int y = (int) target.getY();
int z = (int) target.getZ();
SpoutcraftChunk chunk = Spoutcraft.getChunkAt(entityhuman.worldObj, x, y, z);
short customId = chunk.getCustomBlockId(x, y, z);
if (customId > 0) {
CustomBlock b = MaterialData.getCustomBlock(customId);
if (b == null) {
// ToDo: Shouldn't be needed. Something outside of SpoutPlugin changed the Custom Blocks value outside of SpoutPlugin. This is a fall-back return to prevent client returning null and crashing.
return (!entityhuman.canHarvestBlock(this) ? entityhuman.getCurrentPlayerStrVsBlock(this, false) / 1.0F / 100.0F : entityhuman.getCurrentPlayerStrVsBlock(this, true) / 1.0F / 30.0F);
return b.getHardness() < 0.0F ? 0.0F : (!entityhuman.canHarvestBlock(this) ? entityhuman.getCurrentPlayerStrVsBlock(this, false) / b.getHardness() / 100.0F : entityhuman.getCurrentPlayerStrVsBlock(this, true) / b.getHardness() / 30.0F);
return this.blockHardness < 0.0F ? 0.0F : (!entityhuman.canHarvestBlock(this) ? entityhuman.getCurrentPlayerStrVsBlock(this, false) / this.blockHardness / 100.0F : entityhuman.getCurrentPlayerStrVsBlock(this, true) / this.blockHardness / 30.0F);