
Examples of


    public void endTest() {
        for (PowerLineError e : potentialErrors) {
            Node n = e.getNode();
            if (n != null && !isInPowerStation(n)) {
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                    int seg2Start = seg1Way != seg2Way ? 0: seg1Pos + 2;//skip the adjacent segment

                    for (int seg2Pos = seg2Start; seg2Pos + 1< way2Nodes.size(); seg2Pos ++) {

                        //need to get them again every time, because other segments may be changed
                        Node seg1Node1 = way1Nodes.get(seg1Pos);
                        Node seg1Node2 = way1Nodes.get(seg1Pos + 1);
                        Node seg2Node1 = way2Nodes.get(seg2Pos);
                        Node seg2Node2 = way2Nodes.get(seg2Pos + 1);

                        int commonCount = 0;
                        //test if we have common nodes to add.
                        if (seg1Node1 == seg2Node1 || seg1Node1 == seg2Node2) {
                            commonCount ++;

                            if (seg1Way == seg2Way &&
                                    seg1Pos == 0 &&
                                    seg2Pos == way2Nodes.size() -2) {
                                //do not add - this is first and last segment of the same way.
                            } else {

                        if (seg1Node2 == seg2Node1 || seg1Node2 == seg2Node2) {
                            commonCount ++;


                        //no common nodes - find intersection
                        if (commonCount == 0) {
                            EastNorth intersection = getSegmentSegmentIntersection(
                                    seg1Node1.getEastNorth(), seg1Node2.getEastNorth(),
                                    seg2Node1.getEastNorth(), seg2Node2.getEastNorth());

                            if (intersection != null) {
                                if (test) {
                                    return intersectionNodes;

                                Node newNode = new Node(Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(intersection));
                                Node intNode = newNode;
                                boolean insertInSeg1 = false;
                                boolean insertInSeg2 = false;
                                //find if the intersection point is at end point of one of the segments, if so use that point

                                //segment 1
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    public static boolean nodeInsidePolygon(Node point, List<Node> polygonNodes) {
        if (polygonNodes.size() < 2)
            return false;

        boolean inside = false;
        Node p1, p2;

        //iterate each side of the polygon, start with the last segment
        Node oldPoint = polygonNodes.get(polygonNodes.size() - 1);

        for (Node newPoint : polygonNodes) {
            //skip duplicate points
            if (newPoint.equals(oldPoint)) {

            //order points so <=
            if (newPoint.getEastNorth().getY() > oldPoint.getEastNorth().getY()) {
                p1 = oldPoint;
                p2 = newPoint;
            } else {
                p1 = newPoint;
                p2 = oldPoint;

            //test if the line is crossed and if so invert the inside flag.
            if ((newPoint.getEastNorth().getY() < point.getEastNorth().getY()) == (point.getEastNorth().getY() <= oldPoint.getEastNorth().getY())
                    && (point.getEastNorth().getX() - p1.getEastNorth().getX()) * (p2.getEastNorth().getY() - p1.getEastNorth().getY())
                    < (p2.getEastNorth().getX() - p1.getEastNorth().getX()) * (point.getEastNorth().getY() - p1.getEastNorth().getY()))
                inside = !inside;
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    public static double closedWayArea(Way way) {

        double area = 0;
        Node lastN = null;
        for (Node n : way.getNodes()) {
            if (lastN != null) {

                area += (calcX(n) * calcY(lastN)) - (calcY(n) * calcX(lastN));
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            int s_size = s.size();
            for (int dummy = 0; dummy < s_size; ++dummy) {
                if (s.isEmpty()) {
                final Node dummy_n = s.iterator().next();     // pick arbitrary element of s

                final HashSet<Node> cs = new HashSet<>(); // will contain each node that can be reached from dummy_n
                cs.add(dummy_n);                              // walking only on horizontal / vertical segments

                boolean somethingHappened = true;
                while (somethingHappened) {
                    somethingHappened = false;
                    for (WayData w : wayDataList) {
                        for (int i=0; i < w.nSeg; ++i) {
                            Node n1 = w.way.getNodes().get(i);
                            Node n2 = w.way.getNodes().get(i+1);
                            if (Arrays.asList(orientation).contains(w.segDirections[i])) {
                                if (cs.contains(n1) && ! cs.contains(n2)) {
                                    somethingHappened = true;
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            final Collection<Command> commands = new LinkedList<>();
            final Collection<OsmPrimitive> sel = getCurrentDataSet().getSelected();
            try {
                for (OsmPrimitive p : sel) {
                    if (! (p instanceof Node)) throw new InvalidUserInputException();
                    Node n = (Node) p;
                    if (rememberMovements.containsKey(n)) {
                        EastNorth tmp = rememberMovements.get(n);
                        commands.add(new MoveCommand(n, - tmp.east(), - tmp.north()));
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        if (decision.equals(MergeDecisionType.KEEP_MINE)) {
            // do nothing
        } else if (decision.equals(MergeDecisionType.KEEP_THEIR)) {
            Node my = (Node)conflict.getMy();
            Node their = (Node)conflict.getTheir();
        } else
            // should not happen
            throw new IllegalStateException(tr("Cannot resolve undecided conflict."));

        // remember the layer this command was applied to
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        final String ids = "(\\d+(?:,\\d+)*)";
        final Collection<OsmPrimitive> refs = new TreeSet<>(); // error message can contain several times the same way
        Matcher m;
        m = Pattern.compile(".*Node (\\d+) is still used by relations " + ids + ".*").matcher(msg);
        if (m.matches()) {
            OsmPrimitive n = new Node(Long.parseLong(;
            for (String s :",")) {
                refs.add(new Relation(Long.parseLong(s)));
            return Pair.create(n, refs);
        m = Pattern.compile(".*Node (\\d+) is still used by ways " + ids + ".*").matcher(msg);
        if (m.matches()) {
            OsmPrimitive n = new Node(Long.parseLong(;
            for (String s :",")) {
                refs.add(new Way(Long.parseLong(s)));
            return Pair.create(n, refs);
        m = Pattern.compile(".*The relation (\\d+) is used in relations? " + ids + ".*").matcher(msg);
        if (m.matches()) {
            OsmPrimitive n = new Relation(Long.parseLong(;
            for (String s :",")) {
                refs.add(new Relation(Long.parseLong(s)));
            return Pair.create(n, refs);
        m = Pattern.compile(".*Way (\\d+) is still used by relations " + ids + ".*").matcher(msg);
        if (m.matches()) {
            OsmPrimitive n = new Way(Long.parseLong(;
            for (String s :",")) {
                refs.add(new Relation(Long.parseLong(s)));
            return Pair.create(n, refs);
        m = Pattern.compile(".*Way (\\d+) requires the nodes with id in " + ids + ".*").matcher(msg); // ... ", which either do not exist, or are not visible"
        if (m.matches()) {
            OsmPrimitive n = new Way(Long.parseLong(;
            for (String s :",")) {
                refs.add(new Node(Long.parseLong(s)));
            return Pair.create(n, refs);
        return null;
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    @Override public void visit(Way w) {
        HashSet<Node> nodes = new HashSet<>();

        for (int i = 1; i < w.getNodesCount() - 1; i++) {
            Node n = w.getNode(i);
            if (nodes.contains(n)) {
                errors.add(new TestError(this,
                        Severity.WARNING, tr("Self-intersecting ways"), SELF_INTERSECT,
                        Arrays.asList(w), Arrays.asList(n)));
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        // Find from the selected nodes two that are the furthest apart.
        // Let's call them A and B.
        double distance = 0;

        Node nodea = null;
        Node nodeb = null;

        for (Node n : nodes) {
            for (Node m : itnodes) {
                double dist = Math.sqrt(n.getEastNorth().distance(m.getEastNorth()));
                if (dist > distance) {
                    nodea = n;
                    nodeb = m;
                    distance = dist;

        // Remove the nodes A and B from the list of nodes to move

        // Find out co-ords of A and B
        double ax = nodea.getEastNorth().east();
        double ay = nodea.getEastNorth().north();
        double bx = nodeb.getEastNorth().east();
        double by = nodeb.getEastNorth().north();

        // A list of commands to do
        Collection<Command> cmds = new LinkedList<>();

        // Amount of nodes between A and B plus 1
        int num = nodes.size()+1;

        // Current number of node
        int pos = 0;
        while (!nodes.isEmpty()) {
            Node s = null;

            // Find the node that is furthest from B (i.e. closest to A)
            distance = 0.0;
            for (Node n : nodes) {
                double dist = Math.sqrt(nodeb.getEastNorth().distance(n.getEastNorth()));
                if (dist > distance) {
                    s = n;
                    distance = dist;

            // First move the node to A's position, then move it towards B
            double dx = ax - s.getEastNorth().east() + (bx-ax)*pos/num;
            double dy = ay - s.getEastNorth().north() + (by-ay)*pos/num;

            cmds.add(new MoveCommand(s, dx, dy));

            //remove moved node from the list
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