Package org.semanticweb.owlapi.model

Examples of org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAnnotation

    public void handle(String currentId, String value, String qualifierBlock,
            String comment) {
        if (currentId == null) {
        OWLAnnotation xrefAnnotation = getConsumer().parseXRef(value);
        IRI subject = getIRIFromOBOId(currentId);
        OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom ax = getDataFactory()
                        subject, xrefAnnotation.getValue());
        applyChange(new AddAxiom(getOntology(), ax));
        if (getConsumer().isTypedef()
                && xrefAnnotation.getValue() instanceof IRI) {
            IRI xrefIRI = (IRI) xrefAnnotation.getValue();
            String typedefId = getConsumer().getCurrentId();
            getConsumer().addSymbolicIdMapping(typedefId, xrefIRI);
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                    // Ontology annotations
                    OWLLiteral con = getDataFactory().getOWLLiteral(
                    OWLAnnotationProperty property = getDataFactory()
                    OWLAnnotation anno = getDataFactory().getOWLAnnotation(
                            property, con);
                    owlOntologyManager.applyChange(new AddOntologyAnnotation(
                            ontology, anno));
            } else if (currentId != null) {
                // Add as annotation
                if (configuration.isLoadAnnotationAxioms()) {
                    IRI subject = getIRI(currentId);
                    OWLLiteral con = getDataFactory().getOWLLiteral(
                    IRI annotationPropertyIRI = getIRIFromTagName(tag);
                    OWLAnnotationProperty property = getDataFactory()
                    OWLAnnotation anno = getDataFactory().getOWLAnnotation(
                            property, con);
                    OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom ax = getDataFactory()
                            .getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(subject, anno);
                    owlOntologyManager.addAxiom(ontology, ax);
                    OWLDeclarationAxiom annotationPropertyDeclaration = getDataFactory()
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        OWLOntologyManager m = create();
        OWLOntology o = loadPizzaOntology(m);
        // We want to add a comment to the pizza class.
        OWLClass quokkaCls = df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(KOALA_IRI + "#Quokka"));
        // the content of our comment: a string and a language tag
        OWLAnnotation commentAnno = df.getOWLAnnotation(df.getRDFSComment(),
                df.getOWLLiteral("A class which represents Quokkas", "en"));
        // Specify that the pizza class has an annotation
        OWLAxiom ax = df.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(quokkaCls.getIRI(),
        // Add the axiom to the ontology
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        OWLLiteral lit = df.getOWLLiteral("Added a comment to the pizza class");
        // create an annotation to pair a URI with the constant
        OWLAnnotationProperty owlAnnotationProperty = df
        OWLAnnotation anno = df.getOWLAnnotation(owlAnnotationProperty, lit);
        // Now we can add this as an ontology annotation
        // Apply the change in the usual way
        m.applyChange(new AddOntologyAnnotation(o, anno));
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                + "#Pizza"));
        // Now we create the content of our comment. In this case we simply want
        // a plain string literal. We'll attach a language to the comment to
        // specify that our comment is written in English (en).
        OWLAnnotation commentAnno = df.getOWLAnnotation(df.getRDFSComment(),
                df.getOWLLiteral("A class which represents pizzas", "en"));
        // Specify that the pizza class has an annotation - to do this we attach
        // an entity annotation using an entity annotation axiom (remember,
        // classes are entities)
        OWLAxiom ax = df.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(pizzaCls.getIRI(),
        // Add the axiom to the ontology
        man.applyChange(new AddAxiom(ont, ax));
        // Now lets add a version info annotation to the ontology. There is no
        // 'standard' OWL 1.1 annotation object for this, like there is for
        // comments and labels, so the creation of the annotation is a bit more
        // involved. First we'll create a constant for the annotation value.
        // Version info should probably contain a version number for the
        // ontology, but in this case, we'll add some text to describe why the
        // version has been updated
        OWLLiteral lit = df.getOWLLiteral("Added a comment to the pizza class");
        // The above constant is just a plain literal containing the version
        // info text/comment we need to create an annotation, which pairs a URI
        // with the constant
        OWLAnnotation anno = df.getOWLAnnotation(df
                        .getIRI()), lit);
        // Now we can add this as an ontology annotation Apply the change in the
        // usual way
        man.applyChange(new AddOntologyAnnotation(ont, anno));
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    public void shouldNotFailELBecauseOfBoolean()
            throws OWLOntologyCreationException {
        OWLOntology o = m.createOntology();
        OWLAnnotation ann = df.getOWLAnnotation(df.getRDFSLabel(),
        OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom ax = df.getOWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom(
                IRI.create("urn:test:ELProfile"), ann);
        m.addAxiom(o, ax);
        m.addAxiom(o, Declaration(OWL2Datatype.XSD_BOOLEAN.getDatatype(df)));
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    protected Set<? extends OWLAxiom> createAxioms() {
        OWLAnnotationProperty prop = AnnotationProperty(iri("prop"));
        OWLLiteral lit = Literal("Test", "");
        OWLAnnotation anno1 = df.getOWLAnnotation(prop, lit);
        OWLAnnotationProperty prop2 = AnnotationProperty(iri("prop2"));
        OWLAnnotation anno2 = df.getOWLAnnotation(prop2, lit);
        Set<OWLAnnotation> annos = new HashSet<>();
        // Add two annotations per axiom
        OWLAxiom ax = getMainAxiom(annos);
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    public void testOntologyContainsAnnotatedAxiom() {
        OWLLiteral annoLiteral = Literal("value");
        OWLAnnotationProperty annoProp = AnnotationProperty(iri("annoProp"));
        OWLAnnotation anno = Annotation(annoProp, annoLiteral);
        OWLAxiom axiom = SubClassOf(Class(iri("A")), Class(iri("B")),
        OWLOntology ont = getOWLOntology("testont");
        ont.getOWLOntologyManager().addAxiom(ont, axiom);
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                new AddImport(ont2, ont2import));
        OWLAnnotationProperty annoProp = AnnotationProperty(iri("annoProp"));
        OWLAxiom axannoPropdecl = Declaration(annoProp);
        ont1.getOWLOntologyManager().addAxiom(ont1, axannoPropdecl);
        OWLAnnotation inont1anno = Annotation(annoProp, ont1iri);
        OWLAnnotation inont2anno = Annotation(annoProp, ont2iri);
        OWLClass a = Class(iri("A"));
        OWLAxiom axAdecl = Declaration(a, singleton(inont1anno));
        ont1.getOWLOntologyManager().addAxiom(ont1, axAdecl);
        OWLClass b = Class(iri("B"));
        OWLAxiom axBdecl = Declaration(b, singleton(inont2anno));
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                new AddImport(ont2, ont2import));
        OWLAnnotationProperty annoProp = AnnotationProperty(iri("annoProp"));
        OWLAxiom axAnnoPropDecl = Declaration(annoProp);
        ont1.getOWLOntologyManager().addAxiom(ont1, axAnnoPropDecl);
        OWLAnnotation inOnt1Anno = Annotation(annoProp, ont1iri);
        OWLAnnotation inOnt2Anno = Annotation(annoProp, ont2iri);
        OWLClass a = Class(iri("A"));
        OWLAxiom axADecl = Declaration(a, singleton(inOnt1Anno));
        ont1.getOWLOntologyManager().addAxiom(ont1, axADecl);
        OWLClass b = Class(iri("B"));
        OWLAxiom axBDecl = Declaration(b, singleton(inOnt2Anno));
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Related Classes of org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLAnnotation

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