Examples of WikiException

Examples of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiException

    public Principal getApprover( String messageKey ) throws WikiException
        Principal approver = m_approvers.get( messageKey );
        if ( approver == null )
            throw new WikiException( "Workflow '" + messageKey + "' does not require approval." );

        // Try to resolve UnresolvedPrincipals
        if ( approver instanceof UnresolvedPrincipal )
            String name = approver.getName();
            approver = m_engine.getAuthorizationManager().resolvePrincipal( name );

            // If still unresolved, throw exception; otherwise, freshen our
            // cache
            if ( approver instanceof UnresolvedPrincipal )
                throw new WikiException( "Workflow approver '" + name + "' cannot not be resolved." );

            m_approvers.put( messageKey, approver );
        return approver;
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Examples of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiException

            log.error( "Unable to locate the WikiRenderer(WikiContext,WikiDocument) constructor for "  + renderImplName );
        if( m_rendererConstructor == null )
            throw new WikiException( "Failed to get WikiRenderer '" + renderImplName + "'." );
        log.info( "Rendering content with " + renderImplName + "." );

        WikiEventUtils.addWikiEventListener(m_engine, WikiPageEvent.POST_SAVE_BEGIN, this);
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Examples of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiException

        catch( InstantiationException e )
            log.info( "Cannot instantiate requested class "+requestedClass, e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to instantiate class "+requestedClass, e );
        catch (IllegalAccessException e)
            log.info( "Cannot access requested class "+requestedClass, e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to instantiate class "+requestedClass, e );
        catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
            log.info( "Illegal arguments when constructing new object", e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to instantiate class "+requestedClass, e );
        catch (InvocationTargetException e)
            log.info( "You tried to instantiate an abstract class "+requestedClass, e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to instantiate class "+requestedClass, e );
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Examples of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiException

        catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
            log.info( "Cannot find requested class", e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to instantiate class "+requestedClass, e );
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Examples of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiException

            m_loginModuleClass = (Class<? extends LoginModule>) Class.forName( loginModuleClassName );
        catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
            throw new WikiException( "Could not instantiate LoginModule class.", e );
        // Initialize the LoginModule options
        initLoginModuleOptions( props );
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Examples of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiException

        catch ( PolicyException e )
            log.error("Could not initialize local security policy: " + e.getMessage() );
            throw new WikiException( "Could not initialize local security policy: " + e.getMessage(), e );
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Examples of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiException

                return impl;
            catch( ClassNotFoundException e )
                log.fatal( "Authorizer " + clazz + " cannot be found", e );
                throw new WikiException( "Authorizer " + clazz + " cannot be found", e );
            catch( InstantiationException e )
                log.fatal( "Authorizer " + clazz + " cannot be created", e );
                throw new WikiException( "Authorizer " + clazz + " cannot be created", e );
            catch( IllegalAccessException e )
                log.fatal( "You are not allowed to access this authorizer class", e );
                throw new WikiException( "You are not allowed to access this authorizer class", e );

        throw new NoRequiredPropertyException( "Unable to find a " + PROP_AUTHORIZER + " entry in the properties.",
                                               PROP_AUTHORIZER );
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.WikiException

            log.error( "Unable to locate the WikiRenderer(WikiContext,WikiDocument) constructor for "  + renderImplName );
        if( m_rendererConstructor == null )
            throw new WikiException( "Failed to get WikiRenderer '" + renderImplName + "'." );
        log.info( "Rendering content with " + renderImplName + "." );

        WikiEventUtils.addWikiEventListener(m_engine, WikiPageEvent.POST_SAVE_BEGIN, this);
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.api.exceptions.WikiException

        //  Sanity checks first
        if( renameFrom == null || renameFrom.length() == 0 )
            throw new WikiException( "From name may not be null or empty" );
        if( renameTo == null || renameTo.length() == 0 )
            throw new WikiException( "To name may not be null or empty" );
        //  Clean up the "to" -name so that it does not contain anything illegal
        String renameToClean = MarkupParser.cleanLink( renameTo.trim() );
        if( renameToClean.equals(renameFrom) )
            throw new WikiException( "You cannot rename the page to itself" );
        //  Preconditions: "from" page must exist, and "to" page must not yet exist.
        WikiEngine engine = context.getEngine();
        WikiPage fromPage = engine.getPage( renameFrom );
        if( fromPage == null )
            throw new WikiException("No such page "+renameFrom);
        WikiPage toPage = engine.getPage( renameToClean );
        if( toPage != null )
            throw new WikiException( "Page already exists " + renameToClean );
        //  Options
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.api.exceptions.WikiException

        catch( InstantiationException e )
            log.info( "Cannot instantiate requested class "+requestedClass, e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to instantiate class "+requestedClass, e );
        catch (IllegalAccessException e)
            log.info( "Cannot access requested class "+requestedClass, e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to instantiate class "+requestedClass, e );
        catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
            log.info( "Illegal arguments when constructing new object", e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to instantiate class "+requestedClass, e );
        catch (InvocationTargetException e)
            log.info( "You tried to instantiate an abstract class "+requestedClass, e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to instantiate class "+requestedClass, e );
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