Send a Server->Client packet UserInfo to this L2PcInstance and CharInfo to all L2PcInstance in its _KnownPlayers.
Concept :
Others L2PcInstance in the detection area of the L2PcInstance are identified in _knownPlayers. In order to inform other players of this L2PcInstance state modifications, server just need to go through _knownPlayers to send Server->Client Packet
Actions :
Send a Server->Client packet UserInfo to this L2PcInstance (Public and Private Data)
Send a Server->Client packet CharInfo to all L2PcInstance in _KnownPlayers of the L2PcInstance (Public data only)
Caution : DON'T SEND UserInfo packet to other players instead of CharInfo packet. Indeed, UserInfo packet contains PRIVATE DATA as MaxHP, STR, DEX...
Отправляет UserInfo даному игроку и CharInfo всем окружающим.
Концепт :
Сервер шлет игроку UserInfo. Сервер вызывает метод {@link L2Player#broadcastPacketToOthers(l2p.gameserver.serverpackets.L2GameServerPacket)} для рассылки CharInfo
Действия :
Отсылка игроку UserInfo(личные и общие данные)
Отсылка другим игрокам CharInfo(Public data only)
Внимание : НЕ ПОСЫЛАЙТЕ UserInfo другим игрокам либо CharInfo даному игроку. НЕ ВЫЗЫВАЕЙТЕ ЭТОТ МЕТОД КРОМЕ ОСОБЫХ ОБСТОЯТЕЛЬСТВ(смена сабкласса к примеру)!!! Траффик дико кушается у игроков и начинаются лаги. Используйте метод {@link l2p.gameserver.model.L2Player#sendChanges()}
Send a Server->Client packet UserInfo to this L2PcInstance and CharInfo to all L2PcInstance in its _KnownPlayers. Concept : Others L2PcInstance in the detection area of the L2PcInstance are identified in _knownPlayers. In order to inform other players of this L2PcInstance state modifications, server just need to go through _knownPlayers to send Server->Client Packet Actions :
Send a Server->Client packet UserInfo to this L2PcInstance (Public and Private Data)
Send a Server->Client packet CharInfo to all L2PcInstance in _KnownPlayers of the L2PcInstance (Public data only)
Caution : DON'T SEND UserInfo packet to other players instead of CharInfo packet. Indeed, UserInfo packet contains PRIVATE DATA as MaxHP, STR, DEX...
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