
Examples of

    public static List<List<Way>> getWaysInCell(Way w, Map<Point2D,List<Way>> cellWays) {
        if (w.getNodesCount() == 0)
            return Collections.emptyList();

        Node n1 = w.getNode(0);
        Node n2 = w.getNode(w.getNodesCount() - 1);

        List<List<Way>> cells = new ArrayList<>(2);
        Set<Point2D> cellNodes = new HashSet<>();
        Point2D cell;

        // First, round coordinates
        long x0 = Math.round(n1.getEastNorth().east()  * OsmValidator.griddetail);
        long y0 = Math.round(n1.getEastNorth().north() * OsmValidator.griddetail);
        long x1 = Math.round(n2.getEastNorth().east()  * OsmValidator.griddetail);
        long y1 = Math.round(n2.getEastNorth().north() * OsmValidator.griddetail);

        // Start of the way
        cell = new Point2D.Double(x0, y0);
        List<Way> ways = cellWays.get(cell);
        if (ways == null) {
            ways = new ArrayList<>();
            cellWays.put(cell, ways);

        // End of the way
        cell = new Point2D.Double(x1, y1);
        if (!cellNodes.contains(cell)) {
            ways = cellWays.get( cell );
            if (ways == null) {
                ways = new ArrayList<>();
                cellWays.put(cell, ways);

        // Then floor coordinates, in case the way is in the border of the cell.
        x0 = (long) Math.floor(n1.getEastNorth().east()  * OsmValidator.griddetail);
        y0 = (long) Math.floor(n1.getEastNorth().north() * OsmValidator.griddetail);
        x1 = (long) Math.floor(n2.getEastNorth().east()  * OsmValidator.griddetail);
        y1 = (long) Math.floor(n2.getEastNorth().north() * OsmValidator.griddetail);

        // Start of the way
        cell = new Point2D.Double(x0, y0);
        if (!cellNodes.contains(cell)) {
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    private void joinNodesIfCollapsed(List<Node> changedNodes) {
        if (!dualAlignActive || newN1en == null || newN2en == null) return;
        if (newN1en.distance(newN2en) > 1e-6) return;
        // If the dual alignment moved two nodes to the same point, merge them
        Node targetNode = MergeNodesAction.selectTargetNode(changedNodes);
        Node locNode = MergeNodesAction.selectTargetLocationNode(changedNodes);
        Command mergeCmd = MergeNodesAction.mergeNodes(Main.main.getEditLayer(), changedNodes, targetNode, locNode);
        if (mergeCmd!=null) {
        } else {
            // undo extruding command itself
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                initialN2en.getX() - initialN1en.getX()
                ), initialN1en, initialN2en, true));

        //add directions parallel to neighbor segments
        Node prevNode = getPreviousNode(selectedSegment.lowerIndex);
        if (prevNode != null) {
            EastNorth en = prevNode.getEastNorth();
            possibleMoveDirections.add(new ReferenceSegment(new EastNorth(
                    initialN1en.getX() - en.getX(),
                    initialN1en.getY() - en.getY()
                    ), initialN1en, en, false));

        Node nextNode = getNextNode(selectedSegment.lowerIndex + 1);
        if (nextNode != null) {
            EastNorth en = nextNode.getEastNorth();
            possibleMoveDirections.add(new ReferenceSegment(new EastNorth(
                    initialN2en.getX() - en.getX(),
                    initialN2en.getY() - en.getY()
                    ), initialN2en,  en, false));
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     1. selected segment has both neighboring segments,
     *  2. selected segment is not parallel with neighboring segments.
     * @return {@code true} if dual alignment conditions are satisfied
    private boolean checkDualAlignConditions() {
        Node prevNode = getPreviousNode(selectedSegment.lowerIndex);
        Node nextNode = getNextNode(selectedSegment.lowerIndex + 1);
        if (prevNode == null || nextNode == null) {
            return false;

        EastNorth n1en = selectedSegment.getFirstNode().getEastNorth();
        EastNorth n2en = selectedSegment.getSecondNode().getEastNorth();
        if (n1en.distance(prevNode.getEastNorth())<1e-4 ||
            n2en.distance(nextNode.getEastNorth())<1e-4 ) {
            return false;

        boolean prevSegmentParallel = Geometry.segmentsParallel(n1en, prevNode.getEastNorth(), n1en, n2en);
        boolean nextSegmentParallel = Geometry.segmentsParallel(n2en, nextNode.getEastNorth(), n1en, n2en);
        if (prevSegmentParallel || nextSegmentParallel) {
            return false;

        return true;
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                initialN1en.getY() - initialN2en.getY(),
                initialN2en.getX() - initialN1en.getX()
                ), initialN1en, initialN2en, true));

        // set neighboring segments
        Node prevNode = getPreviousNode(selectedSegment.lowerIndex);
        EastNorth prevNodeEn = prevNode.getEastNorth();
        dualAlignSegment1 = new ReferenceSegment(new EastNorth(
            initialN1en.getX() - prevNodeEn.getX(),
            initialN1en.getY() - prevNodeEn.getY()
            ), initialN1en, prevNodeEn, false);

        Node nextNode = getNextNode(selectedSegment.lowerIndex + 1);
        EastNorth nextNodeEn = nextNode.getEastNorth();
        dualAlignSegment2 = new ReferenceSegment(new EastNorth(
            initialN2en.getX() - nextNodeEn.getX(),
            initialN2en.getY() - nextNodeEn.getY()
            ), initialN2en,  nextNodeEn, false);
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                // Important: If there are other ways containing the same
                // segment, a node must added to all of that ways.
                Collection<Command> virtualCmds = new LinkedList<>();

                // Creating a new node
                Node virtualNode = new Node(mv.getEastNorth(mousePos.x,
                virtualCmds.add(new AddCommand(virtualNode));

                // Looking for candidateSegment copies in ways that are
                // referenced
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        double realD = mv.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(enp).greatCircleDistance(mv.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(nearestPointOnRefLine));
        double snappedRealD = realD;

        // TODO: abuse of isToTheRightSideOfLine function.
        boolean toTheRight = Geometry.isToTheRightSideOfLine(referenceSegment.getFirstNode(),
                referenceSegment.getFirstNode(), referenceSegment.getSecondNode(), new Node(enp));

        if (snap) {
            // TODO: Very simple snapping
            // - Snap steps relative to the distance?
            double snapDistance;
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        Collection<OsmPrimitive> newSelection = new LinkedList<>(ds.getSelected());

        List<Way> reuseWays = new ArrayList<>(),
                replacedWays = new ArrayList<>();
        boolean newNode = false;
        Node n = null;

        n =, OsmPrimitive.isSelectablePredicate);
        if (ctrl) {
            Iterator<Way> it = getCurrentDataSet().getSelectedWays().iterator();
            if (it.hasNext()) {
                // ctrl-click on node of selected way = reuse node despite of ctrl
                if (! n = null;
            } else {
                n=null; // ctrl-click + no selected way = new node

        if (n != null && !snapHelper.isActive()) {
            // user clicked on node
            if (selection.isEmpty() || wayIsFinished) {
                // select the clicked node and do nothing else
                // (this is just a convenience option so that people don't
                // have to switch modes)

                // If we extend/continue an existing way, select it already now to make it obvious
                Way continueFrom = getWayForNode(n);
                if (continueFrom != null) {

                // The user explicitly selected a node, so let him continue drawing
                wayIsFinished = false;
        } else {
            EastNorth newEN;
            if (n!=null) {
                EastNorth foundPoint = n.getEastNorth();
                // project found node to snapping line
                newEN = snapHelper.getSnapPoint(foundPoint);
                // do not add new node if there is some node within snapping distance
                double tolerance = * toleranceMultiplier;
                if (foundPoint.distance(newEN) > tolerance) {
                    n = new Node(newEN); // point != projected, so we create new node
                    newNode = true;
            } else { // n==null, no node found in clicked area
                EastNorth mouseEN =, e.getY());
                newEN = snapHelper.isSnapOn() ? snapHelper.getSnapPoint(mouseEN) : mouseEN;
                n = new Node(newEN); //create node at clicked point
                newNode = true;

        if (newNode) {
            if (n.getCoor().isOutSideWorld()) {
                        tr("Cannot add a node outside of the world."),
            cmds.add(new AddCommand(n));

            if (!ctrl) {
                // Insert the node into all the nearby way segments
                List<WaySegment> wss =
              , OsmPrimitive.isSelectablePredicate);
                if (snapHelper.isActive()) {
                insertNodeIntoAllNearbySegments(wss, n, newSelection, cmds, replacedWays, reuseWays);
        // now "n" is newly created or reused node that shoud be added to some way

        // This part decides whether or not a "segment" (i.e. a connection) is made to an
        // existing node.

        // For a connection to be made, the user must either have a node selected (connection
        // is made to that node), or he must have a way selected *and* one of the endpoints
        // of that way must be the last used node (connection is made to last used node), or
        // he must have a way and a node selected (connection is made to the selected node).

        // If the above does not apply, the selection is cleared and a new try is started

        boolean extendedWay = false;
        boolean wayIsFinishedTemp = wayIsFinished;
        wayIsFinished = false;

        // don't draw lines if shift is held
        if (!selection.isEmpty() && !shift) {
            Node selectedNode = null;
            Way selectedWay = null;

            for (OsmPrimitive p : selection) {
                if (p instanceof Node) {
                    if (selectedNode != null) {
                        // Too many nodes selected to do something useful
                    selectedNode = (Node) p;
                } else if (p instanceof Way) {
                    if (selectedWay != null) {
                        // Too many ways selected to do something useful
                    selectedWay = (Way) p;

            // the node from which we make a connection
            Node n0 = findNodeToContinueFrom(selectedNode, selectedWay);
            // We have a selection but it isn't suitable. Try again.
            if(n0 == null) {
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        Collection<OsmPrimitive> selection = getCurrentDataSet().getSelected();

        Node currentMouseNode = null;
        mouseOnExistingNode = null;
        mouseOnExistingWays = new HashSet<>();

        showStatusInfo(-1, -1, -1, snapHelper.isSnapOn());

        if (!ctrl && mousePos != null) {
            currentMouseNode = mv.getNearestNode(mousePos, OsmPrimitive.isSelectablePredicate);

        // We need this for highlighting and we'll only do so if we actually want to re-use
        // *and* there is no node nearby (because nodes beat ways when re-using)
        if(!ctrl && currentMouseNode == null) {
            List<WaySegment> wss = mv.getNearestWaySegments(mousePos, OsmPrimitive.isSelectablePredicate);
            for(WaySegment ws : wss) {

        if (currentMouseNode != null) {
            // user clicked on node
            if (selection.isEmpty()) return;
            currentMouseEastNorth = currentMouseNode.getEastNorth();
            mouseOnExistingNode = currentMouseNode;
        } else {
            // no node found in clicked area
            currentMouseEastNorth = mv.getEastNorth(mousePos.x, mousePos.y);
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     * Helper function that sets fields currentBaseNode and previousNode
     * @param selection
     * uses also lastUsedNode field
    private void determineCurrentBaseNodeAndPreviousNode(Collection<OsmPrimitive>  selection) {
        Node selectedNode = null;
        Way selectedWay = null;
        for (OsmPrimitive p : selection) {
            if (p instanceof Node) {
                if (selectedNode != null)
                selectedNode = (Node) p;
            } else if (p instanceof Way) {
                if (selectedWay != null)
                selectedWay = (Way) p;
        // we are here, if not more than 1 way or node is selected,

        // the node from which we make a connection
        currentBaseNode = null;
        previousNode = null;

        // Try to find an open way to measure angle from it. The way is not to be continued!
        // warning: may result in changes of currentBaseNode and previousNode
        // please remove if bugs arise
        if (selectedWay == null && selectedNode != null) {
            for (OsmPrimitive p: selectedNode.getReferrers()) {
                if (p.isUsable() && p instanceof Way && ((Way) p).isFirstLastNode(selectedNode)) {
                    if (selectedWay!=null) { // two uncontinued ways, nothing to take as reference
                    } else {
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