Package com.ecyrd.jspwiki.util

Source Code of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.util.ClassUtil

    JSPWiki - a JSP-based WikiWiki clone.

    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package com.ecyrd.jspwiki.util;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.*;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.jdom.xpath.XPath;

import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiException;

*  Contains useful utilities for class file manipulation.  This is a static class,
*  so there is no need to instantiate it.
@since 2.1.29.
public final class ClassUtil
    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ClassUtil.class);
     *  The location of the classmappings.xml document. It will be searched for
     *  in the classpath.  It's value is "{@value}".
    public  static final String MAPPINGS = "/ini/classmappings.xml";
    private static Map<String, String> c_classMappings = new Hashtable<String, String>();

     *  Initialize the class mappings document.
            InputStream is = ClassUtil.class.getResourceAsStream( MAPPINGS );
            if( is != null )
                Document doc = new SAXBuilder().build( is );
                XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance("/classmappings/mapping");
                List nodes = xpath.selectNodes( doc );
                for( Iterator i = nodes.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                    Element f = (Element);
                    String key = f.getChildText("requestedClass");
                    String className = f.getChildText("mappedClass");
                    c_classMappings.put( key, className );
                    log.debug("Mapped class '"+key+"' to class '"+className+"'");
      "Didn't find class mapping document in "+MAPPINGS);
        catch( Exception ex )
            log.error("Unable to parse mappings document!",ex);

     * Private constructor to prevent direct instantiation.
    private ClassUtil()
     *  Attempts to find a class from a collection of packages.  This will first
     *  attempt to find the class based on just the className parameter, but
     *  should that fail, will iterate through the "packages" -list, prefixes
     *  the package name to the className, and then tries to find the class
     *  again.
     *  @param packages A List of Strings, containing different package names.
     *  @param className The name of the class to find.
     *  @return The class, if it was found.
     *  @throws ClassNotFoundException if this particular class cannot be found
     *          from the list.
    public static Class findClass( List packages, String className )
        throws ClassNotFoundException
        ClassLoader loader = ClassUtil.class.getClassLoader();

            return loader.loadClass( className );
        catch( ClassNotFoundException e )
            for( Iterator i = packages.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                String packageName = (String);

                    return loader.loadClass( packageName + "." + className );
                catch( ClassNotFoundException ex )
                    // This is okay, we go to the next package.

        throw new ClassNotFoundException("Class '"+className+"' not found in search path!");
     *  A shortcut for findClass when you only have a singular package to search.
     *  It will first attempt to instantiate the class directly from the className,
     *  and will then try to prefix it with the packageName.
     *  @param packageName A package name (such as "com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugins").
     *  @param className The class name to find.
     *  @return The class, if it was found.
     *  @throws ClassNotFoundException if this particular class cannot be found.

    public static Class findClass( String packageName, String className )
        throws ClassNotFoundException
        ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
        list.add( packageName );

        return findClass( list, className );
     *  This method is used to locate and instantiate a mapped class.
     *  You may redefine anything in the resource file which is located in your classpath
     *  under the name <code>ClassUtil.MAPPINGS ({@value #MAPPINGS})</code>.
     *  <p>
     *  This is an extremely powerful system, which allows you to remap many of
     *  the JSPWiki core classes to your own class.  Please read the documentation
     *  included in the default <code>{@value #MAPPINGS}</code> file to see
     *  how this method works.
     *  @param requestedClass The name of the class you wish to instantiate.
     *  @return An instantiated Object.
     *  @throws WikiException If the class cannot be found or instantiated.
     *  @since 2.5.40
    public static Object getMappedObject( String requestedClass )
        throws WikiException
        Object[] initargs = {};
        return getMappedObject(requestedClass, initargs );

     *  This method is used to locate and instantiate a mapped class.
     *  You may redefine anything in the resource file which is located in your classpath
     *  under the name <code>ClassUtil.MAPPINGS ({@value #MAPPINGS})</code>.
     *  <p>
     *  This is an extremely powerful system, which allows you to remap many of
     *  the JSPWiki core classes to your own class.  Please read the documentation
     *  included in the default <code>{@value #MAPPINGS}</code> file to see
     *  how this method works.
     *  @param requestedClass The name of the class you wish to instantiate.
     *  @param arg1 Argument for the constructor.
     *  @return An instantiated Object.
     *  @throws WikiException If the class cannot be found or instantiated.
     *  @since 2.5.40
    public static Object getMappedObject( String requestedClass, Object arg1 )
        throws WikiException
        Object[] initargs = { arg1 };
        return getMappedObject(requestedClass, initargs );

     *  This method is used to locate and instantiate a mapped class.
     *  You may redefine anything in the resource file which is located in your classpath
     *  under the name <code>ClassUtil.MAPPINGS ({@value #MAPPINGS})</code>.
     *  <p>
     *  This is an extremely powerful system, which allows you to remap many of
     *  the JSPWiki core classes to your own class.  Please read the documentation
     *  included in the default <code>{@value #MAPPINGS}</code> file to see
     *  how this method works.
     *  @param requestedClass The name of the class you wish to instantiate.
     *  @param arg1 Argument for the constructor
     *  @param arg2 A second argument for the constructor
     *  @return An instantiated Object.
     *  @throws WikiException If the class cannot be found or instantiated.
     *  @since 2.5.40
    public static Object getMappedObject( String requestedClass, Object arg1, Object arg2 )
        throws WikiException
        Object[] initargs = { arg1, arg2 };
        return getMappedObject(requestedClass, initargs );

     *  This method is used to locate and instantiate a mapped class.
     *  You may redefine anything in the resource file which is located in your classpath
     *  under the name <code>{@value #MAPPINGS}</code>.
     *  <p>
     *  This is an extremely powerful system, which allows you to remap many of
     *  the JSPWiki core classes to your own class.  Please read the documentation
     *  included in the default <code>{@value #MAPPINGS}</code> file to see
     *  how this method works.
     *  <p>
     *  This method takes in an object array for the constructor arguments for classes
     *  which have more than two constructors.
     *  @param requestedClass The name of the class you wish to instantiate.
     *  @param initargs The parameters to be passed to the constructor. May be <code>null</code>.
     *  @return An instantiated Object.
     *  @throws WikiException If the class cannot be found or instantiated.  The error is logged.
     *  @since 2.5.40
    public static Object getMappedObject( String requestedClass, Object[] initargs )
        throws WikiException
            Class<?> cl = getMappedClass( requestedClass );
            Constructor[] ctors = cl.getConstructors();
            //  Try to find the proper constructor by comparing the
            //  initargs array classes and the constructor types.
            for( int c = 0; c < ctors.length; c++ )
                Class<?>[] params = ctors[c].getParameterTypes();
                if( params.length == initargs.length )
                    for( int arg = 0; arg < initargs.length; arg++ )
                        if( params[arg].isAssignableFrom(initargs[arg].getClass()))
                            //  Ha, found it!  Instantiating and returning...
                            return ctors[c].newInstance(initargs);
            //  No arguments, so we can just call a default constructor and
            //  ignore the arguments.
            Object o = cl.newInstance();
            return o;
        catch( InstantiationException e )
   "Cannot instantiate requested class "+requestedClass, e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to instantiate class "+requestedClass, e );
        catch (IllegalAccessException e)
   "Cannot access requested class "+requestedClass, e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to instantiate class "+requestedClass, e );
        catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
   "Illegal arguments when constructing new object", e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to instantiate class "+requestedClass, e );
        catch (InvocationTargetException e)
   "You tried to instantiate an abstract class "+requestedClass, e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to instantiate class "+requestedClass, e );

     *  Finds a mapped class from the c_classMappings list.  If there is no
     *  mappped class, will use the requestedClass.
     *  @param requestedClass
     *  @return A Class object which you can then instantiate.
     *  @throws WikiException
    private static Class getMappedClass( String requestedClass )
        throws WikiException
        String mappedClass = c_classMappings.get( requestedClass );
        if( mappedClass == null )
            mappedClass = requestedClass;
            Class cl = Class.forName(mappedClass);
            return cl;
        catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
   "Cannot find requested class", e );
            throw new WikiException("Failed to instantiate class "+requestedClass, e );

Related Classes of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.util.ClassUtil

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