Examples of create()

Examples of org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.flow.FlowDefinition.create()

            if (definition == null) {
                listener.error("No flow definition, cannot run");
            Owner owner = new Owner(this);
            execution = definition.create(owner, getAllActions());
            execution.addListener(new GraphL());
            completed = new AtomicBoolean();
            logsToCopy = new LinkedHashMap<String,Long>();
            checkouts = new LinkedList<SCMCheckout>();

Examples of org.jetlang.fibers.PoolFiberFactory.create()

    public Downloader() {
        PoolFiberFactory f = new PoolFiberFactory(pool);
        //subscribe multiple fibers for parallel execution
        for(int i = 0, numThreads = 10; i < numThreads; i++) {
            Fiber fiber = f.create();
            channel.subscribe(fiber, new DownloadCallback());

Examples of org.jfree.report.flow.layoutprocessor.LayoutControllerFactory.create()

    final FlowController flowController = getFlowController();
    final ReportContext reportContext = flowController.getReportContext();
    final LayoutControllerFactory layoutControllerFactory =
    return layoutControllerFactory.create(flowController, n, olc);



Examples of org.jfree.resourceloader.ResourceManager.create()

            final ResourceKey key =
                    resourceManager.deriveKey(contextKey, "styles.xml");
            final Resource resource =
                    resourceManager.create(key, contextKey, OfficeStylesCollection.class);
            final OfficeStylesCollection styles =
                    (OfficeStylesCollection) resource.getResource();
            if (styles != null)
                return styles;

Examples of org.jitterbit.integration.data.structure.database.DbTablesFactory.create()

    private DbTables toDbTables(Map<DatabaseObject, Integer> effectiveTableUsage, BeginEndQuote quotes) {
        ObjectAliasGenerator aliasGenerator = new ObjectAliasGenerator(quotes, getIncludedTables());
        DbTablesFactory factory = new DbTablesFactory(aliasGenerator);
        return factory.create(effectiveTableUsage, quotes);

    public void includeTables(Iterable<DatabaseObject> tables) {
        for (DatabaseObject table : tables) {
            if (!isTableIncluded(table)) {

Examples of org.jivesoftware.smackx.muc.MultiUserChat.create()

        if(r != InputDialog.OK) return;
        String room = dialog.getValue();
        String froom = room + "@" + addressid;
        MultiUserChat muc = new MultiUserChat(account.xmpp.getConnection(),froom);
        try {
          Form form = muc.getConfigurationForm();
          FormAnswerDialog d = new FormAnswerDialog(sShell, null, form);
          r = d.open();
          if(r != FormAnswerDialog.OK) {

Examples of org.jnode.fs.ext2.Ext2FileSystemType.create()

    public void testReadExt4SpecialFiles() throws Exception {

        device = new FileDevice(FileSystemTestUtils.getTestFile("test/fs/ext4/test-special-files.ext4"), "r");
        Ext2FileSystemType type = fss.getFileSystemType(Ext2FileSystemType.ID);
        Ext2FileSystem fs = type.create(device, true);

        String expectedStructure =
            "type: EXT2 vol: total:15728640 free:13918208\n" +
                "  /; \n" +
                "    lost+found; \n" +

Examples of org.jnode.fs.ftpfs.FTPFileSystemType.create()

        final FTPFSDevice dev = new FTPFSDevice(host, user, password);
        dev.setDriver(new FTPFSDriver());
        FTPFileSystem fs = null;
        try {
            fs = type.create(dev, true);
            fss.mount(mountPoint.getAbsolutePath(), fs, null);
            ok = true;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            getError().getPrintStream().println("FTP mount failed: " + ex.getLocalizedMessage());

Examples of org.jnode.fs.jfat.FatFileSystemType.create()

    public void testReadFat32Disk() throws Exception {

        device = new FileDevice(FileSystemTestUtils.getTestFile("test/fs/jfat/test.fat32"), "r");
        FatFileSystemType type = fss.getFileSystemType(FatFileSystemType.ID);
        FatFileSystem fs = type.create(device, true);

        String expectedStructure =
            "type: JFAT vol: total:-1 free:-1\n" +
                "  ; \n" +
                "    dir1; \n" +

Examples of org.jnode.fs.jifs.JIFileSystemType.create()

                log.info(dev.getId() + " registered");
                final FileSystemService fSS = InitialNaming.lookup(FileSystemService.NAME);
                type = fSS.getFileSystemType(JIFileSystemType.ID);

                final JIFileSystem fs = type.create(dev, true);

                final String mountPath = "jifs";
                fSS.mount(mountPath, fs, null);
                log.info("Mounted " + type.getName() + " on " + mountPath);
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