Author: Matthew Horridge
The University Of Manchester
Information Management Group
Date: 01-Sep-2008
OBO Namespaces are NOT like XML Namespaces. They are NOT used to form abbreviations for IRIs. The description below, taken from the OBOEdit manual, explains their provenance.
OBO Namespaces and Ontology Name (OBO Syntax and Semantics Document: Section 4.3)
Note that OBO namespaces are not the same as OWL namespaces - the analog of OWL namespaces are OBO ID spaces. OBO namespaces are semantics-free properties of a frame that allow partitioning of an ontology into sub-ontologies. For example, the GO is partitioned into 3 ontologies (3 OBO namespaces, 1 OWL namespace).
Every frame must have exactly one namespace. However, these do not need to be explicitly assigned. After parsing an OBO Document, any frame without a namespace is assigned the default-namespace, from the OBO Document header. If this is not specified, the Parser assigns a namespace arbitrarily. It is recommended this is equivalent to the URL or file path from which the document was retrieved.
Every OBODoc should have an "ontology" tag specified in the header. If this is not specified, then the parser should supply a default value. This value should be derived from the URL of the source of the ontology (typically using http or file schemes).
OBO Namespaces (From the OBOEdit Manual)
OBO files are designed to be easily merged and separated. Most tools that use OBO files can load many OBO files at once. If several ontologies have been loaded together and saved into a single file, it would be impossible to know which terms came from which file unless the origin of each term is indicated somehow. Namespaces are used to solve this problem by indicating a "logical ontology" to which every term, relation, instance OR relationship belongs, i.e., each entity is tagged with a Namespace that indicates which ontology it is part of.
Namespaces are user-definable. Every ontology object belongs to a single namespace. When terms from many ontologies have been loaded together, namespaces are used to break the merged ontology back into separate files.