Examples of create()

Examples of com.darkhonor.rage.libs.dataaccess.CategoryDAO.create()

                            queryCat = new Category(txtCategory.getText().trim());
                            Long newCatId = catDAO.create(queryCat);
                            LOGGER.info("Added Category: " + queryCat.getName());
                        if (catDAO.isOpen())

Examples of com.darkhonor.rage.libs.dataaccess.CourseDAO.create()

            LOGGER.debug("- # Students: " + courseStudentCount);
            CourseDAO courseDAO = new CourseDAO(emf.createEntityManager());

            LOGGER.debug("Saving Course to Database");
            Long newId = courseDAO.create(newCourse);
            LOGGER.info("Course Saved to Database: " + newId);

            if (courseDAO.isOpen())
                LOGGER.debug("Closing EntityManager.");

Examples of com.darkhonor.rage.libs.dataaccess.GradedEventDAO.create()

                LOGGER.debug(count + " Questions added.  Saving to database");
                Long newId;
                    newId = gradedEventDAO.create(gradedEvent);
                    LOGGER.info("Graded Event created with Id: " + newId);
//                tx.begin();
//                em.persist(gradedEvent);
//                tx.commit();
//            } catch (EntityExistsException ex)

Examples of com.darkhonor.rage.libs.dataaccess.TestCaseDAO.create()

                                        // TestCase exists in the database, update
                                        tc = testCaseDAO.update(tc);
                                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException exTestCase)
                                        // TestCase not in data source, just save
                                        Long newId = testCaseDAO.create(tc);
                                } else
                                    // New TestCase with no Id
                                    Long newId = testCaseDAO.create(tc);

Examples of com.darkhonor.rage.libs.dataaccess.VersionDAO.create()

            // schema is set, do so here
            if (createSchema)
                // Insert the version number in the database
                LOGGER.debug("We created schema...Version stored on connect");
//                    EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction();
//                    tx.begin();
//                    em.persist(version);
//                    tx.commit();
            } else

Examples of com.datasift.client.dynamiclist.DataSiftDynamicList.create()

        DataSiftConfig config = new DataSiftConfig("username", "api-key");

        DataSiftClient datasift = new DataSiftClient(config);
        DataSiftDynamicList dynamiclist = new DataSiftDynamicList(config);

        DynamicList list = dynamiclist.create(DataSiftDynamicList.ListType.STRING, "example list").sync();
        if (list.isSuccessful()) {
            // create a stream that references the dynamic list, using the list_any operator
            Stream stream = datasift
                    .compile(String.format("interaction.content list_any \"%s\"", list.getId())).sync();

Examples of com.davfx.ninio.common.ReadyFactory.create()

    q.post(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        ByteBufferAllocator allocator = new OnceByteBufferAllocator();
        Ready ready = rf.create(q, allocator);
        ready.connect(a, new ReadyConnection() {
          private final InstanceMapper instanceMapper = new InstanceMapper();


Examples of com.day.cq.wcm.api.PageManager.create()

            bucketPath += "/" + bucketSegment;

        final Node shardNode = JcrUtils.getOrCreateByPath(bucketPath,
                NT_SLING_FOLDER, NT_SLING_FOLDER, session, false);
        final Page page = pageManager.create(shardNode.getPath(), JcrUtil.createValidName(name),
                WORKFLOW_PACKAGE_TEMPLATE, name, false);
        final Resource contentResource = page.getContentResource();

        Node node = JcrUtil.createPath(contentResource.getPath() + "/vlt:definition", NT_VLT_DEFINITION, session);
        node = JcrUtil.createPath(node.getPath() + "/filter", JcrConstants.NT_UNSTRUCTURED, session);

Examples of com.day.jcr.vault.packaging.JcrPackageManager.create()

            this.removePackage(jcrPackageManager, groupName, name, version);
        } else if (ConflictResolution.IncrementVersion.equals(conflictResolution)) {
            version = this.getNextVersion(jcrPackageManager, groupName, name, version).toString();

        final JcrPackage jcrPackage = jcrPackageManager.create(groupName, name, version);
        final JcrPackageDefinition jcrPackageDefinition = jcrPackage.getDefinition();
        final DefaultWorkspaceFilter workspaceFilter = new DefaultWorkspaceFilter();

        for (final PathFilterSet pathFilterSet : pathFilterSets) {

Examples of com.denimgroup.threadfix.plugin.eclipse.dialog.ApplicationDialog.create()

        Set<String> configuredApps = EclipsePropertiesManager.getConfiguredApplications();
        ApplicationDialog appDialog = new ApplicationDialog(window.getShell(),
            threadFixApplicationMap, configuredApps);
        if (appDialog.open() == Window.OK) {
          System.out.println("Saved successfully.");
        } else {
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