JSPWiki - a JSP-based WikiWiki clone.
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package com.ecyrd.jspwiki.render;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.TextUtil;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiContext;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiEngine;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiException;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.event.WikiEvent;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.event.WikiEventListener;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.event.WikiEventUtils;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.event.WikiPageEvent;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.modules.InternalModule;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.parser.JSPWikiMarkupParser;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.parser.MarkupParser;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.parser.WikiDocument;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.providers.CachingProvider;
import com.opensymphony.oscache.base.Cache;
import com.opensymphony.oscache.base.NeedsRefreshException;
* This class provides a facade towards the differing rendering routines. You should
* use the routines in this manager instead of the ones in WikiEngine, if you don't
* want the different side effects to occur - such as WikiFilters.
* <p>
* This class also manages a rendering cache, i.e. documents are stored between calls.
* You may control the size of the cache by using the "jspwiki.renderingManager.cacheSize"
* parameter in jspwiki.properties. The property value is the number of items that
* are stored in the cache. By default, the value of this parameter is taken from
* the "jspwiki.cachingProvider.cacheSize" parameter (i.e. the rendering cache is
* the same size as the page cache), but you may control them separately.
* <p>
* You can turn caching completely off by stating a cacheSize of zero.
* @since 2.4
public class RenderingManager implements WikiEventListener, InternalModule
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger( RenderingManager.class );
private int m_cacheExpiryPeriod = 24*60*60; // This can be relatively long
private WikiEngine m_engine;
* Parameter value for setting the cache size.
public static final String PROP_CACHESIZE = "jspwiki.renderingManager.capacity";
private static final int DEFAULT_CACHESIZE = 1000;
private static final String VERSION_DELIMITER = "::";
private static final String OSCACHE_ALGORITHM = "com.opensymphony.oscache.base.algorithm.LRUCache";
private static final String PROP_RENDERER = "jspwiki.renderingManager.renderer";
/** The name of the default renderer. */
public static final String DEFAULT_RENDERER = XHTMLRenderer.class.getName();
* Stores the WikiDocuments that have been cached.
private Cache m_documentCache;
private Constructor m_rendererConstructor;
* Name of the WikiContext variable which is set to Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE
* depending on whether WYSIWYG is currently in effect.
public static final String WYSIWYG_EDITOR_MODE = "WYSIWYG_EDITOR_MODE";
* Variable name which tells whether plugins should be executed or not. Value
* can be either Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE.
public static final String VAR_EXECUTE_PLUGINS = "_PluginContent.execute";
* Initializes the RenderingManager.
* Checks for cache size settings, initializes the document cache.
* Looks for alternative WikiRenderers, initializes one, or the default
* XHTMLRenderer, for use.
* @param engine A WikiEngine instance.
* @param properties A list of properties to get parameters from.
* @throws WikiException If the manager could not be initialized.
public void initialize( WikiEngine engine, Properties properties )
throws WikiException
m_engine = engine;
int cacheSize = TextUtil.getIntegerProperty( properties, PROP_CACHESIZE, -1 );
if( cacheSize == -1 )
cacheSize = TextUtil.getIntegerProperty( properties,
if( cacheSize > 0 )
m_documentCache = new Cache(true,false,false,false,
log.info( "RenderingManager caching is disabled." );
String renderImplName = properties.getProperty( PROP_RENDERER );
if( renderImplName == null )
renderImplName = DEFAULT_RENDERER;
Class[] rendererParams = { WikiContext.class, WikiDocument.class };
Class c = Class.forName( renderImplName );
m_rendererConstructor = c.getConstructor( rendererParams );
catch( ClassNotFoundException e )
log.error( "Unable to find WikiRenderer implementation " + renderImplName );
catch( SecurityException e )
log.error( "Unable to access the WikiRenderer(WikiContext,WikiDocument) constructor for " + renderImplName );
catch( NoSuchMethodException e )
log.error( "Unable to locate the WikiRenderer(WikiContext,WikiDocument) constructor for " + renderImplName );
if( m_rendererConstructor == null )
throw new WikiException( "Failed to get WikiRenderer '" + renderImplName + "'." );
log.info( "Rendering content with " + renderImplName + "." );
WikiEventUtils.addWikiEventListener(m_engine, WikiPageEvent.POST_SAVE_BEGIN, this);
* Returns the default Parser for this context.
* @param context the wiki context
* @param pagedata the page data
* @return A MarkupParser instance.
public MarkupParser getParser( WikiContext context, String pagedata )
MarkupParser parser = new JSPWikiMarkupParser( context, new StringReader(pagedata) );
return parser;
* Returns a cached document, if one is found.
* @param context the wiki context
* @param pagedata the page data
* @return the rendered wiki document
* @throws IOException If rendering cannot be accomplished
// FIXME: The cache management policy is not very good: deleted/changed pages
// should be detected better.
protected WikiDocument getRenderedDocument( WikiContext context, String pagedata )
throws IOException
String pageid = context.getRealPage().getName()+VERSION_DELIMITER+context.getRealPage().getVersion();
boolean wasUpdated = false;
if( m_documentCache != null )
WikiDocument doc = (WikiDocument) m_documentCache.getFromCache( pageid,
m_cacheExpiryPeriod );
wasUpdated = true;
// This check is needed in case the different filters have actually
// changed the page data.
// FIXME: Figure out a faster method
if( pagedata.equals(doc.getPageData()) )
if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) log.debug("Using cached HTML for page "+pageid );
return doc;
catch( NeedsRefreshException e )
if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) log.debug("Re-rendering and storing "+pageid );
// Refresh the data content
MarkupParser parser = getParser( context, pagedata );
WikiDocument doc = parser.parse();
doc.setPageData( pagedata );
if( m_documentCache != null )
m_documentCache.putInCache( pageid, doc );
wasUpdated = true;
return doc;
catch( IOException ex )
log.error("Unable to parse",ex);
if( m_documentCache != null && !wasUpdated ) m_documentCache.cancelUpdate( pageid );
return null;
* Simply renders a WikiDocument to a String. This version does not get the document
* from the cache - in fact, it does not cache the document at all. This is
* very useful, if you have something that you want to render outside the caching
* routines. Because the cache is based on full pages, and the cache keys are
* based on names, use this routine if you're rendering anything for yourself.
* @param context The WikiContext to render in
* @param doc A proper WikiDocument
* @return Rendered HTML.
* @throws IOException If the WikiDocument is poorly formed.
public String getHTML( WikiContext context, WikiDocument doc )
throws IOException
WikiRenderer rend = getRenderer( context, doc );
return rend.getString();
* Returns a WikiRenderer instance, initialized with the given
* context and doc. The object is an XHTMLRenderer, unless overridden
* in jspwiki.properties with PROP_RENDERER.
* @param context The WikiContext
* @param doc The document to render
* @return A WikiRenderer for this document, or null, if no such renderer could be instantiated.
public WikiRenderer getRenderer( WikiContext context, WikiDocument doc )
Object[] params = { context, doc };
WikiRenderer rval = null;
rval = (WikiRenderer)m_rendererConstructor.newInstance( params );
catch( Exception e )
log.error( "Unable to create WikiRenderer", e );
return rval;
* Convinience method for rendering, using the default parser and renderer. Note that
* you can't use this method to do any arbitrary rendering, as the pagedata MUST
* be the data from the that the WikiContext refers to - this method caches the HTML
* internally, and will return the cached version. If the pagedata is different
* from what was cached, will re-render and store the pagedata into the internal cache.
* @param context the wiki context
* @param pagedata the page data
* @return XHTML data.
public String getHTML( WikiContext context, String pagedata )
WikiDocument doc = getRenderedDocument( context, pagedata );
return getHTML( context, doc );
catch( IOException e )
log.error("Unable to parse",e);
return null;
* Flushes the document cache in response to a POST_SAVE_BEGIN event.
* @see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.event.WikiEventListener#actionPerformed(com.ecyrd.jspwiki.event.WikiEvent)
* @param event {@inheritDoc}
public void actionPerformed(WikiEvent event)
if( (event instanceof WikiPageEvent) && (event.getType() == WikiPageEvent.POST_SAVE_BEGIN) )
if( m_documentCache != null )
String pageName = ((WikiPageEvent) event).getPageName();
m_documentCache.flushPattern( pageName );
Collection referringPages = m_engine.getReferenceManager().findReferrers( pageName );
// Flush also those pages that refer to this page (if an nonexistant page
// appears; we need to flush the HTML that refers to the now-existant page
if( referringPages != null )
Iterator i = referringPages.iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
String page = (String) i.next();
if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) log.debug( "Flushing " + page );
m_documentCache.flushPattern( page );