Examples of lookup()

Examples of morfologik.stemming.IStemmer.lookup()


    for (final String word : sentenceTokens) {
      final List<AnalyzedToken> l = new ArrayList<>();
      final String lowerCaseWord = word.toLowerCase(RO_LOCALE);
      final List<WordData> taggerTokens = morfologik.lookup(lowerCaseWord);
      if (taggerTokens != null) {
        for (WordData wd : taggerTokens) {
          final String[] tagsArr = wd.getStem().toString().split("\\+");
          for (final String currTag : tagsArr) {
            l.add(new AnalyzedToken(word,

Examples of net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceRegistrar.lookup()

      ServiceRegistrar proxy = (ServiceRegistrar)evnt.getSource();
      proxy = (ServiceRegistrar)
      ServiceMatches matches;
      matches = proxy.lookup(tmpl, 1);
      if (item == null) {
    if (matches.items.length != 0)
        throw new TestException(
            "verifyEventItems: event item is null, lookup returns non-null");
      } else {

Examples of net.jini.lookup.LookupCache.lookup()

            Iterator it = templates.iterator();

            while (it.hasNext()) {
                ServiceTemplate test = (ServiceTemplate) it.next();
                LookupCache lookupCache = (LookupCache) serviceCaches.remove(test);
                ServiceItem[] services = lookupCache.lookup(null,
                    "Services to discard (array object) " + services);

                for (int i = 0; i < services.length; i++) {

Examples of net.jini.lookup.ServiceDiscoveryManager.lookup()

        LookupDiscoveryManager(spaceGroups, locators, null);
      ServiceDiscoveryManager serviceDiscoveryManager = new
        ServiceDiscoveryManager(discovery, null);
      st = new ServiceTemplate(null, spaceClss, spaceEntries);
      si = serviceDiscoveryManager.lookup(st, null,
                                          10 * 1000);
      if(si != null && si.service != null) {
        space = (JavaSpace) si.service;
        si = null;

Examples of net.sf.lapg.templates.api.impl.DefaultEvaluationCache.lookup()

public class ApiTests extends TemplateTestCase {

  public void testCache() {
    DefaultEvaluationCache cache = new DefaultEvaluationCache();
    cache.cache(3, 1, 2, 5);
    Assert.assertEquals(3, cache.lookup(1, 2, 5));
    Assert.assertEquals(null, cache.lookup(1, 2, 6));
    cache.cache(8, new Object[] { 3,4,7}, 9);
    Assert.assertEquals(8, cache.lookup(new Object[] { 3,4,7}, 9));
    Assert.assertEquals(null, cache.lookup(new Object[] { 3,5,7}, 9));

Examples of nu.xom.XPathContext.lookup()


    public void testLookupPrefix() {
        XPathContext context = new XPathContext();
        context.addNamespace("foo", "http://www.example.org");
        String url = context.lookup("foo");
        assertEquals("http://www.example.org", url);

    public void testLookupNonexistentPrefix() {

Examples of org.apache.accumulo.core.file.rfile.MultiLevelIndex.Reader.lookup()

    Reader reader = new Reader(_cbr, RFile.RINDEX_VER_6);
    BlockRead rootIn = _cbr.getMetaBlock("root");
    IndexIterator liter = reader.lookup(new Key("000000"));
    int count = 0;
    while (liter.hasNext()) {
      assertEquals(count, liter.nextIndex());
      assertEquals(count, liter.peek().getNumEntries());
      assertEquals(count, liter.next().getNumEntries());

Examples of org.apache.archiva.common.plexusbridge.PlexusSisuBridge.lookup()

        throws ConsumerException, MalformedURLException, PlexusSisuBridgeException
        // hack around poorly configurable project builder by pointing all repositories back at this location to be self
        // contained
        PlexusSisuBridge plexusSisuBridge = applicationContext.getBean( PlexusSisuBridge.class );
        WagonManager wagonManager = plexusSisuBridge.lookup( WagonManager.class );
        wagonManager.addMirror( "internal", "*", new File( path ).toURL().toExternalForm() );

        ManagedRepository repo = new ManagedRepository();
        repo.setId( "cliRepo" );
        repo.setName( "Archiva CLI Provided Repo" );

Examples of org.apache.avalon.excalibur.component.ExcaliburComponentManager.lookup()

        // Create the ComponentManager
        ExcaliburComponentManager manager = createComponentManager();
            // Obtain a reference to the HelloDBService instance
            HelloDBService helloDB = (HelloDBService)manager.lookup( HelloDBService.ROLE );
                handleRequests( helloDB );

Examples of org.apache.avalon.fortress.impl.lookup.FortressServiceManager.lookup()

        FortressServiceManager manager = new FortressServiceManager( m_container, null );

        m_container.setExpectedKey( Role1.ROLE );

        assertTrue( manager.hasService( Role1.ROLE ) );
        assertNotNull( manager.lookup( Role1.ROLE ) );

        String hint = "test";
        m_container.setExpectedHint( hint );
        assertTrue( manager.hasService( Role1.ROLE + "/" + hint ) );
        assertNotNull( manager.lookup( Role1.ROLE + "/" + hint ) );
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