig.getUser() != null) {
                    user = hostConfig.getUser();
                if (hostConfig.getPort() != -1) {
                    port = hostConfig.getPort();

Examples of org.springframework.jndi.JndiLocatorDelegate.lookup()

      else if (jndiEnvironment != null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal 'jndiEnvironment' type: " + jndiEnvironment.getClass());
      return locator.lookup(jndiName, requiredType);


Examples of org.springframework.jndi.JndiTemplate.lookup()

        final JndiTemplate jndiTemplate = this.getJndiTemplate();

        // bind userId to /sessions context
        try {
            final Context sessionsContext = (Context) jndiTemplate.lookup("/sessions", Context.class);
            try {
                sessionsContext.bind(sessionId, userId);
            catch (NameAlreadyBoundException nabe) {

Examples of org.springframework.ldap.core.LdapTemplate.lookup()

        DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource contextSource = (DefaultSpringSecurityContextSource) appCtx.getBean(BeanIds.CONTEXT_SOURCE);

        // Check data is loaded
        LdapTemplate template = new LdapTemplate(contextSource);

    public void useOfUrlAttributeCreatesCorrectContextSource() throws Exception {
        int port = getDefaultPort();

Examples of org.tmatesoft.sqljet.core.internal.table.ISqlJetBtreeIndexTable.lookup()

    private long locateHash(final ISqlJetSchema schema, final String hash) throws SqlJetException {
        final String i = schema.getIndexes(REP_CACHE_TABLE).iterator().next().getName();
        final ISqlJetBtreeIndexTable index = new SqlJetBtreeIndexTable(btreeCopy, i, false);
        try {
            return index.lookup(false, hash);
        } finally {

Examples of org.tmatesoft.sqljet.core.internal.table.SqlJetBtreeIndexTable.lookup()

    private long locateHash(final ISqlJetSchema schema, final String hash) throws SqlJetException {
        final String i = schema.getIndexes(REP_CACHE_TABLE).iterator().next().getName();
        final ISqlJetBtreeIndexTable index = new SqlJetBtreeIndexTable(btreeCopy, i, false);
        try {
            return index.lookup(false, hash);
        } finally {

Examples of org.tmatesoft.sqljet.core.table.ISqlJetTable.lookup()

        try {
            printRecords(table.lookup(FULL_NAME_INDEX, "Alexander"));
        } finally {
        // getting rows in table with indexed field value in certain scope.       
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