Examples of create()

Examples of opennlp.tools.util.model.ArtifactSerializer.create()


        InputStream resoruceIn = CmdLineUtil.openInFile(resourceFile);

        try {
          resources.put(resourceName, serializer.create(resoruceIn));
        } catch (InvalidFormatException e) {
          // TODO: Fix exception handling
        } catch (IOException e) {
          // TODO: Fix exception handling

Examples of oracle.AWXML.AW.Create()


    // Build the analytic workspace framework.
    System.out.println("Building the " + awName + " framework.");

    System.out.println(awName + " framework built!");

    // Populate the analytic workspace with the metadata objects and

Examples of org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient.create()

                logger.error("Cannot deploy app [{}], because app [{}] is already deployed", deployArgs.appName,

            zkClient.create("/s4/clusters/" + deployArgs.clusterName + "/app/s4App", record, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
                    "uploaded application [{}] to cluster [{}], using zookeeper znode [{}], and s4r file [{}]",
                    new String[] { deployArgs.appName, deployArgs.clusterName,
                            "/s4/clusters/" + deployArgs.clusterName + "/app/" + deployArgs.appName,
                            s4rToDeploy.getAbsolutePath() });

Examples of org.activemq.itest.ejb.JMSToolHome.create()

    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
        InitialContext ctx = createInitialContext();
        JMSToolHome home = (JMSToolHome) ctx.lookup(JMSBEAN_JNDI);
        jmsTool = home.create();
    protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
        if( jmsTool != null ) {
            try {

Examples of org.activemq.transport.TransportChannelFactory.create()

        TransportChannel transportChannel = null;
        boolean embedServer = isUseEmbeddedBroker() || factory.requiresEmbeddedBroker();
        if (embedServer) {
            synchronized (this) {
                if (factory.requiresEmbeddedBroker()) {
                    transportChannel = factory.create(getWireFormat(), uri);
                    brokerConnector = transportChannel.getEmbeddedBrokerConnector();
                if (brokerConnector == null) {
                    brokerConnector = brokerContext.getConnectorByURL(theURLString);
                    if (brokerConnector == null) {

Examples of org.antlr.runtime.tree.TreeWizard.create()

    assertEquals("C", labels.get("c").toString());

  @Test public void testParseLabelsInNestedTree() throws Exception {
    TreeWizard wiz = new TreeWizard(adaptor, tokens);
    CommonTree t = (CommonTree)wiz.create("(A (B C) (D E))");
    Map<String, Object> labels = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    boolean valid = wiz.parse(t, "(%a:A (%b:B %c:C) (%d:D %e:E) )", labels);
    assertEquals("A", labels.get("a").toString());
    assertEquals("B", labels.get("b").toString());

Examples of org.antlr.v4.parse.GrammarASTAdaptor.create()

    // Compute list of rules in root grammar and ensure we have a RULES node
    GrammarAST RULES = (GrammarAST)root.getFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.RULES);
    Set<String> rootRuleNames = new HashSet<String>();
    if ( RULES==null ) { // no rules in root, make RULES node, hook in
      RULES = (GrammarAST)adaptor.create(ANTLRParser.RULES, "RULES");
      RULES.g = rootGrammar;
    else {
      // make list of rules we have in root grammar

Examples of org.any_openeai_enterprise.moa.jmsobjects.coreapplication.v1_0.EnterpriseUser.create()

      List euQueryList = eu.query(netId,p2p);
      if (euQueryList.size()==0) {
        //create the enterprise user
      logger.info("["+portletName+"] Created EnterpriseUser for "
      } else {
        eu = (EnterpriseUser) euQueryList.get(0);
        logger.info("["+portletName+"] Found EnterpriseUser: " + eu);

Examples of org.any_openeai_enterprise.moa.jmsobjects.coreapplication.v1_0.EnterpriseUserPassword.create()

      java.util.List returnedEup = eup.query(eu, p2p);
      if (returnedEup.size() == 0) {
        //create the password
        return eup;
      } else {
        //update the password
        EnterpriseUserPassword baselineEup = (EnterpriseUserPassword) returnedEup.get(0);
      logger.info("["+portletName+"] baseline="+baselineEup);       

Examples of org.apache.accumulo.core.client.admin.NamespaceOperations.create()

    numRun = 0;
    NAMESPACEEXISTS: for (int i = 0;; ++i)
      try {
        switch (i) {
          case 0:
            ops.create(namespace + "0");
            ops.create(namespace + "0"); // should fail here
          case 1:
            ops.create(namespace + i + "_1");
            ops.create(namespace + i + "_2");
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